※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2011-12-20 08:25:14
看板 movie
作者 標題 [新聞] 黑暗騎士:黎明昇起 官方預告
時間 Tue Dec 20 01:50:25 2011
YouTube版 http://youtu.be/w6Zjc5gkle0 1080P 已經官方釋出了還砍我 囧
Twitvid版 http://twitvid.com/Q0AAT <-先看這裡
The Dark Knight Rises - Movie Trailers - iTunes Warner Bros. Pictures' and Legendary Pictures' "The Dark Knight Rises" is the epic conclusion to filmmaker Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy, Leading an all-star international cast, Oscar(R) winner Christian Bale ("The Fighter") again plays the dual role of Bruce Wayne/Batman. The film also stars Anne Hathaway, as Selina Kyle; Tom Hardy, as Bane; Oscar(R) winner Marion Cotillard ("La Vie en Rose"), as Miranda Tate; and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, as John Blake. Returning to the main cast, Oscar(R) winner Michael Caine ("The Cider House Rules") plays Alfred; Gary Oldman is Commissioner Gordon; and Oscar(R) winner Morgan Freeman ("Million Dollar Baby") reprises the role of Lucius Fox. The screenplay is written by Christopher Nolan and Jonathan Nolan, story by Christopher Nolan & David S. Goyer. The film is produced by Emma Thomas, Christopher Nolan and Charles Roven, who previously teamed on "Batman Begins" and the record-breaking blockbuster "The Dark Knight." The executive producers are Benjamin Melniker, Michael E. Uslan, Kevin De La Noy and Thomas Tull, with Jordan Goldberg serving as co-producer. The film is based upon characters appearing in comic books published by DC Comics. Batman was created by Bob Kane.
Batman Corps 各種關於蝙蝠俠的消息
The Dark Knight Rises In cinemas July 20 2012
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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推 :原PO可以安心的去睡覺了~1F 12/20 01:51
推 :推推!!2F 12/20 01:52
※ alljerry04:轉錄至看板 SuperHeroes 12/20 01:53推 :原PO真拼啊,華納應該寫個感謝函給你3F 12/20 01:59
→ :all你最近也太累 我看了都不忍心XDD4F 12/20 02:00
→ :送我一隻Lumia 800 TDKR款就好(擦淚5F 12/20 02:01
推 :推~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!6F 12/20 02:04
推 :我怎麼看不了 @@" 裝了 QuickTime Player 還是卡住 QQ7F 12/20 02:04
→ :對阿 有沒有Youtube版ㄉ~~~~8F 12/20 02:05
→ :正在上傳 wait9F 12/20 02:07
推 :還在上傳吧XDDDD10F 12/20 02:08
推 :更怪的是我連去年就有的 teaser trailer 也看不了 QQ11F 12/20 02:09
→ :啊不是去年,是今年暑假 XD
→ :啊不是去年,是今年暑假 XD
The IMAX Version Dark Knight Rises Trailer - YouTube The Epic Conclusion ! (captured on cam) Please NOTE: I do not own any rights or intend to violate the copyrights This video is merely a appreciation for the ...
→ :有官版就不需要看偷拍版啦XD14F 12/20 02:10
→ :偷拍的我看好幾次了 XDD 感謝~~ 超想看正式HD的!!15F 12/20 02:11
→ :達陣那幕好屌16F 12/20 02:11
推 :華納真的該給你特映會的票XD17F 12/20 02:11
→ :真的超屌,序幕跟預告片都讓我看得津津有味 XD18F 12/20 02:12
推 :可是還是黑暗騎士的預告比較high耶XD19F 12/20 02:13
→ :YouTube版 被砍了... 超快...20F 12/20 02:13
推 :一上傳就被砍..oAo21F 12/20 02:14
The Dark Knight Trailer - Inception Style - YouTube Be sure to watch in HD. Thanks to the awesome viewers: #9 - Most Discussed (May 17) - Film & Animation #38 - Top Favorited (May 17) - Film & Animation #46 - ...
推 :水管秒殺 ..............24F 12/20 02:15
→ :從06年我就開始貼TDK相關消息,算一算也好久了orz25F 12/20 02:21
→ :原PO讚!! TDK 我看了 12 次了,還想再看!!26F 12/20 02:21
推 :還好當初只有買黑暗騎士dvd 藍光就要買三部曲啊!!!!27F 12/20 02:26
推 :大推原PO28F 12/20 02:27
→ :@kao8855 DVD, BD要各買一片,合輯在買一套XD29F 12/20 02:27
→ :Twitvid版看得到嗎
→ :Twitvid版看得到嗎
推 :Twitvid 看的到!! 但好像是因為剛上傳好,所以不是HD31F 12/20 02:29
→ :謝謝 原PO 跟 Minazuki~~33F 12/20 02:30
→ :官網下載之1080p MOV檔壓成ZIP放在Megaupload,請自取34F 12/20 02:31
→ :咦...怎麼好像也瞬殺了...剛還可以耶QwQ
→ :咦...怎麼好像也瞬殺了...剛還可以耶QwQ
→ :這是怎樣XDDDDDDD36F 12/20 02:32
推 :連結無法使用@@37F 12/20 02:33
→ :我也上傳一份好了38F 12/20 02:33
推 :還好我有跟到!! 正在從 megaupload 下載 XDD39F 12/20 02:33
→ :好像是Megaupload現在不好擠吧...剛又可以了...QwQ40F 12/20 02:33
→ :可以了 感謝M大41F 12/20 02:33
推 :感謝a大和M大42F 12/20 02:34
推 :辛苦了 XD43F 12/20 02:35
→ :再不睡就是我的肝in ashes了44F 12/20 02:36
→ :各位掰,YouTube我早上再看看解封沒
→ :各位掰,YouTube我早上再看看解封沒
推 :我再不睡的話...則是準備被扣薪水了XDDDD46F 12/20 02:37
→ :(菸
→ :(菸
推 :mu 建議用jd比較好用48F 12/20 02:37
推 :感謝兩位大大,晚安~49F 12/20 02:37
→ :老實說,有用JD的話直接讓JD讀那個網址,抓的到檔案連結50F 12/20 02:38
→ :官網的網址
→ :官網的網址
推 :終於~~~!!太期待了!!!52F 12/20 02:42
推 :我這樣看 我還是覺得在那類似監獄的地方53F 12/20 02:44
→ :白髮老人是Alfred 因為聲音也蠻像的
→ :白髮老人是Alfred 因為聲音也蠻像的
→ :我看官版以後是覺得應該是Alfred,可是又覺得怪怪的XD55F 12/20 02:45
推 :好期待!!56F 12/20 02:53
推 :場面搞得很大的感覺 XD 看起來會有很混亂很失控的場景出現57F 12/20 02:55
→ :期待諾蘭的場面調度功力了!!
→ :期待諾蘭的場面調度功力了!!
→ :反正不是麥克貝(爆炸 爆炸 炸就對了)我都很放心59F 12/20 02:56
※ 編輯: alljerry04 來自: (12/20 02:57)→ :啊啊啊 好期待啊60F 12/20 02:57
推 :那個坑看起來頗像是之前疑似神奇水池的地方 好想看啊!!61F 12/20 03:03
→ :好不容易當兵才倒數完說!!!
→ :好不容易當兵才倒數完說!!!
推 :看完預告後 完了 超期待63F 12/20 03:23
→ :半年超久阿
→ :半年超久阿
※ 看板: Movie 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 622
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