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看板 movie
作者 標題 [討論] 安海瑟威(Anne Hathaway)歷年作品+照片
時間 Mon Jul 23 10:19:55 2012
http://tinyurl.com/czgg38o (圖片來源:臉書世界電影雜誌)
很久以前說要演http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000023/ Judy Garland
Judy Garland - IMDb
Judy Garland, Soundtrack: The Wizard of Oz. One of the brightest, most tragic movie stars of Hollywood's Golden Era, Judy Garland was a much-loved character whose warmth and spirit, along with her rich and exuberant voice, kept theatre-goers entertained with an array of delightful musicals. She was ...
Judy Garland, Soundtrack: The Wizard of Oz. One of the brightest, most tragic movie stars of Hollywood's Golden Era, Judy Garland was a much-loved character whose warmth and spirit, along with her rich and exuberant voice, kept theatre-goers entertained with an array of delightful musicals. She was ...
1. 2001 麻雀變公主 (The Princess Diaries)
2. 2001 天堂彼端 (The Other Side of Heaven)
3. 2002 少爺返鄉 (Nicholas Nickleby)
4. 1999-2002 Get Real (電視劇)
5. 2004 麻辣公主 (Ella Enchanted)
6. 2004 麻雀變公主2:皇家有約 (The Princess Diaries 2:Royal Engagement)
7. 2005 玩命派對 (Havoc)
8. 2005 斷背山 (Brokeback Mountain)
9. 2006 穿著Prada的惡魔 (The Devil wears Prada)
10.2007 珍愛來臨 (Becoming Jane)
11.2008 特務行不行 (Get Smart)
12.2008 瑞秋要出嫁 (Rachel Getting Married)(奧斯卡金球提名,拿5-6座影評人獎)*
13.2008 靈異航班 (Passengers)
14.2009 新娘大作戰 (Bride Wars)
15.2010 情人節快樂 (Valentine's Day)
16.2010 魔鏡夢遊 (Alice in Wonderland)
17.2010 愛情藥不藥 (Love and Other Drugs) (金球獎提名)
18.2011 真愛挑日子 (One day)
19.2012 黑暗騎士:黎明昇起 (The Dark Knight Rises)
20.2012 悲慘世界 (Les Miserables)
1.Robert Schwartzman
2.Christopher Gorham
3.Charlie Hunnam (但少爺返家好像是小配角?)
5.Hugh Dancy
6.Chris Pine
7.Freddy Rodríguez (勉強算他吧?)
8.Jake Gyllenhaal
9.Adrian Grenier
10.James McAvoy
11.Steve Carell
12.Mather Zickel
13.Patrick Wilson
14.Chris Pratt
15.Topher Grace
16.Johnny Depp (從屬關係XD?)
17.Jake Gyllenhaal
18.Jim Sturgess
19.Christian Bale
20.Hugh Jackman
(不確定Hugh Dancy該放在黃色還藍色,黃色至少近期都有商業大片)
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