※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-05-15 22:14:36
看板 movie
作者 標題 [討論] 《環大西洋》預告片全新上線
時間 Wed May 15 20:53:59 2013
不是《環太平洋(Pacific Rim)》,
《當地球不再轉動(The Day The Earth Stopped)》、
《雷神瑣爾(Almighty Thor)》......等片後,
庇護所(The Asylum)的全新力作--《環大西洋(Atlantic Rim)》!
ATLANTIC RIM trailer - YouTube
The Asylum's "mockbuster" version of PACIFIC RIM, directed by Jared Cohn and starring Grahame Greene and Treach. (Originally titled From the Sea)
The Asylum's "mockbuster" version of PACIFIC RIM, directed by Jared Cohn and starring Grahame Greene and Treach. (Originally titled From the Sea)
Mockbuster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A mockbuster (sometimes also called a knockbuster or a drafting opportunity[1]) is a film created with the apparent intention of piggy-backing on the publicity of a major film with a similar title or theme and is often made with a low budget. Most of the time these films are created to be released d ...
A mockbuster (sometimes also called a knockbuster or a drafting opportunity[1]) is a film created with the apparent intention of piggy-backing on the publicity of a major film with a similar title or theme and is often made with a low budget. Most of the time these films are created to be released d ...
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◆ From:
推 :怎麼辦 我覺得看起來還不差 XDDD1F 05/15 20:59
推 :有被"綠巨人大浩克"騙過2F 05/15 21:12
推 :每次租片都會看著這類電影的封面哈哈笑3F 05/15 21:14
推 :天啊...對決的場景好像以前的國片關公大戰外星人的fu4F 05/15 21:16
推 :老實講 預告片真的不差 有10年前一級強片的fu5F 05/15 21:17
→ :等等,綠巨人大浩克是什麼XDDDDDDDDDD6F 05/15 21:17
→ :標題如果不講 這真的不大像普通會騙人的b級片7F 05/15 21:18
推 :好像好萊塢電影台會播的電影XDDD8F 05/15 21:19
推 :要不要再拍環印度洋XDD9F 05/15 21:24
→ :還日本海也可以10F 05/15 21:27
→ :環
→ :環
推 :白天看起來有差一點...XD12F 05/15 21:29
推 :還大干洋?13F 05/15 21:34
推 :動畫假假的0.014F 05/15 21:34
推 :寶萊塢會不會推出 環印度洋 ? XDDD15F 05/15 21:38
推 :怎麼感覺鳥鳥的........16F 05/15 21:39
→ :這就是庇護所的風格啊XD17F 05/15 21:40
推 :恩 有點假18F 05/15 21:40
推 :上次的預告比較吸引人19F 05/15 21:45
推 :.......這篇文章裡已經有人被騙到了?20F 05/15 21:47
推 :XDDDDDDDDDDDD21F 05/15 21:50
→ :ko大是不是被騙了XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD22F 05/15 21:51
推 :看來有人被大西洋跟太平洋搞混了23F 05/15 21:52
※ 編輯: qn123456 來自: (05/15 21:55)→ :還蠻屌的24F 05/15 21:58
→ :噗~想到以前原本想看"史前一萬年"結果租到"史前一億年"XD25F 05/15 21:58
→ :完全無感...26F 05/15 22:01
推 :特效好像有點囧27F 05/15 22:02
※ 看板: Movie 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1106