※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-06-20 17:40:53
看板 movie
作者 標題 [討論] 史上最強配樂
時間 Tue Jun 18 01:45:35 2013
The Rock (1996) Whole movie Part 1/2 Swe Sub ♦HQ♦ - YouTube
I'm soo sorry but the other part has been blocked in some countries, sorry :( Thanks for 1 000 000 + views :) 2000 likes?? :) The Rock a movie about Alcatraz...
I'm soo sorry but the other part has been blocked in some countries, sorry :( Thanks for 1 000 000 + views :) 2000 likes?? :) The Rock a movie about Alcatraz...

開頭的分鏡加上Hans Zimmer的神曲
這部電影是我的top 10 of all time
不知道為什麼 這是很著迷這首曲子
也許就跟片子中的毒品一樣 一旦碰觸到就很難戒掉
莊嚴又黑暗的曲調 很有西西里的感覺
明明是如此崇高 但他卻又如此的親近你
No words needed
同場加映我最愛的電影-鬥陣俱樂部 的主題曲
Pixies - Where is my Mind
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
→ :基本上hans zimmer、久石讓、john williams就佔九成了1F 06/18 01:48
噓 :Star Wars Theme Song2F 06/18 01:49
推 :經典3F 06/18 01:50
推 :別忘了 Ennio Morricone4F 06/18 01:52
推 :新Star Trek5F 06/18 01:54
推 :魔戒很不錯6F 06/18 02:03
→ :浩劫重生一首曲子包辦全部
→ :浩劫重生一首曲子包辦全部
→ :Hans Zimmer大概是有個筆記本在記他的公式...(誤8F 06/18 02:12
推 :Jurassic Park theme song9F 06/18 02:17
The good, the bad and the ugly - Ecstasy of Gold - YouTube
Best scene, best song. Morricone. Covered by Metallica.
Best scene, best song. Morricone. Covered by Metallica.

推 :賭博默世錄11F 06/18 02:20
(STEREO) The Ecstasy of Gold by Ennio Morricone - YouTube
Music: The Ecstasy of Gold (from the film: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, 1966). Composed, orchestrated and conducted by Ennio Morricone. Live in concert. P...
Music: The Ecstasy of Gold (from the film: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, 1966). Composed, orchestrated and conducted by Ennio Morricone. Live in concert. P...

→ :第2首我怎想到奪魂鋸呢 哈哈哈哈13F 06/18 02:49
Independence day soundtrack - The darkest day - YouTube
"The darkest day" from the Independence day movie. The soundtrack was composed by David Arnold.
"The darkest day" from the Independence day movie. The soundtrack was composed by David Arnold.

→ :我覺得是 花神咖啡館15F 06/18 04:44
伊福部昭 交響ファンタジー「ゴジラVSキングギドラ」より - YouTube 交響ファンタジー「ゴジラVSキングギドラ」から、ⅵ 行進曲ⅶ ゴジラ です。 From Symphony fantasy 「Godzillav vs King Ghidorah」 ⅳMarch ⅵGodzilla 作曲:伊福部昭 Akira Ifukube 指揮:石井眞木 maki ishii 演奏:新星日本交響...

→ :你看的電影可能不夠多....18F 06/18 05:24
推 :Jurassic Park !19F 06/18 05:25
→ :GATTACA跟剪刀手愛德華的ICE DANCE也很讚
→ :GATTACA跟剪刀手愛德華的ICE DANCE也很讚
推 :與狼共舞21F 06/18 07:49
推 :我心中只有阿甘正傳23F 06/18 08:16
推 :瀚斯季墨的雖讚 但是風格都太接近 都是那種動作片風格24F 06/18 08:22
→ :約翰威廉斯風格就比較多變
→ :約翰威廉斯風格就比較多變
推 :新天堂樂園和教會表示:26F 06/18 08:24
→ :噩夢輓歌那首聽完會被洗腦...XD27F 06/18 08:43
推 :請Youtube搜尋:John Williams is the man28F 06/18 08:49
→ :歡迎到Movie-Score版,那裡有很多很棒的評論29F 06/18 08:52
推 : 大白鯊30F 06/18 09:22
推 :28週毀滅倒數 的音樂也很好聽31F 06/18 09:52
→ :魔鬼終結者你放哪裡了?32F 06/18 10:00
推 :Sunshine33F 06/18 10:09
推 :魔戒!!34F 06/18 10:18
推 : "獵殺紅色十月" 片頭紅軍合唱團是經典35F 06/18 10:37
推 :想聽不一樣的漢斯季墨,請聽戀愛沒有假期(The Holiday)36F 06/18 10:39
→ :漢斯季默雙門神----絕地任務、獅子王
→ :漢斯季默雙門神----絕地任務、獅子王
推 :XD 看外面標題想到絕地任務 進來就看到38F 06/18 10:42
→ :還有洛基39F 06/18 10:52
→ :其實 Hans Zimmer 的都不錯40F 06/18 11:02
推 :大推GLADIATOR,開場大戰的壯闊配樂相當有戰時的緊湊感41F 06/18 11:25
噓 :天空之城42F 06/18 11:25
→ :結尾的配樂是深層的哀傷卻依舊存有些微的希望感43F 06/18 11:27
推 :大白鯊@@/44F 06/18 11:28
推 :不推GLADIATOR,太零碎了,沒有一首完整敘述主題的曲子45F 06/18 11:33
→ :主旋律很棒,可是都不完整,都一下有一下沒有,斷斷續續
→ :主旋律很棒,可是都不完整,都一下有一下沒有,斷斷續續
→ :超人 啟動 黑暗騎士 世界異戰47F 06/18 11:34
推 :魔戒三部曲才是曠世巨作。50F 06/18 11:43
推 :進擊的巨人51F 06/18 11:44
推 :一直覺得Brian Tylor很可惜,配的樂,很多電影賣得沒有很好52F 06/18 11:45
推 :TDK末段攻堅大樓救人質的配樂也很棒53F 06/18 11:45
噓 :你所謂地噩夢輓歌有被改編到魔戒? 唬人也不是這樣唬!54F 06/18 11:53
→ :star war 經典中的經典55F 06/18 11:56
推 :侏儸紀公園 直昇機要降落上島那段 音樂帶給人夢想56F 06/18 12:09
推 :隔離島 和 福爾摩斯第一集 侏儸紀公園第一集57F 06/18 12:11
→ :投名狀也不錯 不過投的配樂好像很多電影都有用過
→ :投名狀也不錯 不過投的配樂好像很多電影都有用過
推 :噩夢輓歌配樂只有用在魔戒預告吧59F 06/18 12:16
推 :神鬼奇航 早上就是靠這滂勃的鬧鈴60F 06/18 12:17
推 :哈利波特 神鬼奇航 魔戒61F 06/18 12:19
→ :末日情緣!! 很不錯 但好像還不算經典就是ㄌXD62F 06/18 12:23
推 :皮克斯系列:蟲蟲危機、天外奇蹟、玩具總動員...等63F 06/18 12:25
推 :小刀會64F 06/18 12:34
推 :鐵達尼號是被討論太多以致於沒人提嗎?65F 06/18 12:38
推 :\獅子王/66F 06/18 12:41
→ :斷背山67F 06/18 12:59
推 :X戰警第一戰配樂也很棒68F 06/18 13:10
推 :個人覺得史上最強配樂有很多很多 無法分勝負啊!!69F 06/18 13:15
推 :推樓上 FC的OST每一首都很耐聽70F 06/18 13:15
→ :另外推Ramin Djawadi 風格超多變 鋼鐵人到冰與火之歌
→ :另外推Ramin Djawadi 風格超多變 鋼鐵人到冰與火之歌
Braveheart - Freedom / The Execution Bannockburn - YouTube
From the Original Motion Picture Score Braveheart - Freedom / The Execution Bannockburn, composed by James Horner and the London Symphony Orchestra For me, i...
From the Original Motion Picture Score Braveheart - Freedom / The Execution Bannockburn, composed by James Horner and the London Symphony Orchestra For me, i...

→ :3:00開始 超好聽75F 06/18 13:18
推 :埃及王子!76F 06/18 13:20
推 :奪魂鋸的也不錯77F 06/18 13:35
→ :新天堂樂園導演Giuseppe Tornatore的作品配樂都不錯78F 06/18 13:50
結果好像沒找到錄音室版的 只找到現場的 就沒放了QQ
推 :斷背山 整部沒多少配樂 但都讓人印象深刻79F 06/18 13:53
→ :Alan Menken幫Disney做的幾部也都不錯
※ 編輯: miabcd199 來自: (06/18 14:01)→ :Alan Menken幫Disney做的幾部也都不錯
推 :大地英豪81F 06/18 14:03
推 :有專版Movie-Score可討論82F 06/18 14:15
推 :花神咖啡館83F 06/18 15:04
推 :Trainspotting 跟導演大衛包伊係列的我覺得都不錯84F 06/18 15:21
推 :陰兒房85F 06/18 15:29
→ :啊不對是配樂不是音效
→ :啊不對是配樂不是音效
推 :全面啟動 Time87F 06/18 15:34
推 :馴隆高手!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!88F 06/18 15:37
→ : 龍
→ : 龍
推 :Zimmer現在都一堆重音轟炸@@ Ennio才是我的神90F 06/18 16:37
推 :大推大地英豪!!!91F 06/18 16:38
推 :大推噩夢輓歌92F 06/18 16:50
推 :大地英豪配樂超好聽的啊!!93F 06/18 16:50
推 :可以推電玩嗎? XD 零紅蝶94F 06/18 17:00
推 :神鬼戰士95F 06/18 17:19
推 :破壞之王96F 06/18 17:22
→ :臥虎藏龍有一幕開頭遠景拍過去有漁夫在灑網那邊我很喜歡97F 06/18 18:13
→ :投名壯打舒城那邊大軍射箭金城武開始衝那段配樂也很喜歡
→ :投名壯打舒城那邊大軍射箭金城武開始衝那段配樂也很喜歡
推 :玩命關頭6 we own it99F 06/18 19:08
推 :推 Where is my Mind100F 06/18 19:14
推 :香水、戀愛沒有假期,好像都還沒人提101F 06/18 19:56
John Murphy - Sunshine (Adagio In D Minor) - YouTube
Ambient - Soundtrack John Murphy (born 1965) is an English film composer. He is a self taught multi-instrumental musician who began his career in the 1980s w...
Ambient - Soundtrack John Murphy (born 1965) is an English film composer. He is a self taught multi-instrumental musician who began his career in the 1980s w...

In the House, In a Heartbeat - John Murphy - YouTube
In the House, In a Heartbeat, part of the 28 Days Later Soundtrack. For anyone that is interested, the version that also appeared in 28 Weeks Later is on my ...
In the House, In a Heartbeat, part of the 28 Days Later Soundtrack. For anyone that is interested, the version that also appeared in 28 Weeks Later is on my ...

→ :John Murphy - In the House, In a Heartbeat105F 06/18 20:06
推 :久石讓全部106F 06/18 20:06
推 :我喜歡末代皇帝107F 06/18 20:54
推 :大地英豪108F 06/18 21:09
推 :阿甘正傳也是我心中的第一109F 06/18 21:26
推 :有聽到顏老09年來台那場真是萬幸 希望顏老長命百歲110F 06/18 22:06
推 : 推trance神配樂111F 06/18 22:25
推 :新天堂樂園112F 06/18 22:29
推 :天空之城 真的很好聽!!!113F 06/19 00:29
推 :Rambo IV ending - It's a Long Road 很棒114F 06/19 00:30
推 :TOP GUN115F 06/19 00:34
Somewhere In Time - YouTube
Here is a tribute to one of my most favorite romantic movies. The movie is called "Somewhere in Time" & starred Jane Seymour & Christopher Reeve & was filmed...
Here is a tribute to one of my most favorite romantic movies. The movie is called "Somewhere in Time" & starred Jane Seymour & Christopher Reeve & was filmed...

推 :大地英豪...03-The Kiss; 05-Fort Battle118F 06/19 01:19
推 :陰森林...119F 06/19 01:57
推 :教父經典+1120F 06/19 02:05
推 :新天堂樂園!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!121F 06/19 02:20
推 :我推落日車神 這部少了配樂就像B級片122F 06/19 07:15
推 :新天堂樂園真的很好聽123F 06/19 07:16
推 :末代皇帝124F 06/19 09:27
推 :推大地英豪 魔戒也不錯126F 06/19 14:50
推 :沒人推Alexandre Desplat? 我超愛128F 06/19 15:32
推 :Dario Marianelli。這篇好棒啊也算是片單了!129F 06/19 15:41
推 :當然是末代皇帝啊!!!!史上最強!!!133F 06/20 04:04
推 :神鬼戰士!!134F 06/20 13:48
推 :俘虜135F 06/20 17:00