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※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-03-13 23:29:27
看板 joke
作者 peteru4 (幽浮上的幽香)
標題 [影片] 窮人版鋼鐵人3預告
時間 Wed Mar 13 21:04:43 2013


Iron Man 3 Official Trailer (2013) Marvel Movie HD - YouTube
Check out our trailer review:  Subscribe to TRAILERS:  Subscribe to COMING SOON:  Iron Man...



Iron Man 3 Trailer - Homemade Shot for Shot - YouTube
Watch the homemade version of the Iron Man 3 trailer now! Subscribe to Cinefix for more Homemade Movies every Tuesday --  Watch the Side-b...


整個超有誠意XD  用模型小人那裏我笑翻 超到味


Iron Man 3 Trailer - Homemade Side by Side Comparison - YouTube Watch the side-by-side comparison for the homemade version of the Iron Man 3 trailer now! Subscribe to Cinefix for more Homemade Movies every Tuesday! http:/...


版上搜了一下關鍵字  應該沒OP吧  大概(?

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
gan:感覺像是特攝片1F 03/13 21:22
joaoio:還滿厲害的2F 03/13 21:31
limingshiuan:有誠意有推~3F 03/13 21:46
omidofor:說實在的他拍得還不賴@@4F 03/13 21:48
peteru4:運鏡很到味 能拍的跟原片相似度極高  只能說很不簡單XD5F 03/13 21:57
asdf96:全部人的第一個字:GJ IO PA  估價  歐   怕6F 03/13 21:58
asdf96:                                 優
daxer:滿屌的8F 03/13 22:31
nyy403213:push9F 03/13 22:40
jeffc815731:超強10F 03/13 22:53
Aldousphyx:超威的...還有人工配樂XDDD11F 03/13 22:54
jeffc815731:人工背景音樂很有口白預告的feel  XDD12F 03/13 23:09
Jerrynet:有人回覆這個影片才是最早的http://youtu.be/o5SiyOnwhyg13F 03/13 23:17
Iron Man 3 trailer - sweded - YouTube
Tweet:  Post on FB:  Iron Man 3 trailer. Shot for shot, low budget remake. Follow us on Twitter:

soprano9752:哈哈哈阿 超可愛的 不過也太強了吧 幾乎一樣啊XDD14F 03/13 23:18

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