※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2013-03-26 01:05:13
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作者 標題 [討論] 鋼鐵人3 新電視廣告,有新畫面
時間 Mon Mar 25 14:09:28 2013
這是新的Iron Man 3的新電視廣告,有不少的新畫面
http://blog.yam.com/metalmow/article/61086302 )
金屬毛的網路日誌: 鋼鐵人3反派魔王:滿大人Mandarin初登場! - yam天空部落
鋼鐵人電影版第三集上映在即,按照慣例,又要來介紹電影中反派角色在漫畫原著中初登場的英姿了。來看看這次即將亮相的魔王:滿大人 /... ...
Iron Man 3 4/24上映
H A ◎ ⓧ 目== ▃▃ Avengers Assemble!
( 0w0)∮ ( 0w0) ( 0w0) ζ( 0w0)ξ ( 0w0) ( 0w0) (0w● )
The Dark Knight Rises In cinemas July 20 2012
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※ 編輯: alljerry04 來自: (03/25 14:10)
※ 編輯: alljerry04 來自: (03/25 14:12)
推 :TONY: 萬劍訣!!! 阿不,是Iron Man Attack!! =w=1F 03/25 14:14
推 :YOU NEVER SEE ME COMING..2F 03/25 14:15
Iron Man: Enter the Mandarin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iron Man: Enter the Mandarin is a 2007 comic book limited series published by Marvel Comics. Written by Joe Casey with art by Eric Canete, the series is a retelling of Iron Man's first encounter with the Mandarin. The original version of the story appeared in Tales of Suspense #50 (February 1964). ...
→ :標題好色(咦5F 03/25 14:20
→ :算是重新對滿大人的登場做設定6F 03/25 14:20
→ :準確的講,用早期的風格(畫風)重新詮釋滿大人的登場
→ :準確的講,用早期的風格(畫風)重新詮釋滿大人的登場
推 :小辣椒真的穿鋼鐵裝了8F 03/25 14:27
推 :I got you~9F 03/25 14:38
推 :人人都是鋼鐵人?10F 03/25 14:41
推 :東尼大人原來也是師承蜀山仙劍派~~~~11F 03/25 14:55
推 :準備搶票了12F 03/25 15:11
推 :總算看到女生穿鋼鐵裝了…不是該做些調整嗎13F 03/25 15:58
推 :預告片真是支支有爆點,希望不要把梗都破完了14F 03/25 16:14
推 : 萬劍歸宗 滿大人您會嗎15F 03/25 16:15
推 :女生身材比較小吧 應該只有胸部和臀部會比較緊16F 03/25 16:28
推 :小辣椒的胸部不會覺得擠嗎??17F 03/25 16:41
推 :Tony的胸圍也不小吧?18F 03/25 17:26
推 :Tony的胸圍應該比小辣椒還大吧19F 03/25 18:06
marvel randomness by nebezial on deviantART
Art - community of artists and those devoted to art. Digital art, skin art, themes, wallpaper art, traditional art, photography, poetry / prose. Art prints. ...
Art - community of artists and those devoted to art. Digital art, skin art, themes, wallpaper art, traditional art, photography, poetry / prose. Art prints. ...
→ :小辣椒都穿鋼鐵衣了 好屌!!21F 03/25 19:44
推 :李逍遙XDDDDD22F 03/25 19:49
推 :李逍遙無誤23F 03/25 22:25
推 :小辣椒!!!24F 03/25 23:55
推 :李逍遙XDDDDDDDDD25F 03/26 00:34