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※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-05-06 22:12:45
看板 movie
作者 fact (fact)
標題 [新聞] 環太平洋2 Possibly Confirmed!!!!!!!!!!!!!
時間 Sun May  4 20:53:26 2014

Pacific Rim 2 Confirmed: Guillermo Del Toro Mecha Movie Sequel Inspired By Voltron As Rumors Spread Of Jaegers Combining To Form Super Robot! : Trending News : KDramaStars
Finally here's some Pacific Rim 2 news for you! Pacific Rim 2 is now being planned and Guillermo Del Toro is now writing a draft of the story. ...


Finally here's some Pacific Rim 2 news for you! Pacific Rim 2 is now being
planned and Guillermo Del Toro is now writing a draft of the story.
Legendary Pictures CEO Thomas Tull confirmed that he and Guillermo Del Toro
are talking about Pacific Rim 2 and they are planning all the new stuff that
will appear on the movie:

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"I was literally just with Guillermo on the set of Crimson Peak," said Tull.
"We talk about it and have some pretty great ideas. If they come to fruition
and we get a great script, then we're open to it. Fans seem pretty passionate
about it and working with Guillermo. So, we're open to it."
And Guillermo Del Toro is doing just that as it was reported that he is now
writing a script/story draft to Pacific Rim 2
And not only that there are rumors circulating in various social networking
sites that Pacific Rim 2 will take some cues from iconic Japanese mecha
animes in that Pacific Rim 2 will have Jaegers that will be formed via
"combining" similar to Voltron!
This rumor comes from the fact that in Pacific Rim, the Kaiju's were being
created to specifically counter the Jaegers. How can the humans counter the
ever adapting Kaijus? By making Jaegers with "changing" parts by having it
combine with different body parts each fight.

簡單描述 傳奇影業CEO托馬斯· 塔爾證實




總之 環太2是可以期待的阿阿阿

北美票房才破1億多 幸好還有環太平洋2確認進展中阿

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1399208009.A.49C.html
gunng:中國票房貢獻超多啊1F 05/04 20:55
STGCBA:我想到GO GO POWER...2F 05/04 20:55
inming:一定要有啊啊啊 這次要衝4D3F 05/04 20:56
gunng:combining 不愧是重度日本特攝宅XD4F 05/04 20:57
into:希望機器人招式可以多一點5F 05/04 20:58
marklife:傳奇拍怪獸片拍上癮了~ 真的要感謝她~6F 05/04 20:59
orion1991830:我記得賣回日本還蠻慘的?7F 05/04 21:00
rotusea:要超合金合體了嗎XD8F 05/04 21:00
sleepyrat:導演下海客串一下啦!!9F 05/04 21:01
azzo:拳拳到肉的打鬥多一點10F 05/04 21:05
aggressorX:喔喔喔喔喔喔 可是地球已經沒可以用的機器人了吧XD11F 05/04 21:07
aclock:有要5個人同時操作又能合體的功能嗎(5隻獅子?)12F 05/04 21:10
iam0718:傳奇真好!!13F 05/04 21:12
Eric1989528:這次發行商要好好找 上次感覺有點被華納婊了14F 05/04 21:16
wantingheart:戰神金剛大戰哥吉拉15F 05/04 21:17
akila08539:希望能看到機甲從航母上彈射出去!16F 05/04 21:17
GoBabyYA:所以會有死神鋼彈的出現囉17F 05/04 21:17
river0927:鋼彈真實版要出現了嗎!18F 05/04 21:19
BF109Pilot:Voltron就是五獅聖戰士啊19F 05/04 21:20
SITC:達陸!趁現在! 喔不,我是說真子20F 05/04 21:22
johnnyblunt:太讚了  可以讓這篇爆嗎21F 05/04 21:23
egg781:戰神金剛是指造型致敬吧,應該不會真的插個戰神金剛進來22F 05/04 21:23
ckshchen:上電影沒同時推出玩具 晚了一段時間推的玩具又貴鬆鬆23F 05/04 21:24
soren55200:喔喔~ 出了一定電影院看25F 05/04 21:27
mkoo:蠻爽的電影  加油~26F 05/04 21:30
LeehomLee:期待第2集的合體元素阿!!!27F 05/04 21:36
kan81314:推阿28F 05/04 21:36
cwind07:讚,真感謝還有第二集 超期待!!29F 05/04 21:37
qscgg:可是現在沒怪獸了吧? 就算有量級也不會高到哪去...30F 05/04 21:38
karl7238:真的假的?會有機甲合體?真的有的話我超期待的啊!31F 05/04 21:39
peterpan910:劇情其次拉 我要看一堆機器人合體來合體去阿!32F 05/04 21:41
monkeyaaaaa:看到環太平洋就想到 http://ppt.cc/jSv433F 05/04 21:42
【環太雷神獸】主題曲 【算了啦!環太雷神獸】(? - YouTube
片頭盜錄:SeonBieber 音樂:告野家 片段:WBP / LEGENDATY 【環太平洋】電影預告片段: 【算了啦!虛空雷神獸!】音訊片段:

abxtpml56:爽片BJ4 看了兩次><34F 05/04 21:50
disasterD:cool~~~~~~~~35F 05/04 21:52
milkQ:我要再衝4D!!!!36F 05/04 21:53
TheDragonBug:是要把那幾架機體一次合體嗎37F 05/04 21:53
Ailkernoos:傳奇有信心阿!!!38F 05/04 22:12
bye2007:這片大概是去年最爽的電影39F 05/04 22:16
gary63122:太棒了!!!40F 05/04 22:18
winsonlu:可以跟天元突破一樣一直合體嗎XD41F 05/04 22:18
gm0081:在某個超古代文明遺跡裡發現對抗新量級Kaiju的關鍵?42F 05/04 22:23
Iamjoker:Giant robot punching giant monster ~~~~43F 05/04 22:26
gm0081:導演瘋狂山脈的梗可以拿來用了。44F 05/04 22:29
han72:我來組成鼠蹊部45F 05/04 22:32
canonring151:推46F 05/04 23:00
KYOROD:我要當睪丸!47F 05/04 23:05
stacyshu:酷酷ㄉ48F 05/04 23:06
ejywar:......難得有爽片可是我看了一點都不爽49F 05/04 23:18
KAMAYO:跑步機廠商要開心了!!!50F 05/04 23:18
psychoF:......難得有爽片可是我看了一點都不爽 +151F 05/04 23:19
sheepxo:讚!!!!!52F 05/04 23:21
aakkdd:53F 05/04 23:24
Bigcookie2:真的要感謝中國市場..賣得比美國還好XD54F 05/04 23:31
paytonii:水啦~超期待的~55F 05/04 23:34
fashsboy:太棒了(握拳)56F 05/04 23:45
asstitle:能合體 那應該能飛行了吧57F 05/05 00:06
magiclunar:58F 05/05 00:15
tonylu0503:有人要當小膿包嗎?59F 05/05 00:24
ooXD:喔喔喔喔!!!60F 05/05 00:26
wwwsky:達剛  使用手槍61F 05/05 00:35
a222317168:第一集除了主角機其他很多根本連打的能力都沒有62F 05/05 00:44
wu0h96p:pushhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh63F 05/05 01:02
fnb10803:爽度破表64F 05/05 01:21
cena0605:有沒有鎚子阿65F 05/05 01:22
loverway:無腦爽片66F 05/05 01:32
devin0329:爽片的極致啊!67F 05/05 01:41
vincent0525:太好了!!68F 05/05 01:49
bye2007:拿輪船當武器那段 真的是帥爆了!69F 05/05 02:11
waitla:我要鑽頭當武器阿!!!70F 05/05 03:10
Amontillako:第二集就先來個超級閃電踢吧71F 05/05 03:26
yurusenai, zettai ni!

lp2650056:機器人還是只有拳打腳踢真的不必拍第二集了73F 05/05 03:26
guitaregg:音樂超爽74F 05/05 08:05
n0029480300:太好了  是說會找哥吉拉來客串嗎?XDD75F 05/05 09:44
susuplay:我想要克連大漢!76F 05/05 10:02
LeehomLee:武器可以更多元 威力更強一點 人類的科技絕對沒有這麼弱77F 05/05 10:53
mimi1020b:YA 又可以看到聲光效果了78F 05/05 11:17
jacky66666:預售票哪裡買79F 05/05 11:24
alien200020:期待!!!80F 05/05 12:18
JOYE0326:好想看w81F 05/05 13:02
mathrew:爽片  期待82F 05/05 21:48
vayeate:讚,期待83F 05/06 20:14

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