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作者 標題 [討論] 星際爭霸戰:浩瀚無垠,第二支中文預告
時間 Mon May 23 11:26:27 2016
Star Trek經典旁白
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推 : JJ沒導了 Lin還是繼續用他的眩光阿XDDDD1F 05/23 11:31
推 : 以前的系列其實也看過一些...老實說我也不知道原著精神是指2F 05/23 11:33
推 : 因為JJ是監製3F 05/23 11:33
→ : 什麼4F 05/23 11:33
→ : 我也沒看過原著,新的電影版很好看5F 05/23 11:33
→ : ST的電影就看奇數部 都蠻好看的6F 05/23 11:34
→ : 可是精華在影集吧?7F 05/23 11:34
推 : 銀河飛龍整部都推,但最強的應該是S3、S48F 05/23 11:35
→ : 影集就寇克跟X教授看一看吧 後面Voyager根本海盜XD9F 05/23 11:35
推 : 我有找S1來看,只看了五分鐘10F 05/23 11:36
→ : 粉絲說的"終於原著"應該是指影集而言11F 05/23 11:36
→ : 台灣沒播過的Deep Space 9其實也很好看,呈現了一個比較
→ : 黑暗、嚴肅、加入宗教色彩的星際故事
→ : Voyager因為海盜行徑跟流氓艦長,評價兩極(TNG的畢凱形象
→ : 太深入人心了),TOS則是真的太老,一般人都啃不下去
→ : 台灣沒播過的Deep Space 9其實也很好看,呈現了一個比較
→ : 黑暗、嚴肅、加入宗教色彩的星際故事
→ : Voyager因為海盜行徑跟流氓艦長,評價兩極(TNG的畢凱形象
→ : 太深入人心了),TOS則是真的太老,一般人都啃不下去
推 : 沒看影集 這系列電影第一集根本神 第二集是部好電影16F 05/23 11:48
→ : 但是只能說得上對得起第一集吧 畢竟第一集真的很猛
→ : 希望這部也很好看 預告挺令人期待的
→ : 但是只能說得上對得起第一集吧 畢竟第一集真的很猛
→ : 希望這部也很好看 預告挺令人期待的
推 : 星際尬車19F 05/23 11:53
推 : 為什麼用Beyond有種很厲害的感覺xD20F 05/23 12:00
推 : 小時候看的影集,看過第一集之後就開始期待第二集!21F 05/23 12:09
推 : 09年是經典 13年很糟22F 05/23 12:09
推 : 喜歡1 2普通23F 05/23 12:09
推 : 這系列票房好像都偏低 除了美國國內外 在世界都賣不好24F 05/23 12:10
→ : 居然還是能繼續推續集
→ : 居然還是能繼續推續集
→ : 可是這是英國電影26F 05/23 12:12
→ : 阿 我記錯了 抱歉
→ : 阿 我記錯了 抱歉
推 : 超英 ST SW 每年很多科幻電影28F 05/23 12:15
推 : 也沒有到賣不好,票房都超過預算兩倍,評價也不錯29F 05/23 12:17
→ : STAR TREK(2009) 預算150M 票房385M
→ : STAR TREK(2009) 預算150M 票房385M IMDB 8 爛番茄 95
→ : STAR TREK(2009) 預算150M 票房385M
→ : STAR TREK(2009) 預算150M 票房385M IMDB 8 爛番茄 95
推 : 下面有人留言"太空有關的電影我不看等級低於星際效應的電影"32F 05/23 12:19
→ : STAR TREK(2013) 預算185M 票房467M IMDB 7.8 爛番茄 8733F 05/23 12:19
推 : 原來預算沒我想的高 但很明顯就是吃美國的票房呀34F 05/23 12:20
→ : 他上面還有一句膚淺的商業片 XD35F 05/23 12:20
→ : 比起長年來的對手 星際大戰 真的差好多36F 05/23 12:21
→ : STARWARS也是美國本土超高阿,九億美金37F 05/23 12:21
→ : STARWARS在海外的知名度高STAR TREK幾百倍
→ : 這兩個已經完全不是對手了吧XD
→ : Star Trek Into Darkness海外比美國多一千萬XD
→ : 228M VS 238M
→ : STARWARS在海外的知名度高STAR TREK幾百倍
→ : 這兩個已經完全不是對手了吧XD
→ : Star Trek Into Darkness海外比美國多一千萬XD
→ : 228M VS 238M
→ : ><42F 05/23 12:24
→ : 我承認我是因為Benedict Cumberbatch演大反派才去看得43F 05/23 12:24
推 : 早就失去探索宇宙原味,變成以太空為背景的動作片44F 05/23 12:26
推 : 因為ST過去的電影很少著重要炫麗與特效吧? 比較偏向劇情45F 05/23 12:27
推 : SW是大眾文化,ST相對小眾,票房其實不算差46F 05/23 12:28
推 : 票房不差啊,所以才能一直拍續集,不過當然比不上星戰47F 05/23 12:30
推 : 我也比較想看探索宇宙48F 05/23 12:30
→ : 往科幻動作片靠攏才有票房,但希望能兼顧人文水準49F 05/23 12:32
推 : 不重特效跟動作的話海外票房應該會更慘吧50F 05/23 12:33
→ : 如果失去動作元素,觀眾不愛,這系列就死了,兼顧很好51F 05/23 12:33
推 : 看看鯨魚那集就知道以前就是走劇情風52F 05/23 12:34
→ : 如果拿到現在用新技術重製,一樣死很慘
→ : 如果拿到現在用新技術重製,一樣死很慘
推 : 只拍文戲不知道票房剩多少54F 05/23 12:36
推 : 沒新意 要派下一集應該很難了55F 05/23 12:37
推 : JJ亞伯拉罕真的很神,救了已經暗淡的星際和星戰兩系列56F 05/23 12:38
→ : 這系列真的很讚,還滿喜歡JJ57F 05/23 12:45
推 : 星戰不黯淡啊,星戰誰來導都能大賣的,但JJ能夠保留58F 05/23 12:51
→ : 舊元素融合新興元素滿足新舊觀眾,就是厲害
→ : 舊元素融合新興元素滿足新舊觀眾,就是厲害
推 : 找zack snyder60F 05/23 12:54
推 : 星戰前傳123評價不好啊,沉寂了很久,JJ引起大家期待61F 05/23 12:54
→ : 侏儸紀公園也是爛很久了,新拍還是大賣62F 05/23 12:55
→ : 因為JJ先救了星際系列,評價大好,讓大家超期待星戰763F 05/23 12:55
→ : 很神奇64F 05/23 12:55
推 : Zack:我會讓星戰7變成跟綠光戰警這種曇花一現的電影65F 05/23 13:03
→ : 不一樣的大作
→ : 不一樣的大作
推 : 2009第一集劇本真的不錯 ~ 雷神領便當那一小段很感人67F 05/23 13:05
→ : 搶救未來 BJ468F 05/23 13:08
推 : 原po問ST經典,問對了,TNG S05E25 - The Inner Light69F 05/23 13:09
→ : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0708803/
→ : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0708803/
"Star Trek: The Next Generation" The Inner Light (TV Episode 1992) - IMDb Directed by Peter Lauritson. With Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn. Picard awakes to find himself living in a small villag ...
Star Trek: The Next Generation - S5E25 The Inner Light (1992) - YouTube Tha launch of the probe and Picard's realization that he was the one it'll find.
The Inner Light (Star Trek: The Next Generation) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"The Inner Light" is the 125th episode overall and the 25th episode of the fifth season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation. The episode was written by freelance writer Morgan Gendel based on his original pitch. Gendel is credited as writer of the story a ...
"The Inner Light" is the 125th episode overall and the 25th episode of the fifth season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation. The episode was written by freelance writer Morgan Gendel based on his original pitch. Gendel is credited as writer of the story a ...
推 : TOS S01E28 - The City on the Edge of Forever73F 05/23 13:12
→ : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0708455/
→ : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0708455/
"Star Trek" The City on the Edge of Forever (TV Episode 1967) - IMDb Directed by Joseph Pevney. With William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Joan Collins, DeForest Kelley. When a temporarily insane Dr. McCoy accidentally change ...
TOS 1x28 'The City on The Edge of Forever' Trailer - YouTube
Star Trek The Original Series Season 1 Episode 28 'The City on The Edge of Forever' Trailer
Star Trek The Original Series Season 1 Episode 28 'The City on The Edge of Forever' Trailer
The City on the Edge of Forever - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"The City on the Edge of Forever" is the penultimate episode of the first season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek. It is episode #28, production #28, first broadcast on April 6, 1967. It was repeated on August 31, 1967 and marked the last time that NBC telecast a ...
"The City on the Edge of Forever" is the penultimate episode of the first season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek. It is episode #28, production #28, first broadcast on April 6, 1967. It was repeated on August 31, 1967 and marked the last time that NBC telecast a ...
→ : 這兩集請一定要找來看看77F 05/23 13:13
推 : 史巴克史巴克史巴巴78F 05/23 13:15
推 : 如果不想看這太文藝科幻的,那麼也可以看...79F 05/23 13:16
→ : TNG S03E15 - Yesterday's Enterprise
→ : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y1v_DdpprE
→ : TNG S03E15 - Yesterday's Enterprise
→ : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y1v_DdpprE
Star Trek: The Next Generation Season 3- Episode Clip Yesterday's Enterprise - YouTube Clip from the Season 3 episode "Yesterday's Enterprise." The brilliantly remastered third season of Star Trek: The Next Generation is available on Blu-ray fo...
Yesterday's Enterprise - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Yesterday's Enterprise" is the 63rd episode of the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation. It was the 15th episode of the third season. The episode first aired in syndication the week of February 19, 1990. In the plot, the crew of the USS Enterprise-D must decide whether to send the ...
"Yesterday's Enterprise" is the 63rd episode of the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation. It was the 15th episode of the third season. The episode first aired in syndication the week of February 19, 1990. In the plot, the crew of the USS Enterprise-D must decide whether to send the ...
推 : 不過個人TNG系列的最愛首推.....83F 05/23 13:19
→ : TNG S01E06 - Where No One Has Gone Before
→ : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBx2Djkvib4
→ : TNG S01E06 - Where No One Has Gone Before
→ : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBx2Djkvib4
Where No One Has Gone Before - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Where No One Has Gone Before" is the sixth episode of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation, (episode 1 - 'Encounter at Farpoint' is a two part episode) originally aired October 26, 1987, in broadcast syndication in the United States. A high-definition, remas ...
"Where No One Has Gone Before" is the sixth episode of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation, (episode 1 - 'Encounter at Farpoint' is a two part episode) originally aired October 26, 1987, in broadcast syndication in the United States. A high-definition, remas ...
→ : 大概是整個ST系列中"跑"得最遠的一次就是這集吧??87F 05/23 13:21
→ : 本集標題也和原po提到的那巨片頭詞呼應
→ : 句
→ : 本集標題也和原po提到的那巨片頭詞呼應
→ : 句
推 : 2009的不錯阿 寇克都被打得半死XD90F 05/23 14:19
推 : 找玩命關頭的導演來演,我十分害怕阿91F 05/23 14:21
推 : 喜歡影集的探索感92F 05/23 14:21
推 : 上一個預告配樂太玩命風,被罵後改了?XD93F 05/23 14:23
推 : 雖然是玩命關頭的導演 不過預告片有騙到我XD94F 05/23 14:25
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