※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-06-04 23:33:05
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作者 標題 [情報] 迪士尼前高層認為J.Depp將回歸神鬼奇航
時間 Sat Jun 4 22:31:43 2022
Former Disney Exec Predicts Johnny Depp Will Return to Pirates Post-Verdict:
'There Is Huge Appetite'
June 02, 2022 04:50 PM
A former Walt Disney Studios executive thinks Johnny Depp could someday
return to the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise following his victory in his
defamation trial against ex-wife Amber Heard.
Depp, 58, won his defamation claims against Heard, 36, on Wednesday,
concluding a contentious six-week legal battle in Virginia that put their
private lives in the public eye. (Heard also won one of her three claims of
defamation, and her lawyer said Thursday that she plans to appeal.)
Afterward, Depp said in a statement that the jury "gave me my life back" and
the "best is yet to come" for him.
While Hollywood insiders have conflicting views on whether his career will
bounce back after the trial, a former Disney exec thinks Depp could be asked
to return to the Pirates franchise soon.
"I absolutely believe post-verdict that Pirates is primed for rebooting with
Johnny as Capt. Jack back on board," the former exec tells PEOPLE. "There is
just too much potential box-office treasure for a beloved character deeply
embedded in the Disney culture.
Former Disney Exec Predicts Johnny Depp Might Return to Pirates | PEOPLE.com
'There is just too much potential box-office treasure,' a former Walt Disney Studios executive tells PEOPLE of Johnny Depp potentially returning to th ...
'There is just too much potential box-office treasure,' a former Walt Disney Studios executive tells PEOPLE of Johnny Depp potentially returning to th ...
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/movie/M.1654353106.A.ADE.html
推 : 開始吹風啦1F 06/04 22:32
推 : 一百萬隻的羊駝先準備一下2F 06/04 22:34
推 : 就是直接讓船長犬死 讓米老鼠強推的新角上位3F 06/04 22:37
推 : 尚書大人先去準備羊駝啦操4F 06/04 22:37
推 : 高管有多高?應該不是只能看文件的那種吧XD5F 06/04 22:38
→ : 百萬羊駝:我,準備好了!6F 06/04 22:39
推 : 人家明明就說一百萬隻羊駝也不要了啊7F 06/04 22:41
推 : 結果電影裡面準備100萬隻羊駝梗8F 06/04 22:42
推 : 現在迪士尼有個設備就跟神鬼奇航有關,有誰能代替9F 06/04 22:43
→ : 強哥?找其他人穩死的
→ : 強哥?找其他人穩死的
→ : 米老鼠真會看風向11F 06/04 22:44
→ : metoo實力還在 迪士尼未必會轉向12F 06/04 22:52
推 : 簽羊駝開場13F 06/04 22:56
推 : 他給女兒吸大麻耶 迪士尼要自毀形象喔14F 06/04 22:58
推 : 下次出事又會被切割,幹嘛回去15F 06/04 22:59
推 : 感覺假消息16F 06/04 23:02
推 : 去隔壁棚演個宇宙海盜17F 06/04 23:03
推 : 感覺真消息 迪士尼故意放出來試水溫測風向18F 06/04 23:04
推 : 想看迪士尼不要臉19F 06/04 23:06
推 : 合理推測,但是強哥不爽幹20F 06/04 23:06
推 : 先把怪獸還來。雖然不是迪士尼21F 06/04 23:07
→ : 米老鼠都認清不需舔中也能有票房 居然被metoo綁架22F 06/04 23:07
→ : 識時務者為俊傑 給強尼點讚的人數請參考
→ : 識時務者為俊傑 給強尼點讚的人數請參考
推 : 應該不會 米老鼠這樣等於自打臉 那當初何必趕走他24F 06/04 23:09
→ : 而且官司結果強哥也有敗訴的部分 不是完全都贏
→ : 最重要的是 他應該也不想演了
→ : 而且官司結果強哥也有敗訴的部分 不是完全都贏
→ : 最重要的是 他應該也不想演了
推 : 向錢看齊27F 06/04 23:09
推 : 放風聲測風向吧28F 06/04 23:16
推 : JD可以準備羊駝農場了!!29F 06/04 23:21
推 : 流量密碼。金錢的世界沒有永遠的仇家。30F 06/04 23:32
推 : 被要求…?31F 06/04 23:32
※ 看板: Movie 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 73
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