※ 本文為 cuteman0725 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-02-12 16:22:08
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http://goo.gl/KchQZ http://goo.gl/9RCM5 尼克@灰狼02/12/2012 緯來板 第四節最後幾分鐘
http://youtu.be/fREGE1Q7Fcs 11:56
02/12/2012林書豪苦戰灰狼Ricky Rubio Jeremy Lin NY Knicks v.s Minnesota Timberwolves - YouTube 最後一刻反敗為勝、、、、 紐約尼克100-98擊敗地主球隊明尼蘇達灰狼 林書豪繳20分6籃板8助攻,連續5場比賽得20分以上。

Jeremy Lin Postgame: Knicks vs Timberwolves
http://youtu.be/jdoznqC-AHg 7:05
Jeremy Lin Postgame: Knicks vs Timberwolves - YouTube
The Knicks new guard following his 20-point game against the Minnesota Timberwolves.
The Knicks new guard following his 20-point game against the Minnesota Timberwolves.

Jeremy Lin hits game winning free throw: Knicks Vs Timberwolves
http://youtu.be/fYYGpqyP-gU 1:47
Jeremy Lin hits game winning free throw: Knicks Vs Timberwolves - YouTube New York Knicks guard Jeremy Lin draws a foul on Luke Ridnour in the closing seconds and hits the game-winning free throw against the Minnesota Timberwolves....

Jeremy Lin sweet layup to fall
http://youtu.be/oAzFD0VW3X4 0:19
Jeremy Lin sweet layup to fall - YouTube
Jeremy Lin drives the paint and gets the sweet layup to fall.
Jeremy Lin drives the paint and gets the sweet layup to fall.

The Jeremy Lin Show vs Minnesota (20 PTS, 8 AST) - 02.11.2012
http://youtu.be/I2yPiEzMD_c 5:24
The Jeremy Lin Show vs Minnesota (20 PTS, 8 AST) - 02.11.2012 - YouTube ALL HIGHLIGHTS vs Minnesota + Game Recap! The Jeremy Lin Show continues. He's amazing!!! 20 Points, 8 Assists and Game-Winning FT's! MSG Networks' Alan Hahn,...

http://blog.xuite.net/baseballman/blog NBA每日線上高光 & 線上Top10
http://nbafilm.enjoy101.org NBA官網 + ESPN官網 每日即時線上影片
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◆ From:
推 :頭推 謝拉1F 02/12 14:16
推 :大推2F 02/12 14:16
推 :推!!3F 02/12 14:21
推 :今怎麼那麼少人推4F 02/12 14:35
推 :推5F 02/12 14:35
推 :辛苦推!!!!!6F 02/12 14:38
推 :可能今天沒昨天神XD7F 02/12 14:39
推 :B2B 今天最後的罰球 救了尼克 也完成20分 真英雄8F 02/12 14:40
→ :請問一下Rubio最後運球怎麼掉出界的...我看不出來碰到哪?9F 02/12 14:43
推 :打的不好阿 當然推的人就少10F 02/12 14:43
推 :Lin!11F 02/12 14:43
→ :因為他忘記是打NBA以為是打西甲12F 02/12 14:46
推 :20分8助6板 現在已經是打不好了嗎QQ13F 02/12 15:13
推 :大推!!!14F 02/12 15:15
推 :推15F 02/12 15:17
※ 編輯: Rambo 來自: (02/12 15:18)推 :今天下半場表現有點失準,贏得有點驚險16F 02/12 15:17
推 :睡午覺吧17F 02/12 15:28
推 :推~球迷果然很現實阿..這種成績還嫌不好~雖然命中率差下半場18F 02/12 15:35
→ :失常~但還是明星級的數據~
→ :失常~但還是明星級的數據~
推 :雖然下半場有點沒力,但上半場一樣很威啊!20F 02/12 16:03
推 :有KOBE的影子21F 02/12 16:19
推 :逆轉勝 不推不是人22F 02/12 16:20
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 546