※ 本文為 auf 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2012-05-29 10:00:43
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] 記者替Westbrook提供穿著創意
時間 Tue May 29 09:55:09 2012
這張為西河對馬刺 G1 賽後記者會所穿 http://ppt.cc/jL2J
1. http://ppt.cc/;~hQ
M&Ms because he loves M&Ms.
2. http://ppt.cc/D6@D
A map of Oklahoma City because he hates getting lost.
3. http://ppt.cc/-IKU
A bunch of flags because he only missed two questions on his eighth grade
geography test.
4. http://ppt.cc/VqZA
Gigantic versions of his own face because he misses the days when rappers
would wear their own face on their shirts.
5. http://ppt.cc/fgkR
Flank steaks because of the one time someone traded Lady Gaga tickets for
Thunder tickets.
6. http://ppt.cc/Airi
A map of Westeros because he’s really in to “Game of Thrones” right now,
nerd style.
7. http://ppt.cc/joqd
All of Kevin Love’s crazy faces because they were roommates in college.
8. http://ppt.cc/!UqU
A polo shirt covered in polo shirts because it is a brilliant meta idea.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :潮1F 05/29 09:55
推 :潮2F 05/29 09:56
→ :潮3F 05/29 09:56
※ 編輯: cat0806 來自: (05/29 09:57)推 :其實直接點最後一個網址最清楚4F 05/29 09:58
推 :潮5F 05/29 09:58
推 :XDDDD6F 05/29 09:58
噓 :潮7F 05/29 09:58
→ :為什麼會有Kevin Love.....8F 05/29 09:58
推 :潮 很明顯不是衣服的錯9F 05/29 09:58
→ :點到噓,等補推10F 05/29 09:58
→ :11F 05/29 09:59
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 486