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作者 標題 [Live] LeBron James MVP Presentation Today
時間 Mon May 6 03:13:09 2013
Catch LeBron James MVP Presentation at 3:15 PM today!
on NBA TV.
Not sure, but they should stream it here:
NBA TV Live Stream Online
NBA TV live video stream with high end quality streams. The best and most complete live stream of NBA TV watch it here. FirstRowSports ultimate source for entertainment - Online TV Live Sports Stream Movies Online ...
NBA TV live video stream with high end quality streams. The best and most complete live stream of NBA TV watch it here. FirstRowSports ultimate source for entertainment - Online TV Live Sports Stream Movies Online ...
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另外根據消息來源 : http://0rz.tw/LOSCy
WallaceNBA_ESPN Michael Wallace
So LeBron got 120 of 121 1st-place votes. My guess is lone holdout
1st-place ballot was cast in L.A., Texas or Ohio.
Or was it Clyde or someone in NY who gave it to Carmelo?
不知道少掉那一票是不是卡在洛杉磯或是紐約 ?
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
推 :挖汙1F 05/06 03:14
→ :120票中的121票?2F 05/06 03:14
→ :史上第一人3F 05/06 03:14
→ :翻譯怪怪的4F 05/06 03:14
推 :應該是121票中的120票?!5F 05/06 03:14
推 :有人一票抵兩票6F 05/06 03:14
感謝各位大大糾正推 :追平歐肥的第一名了!7F 05/06 03:15
推 :會公佈是哪個沒投LBJ嗎8F 05/06 03:15
→ :又有人跑票9F 05/06 03:15
→ :還不是被老大巴兩鍋10F 05/06 03:16
推 :白目真是每年都有y11F 05/06 03:16
→ :跟歐肥那年的MVP一樣12F 05/06 03:16
推 :哪裡都一樣 人多必有..13F 05/06 03:17
→ :應該是在OKC14F 05/06 03:17
推 :CLE也很有可能15F 05/06 03:19
推 :啦八看起來跟Zo身高沒差多少耶16F 05/06 03:20
剛剛有小到消息指出,少掉那票是投給Melo→ :又誰跑票啊 是會不會看球17F 05/06 03:20
推 :這人根本故意的吧18F 05/06 03:21
→ :記得之前有消息說OKC的票都給了LBJ 所以原PO才說19F 05/06 03:21
→ :NY或LA吧
→ :NY或LA吧
推 :投給甜瓜 真的太好笑了21F 05/06 03:21
I think the person that voted for Carmelo as MVP should be fired and bannedfrom North America.
→ :這個人是以為選打鐵王嗎??22F 05/06 03:23
→ :跑票給CP3 TP9 KD就算了 跑給Melo= =23F 05/06 03:25
推 :投給Melo的24F 05/06 03:25
推 :Melo= =?25F 05/06 03:27
→ :投給 CP3 就算了,投給 Melo 。wtf XD26F 05/06 03:27
http://0rz.tw/XgOkJLeBron takes 2013 Kia Most Valuable Player award | NBA.com
LeBron James of the Miami Heat is the winner of the Maurice Podoloff Trophy as the 2012-13 Kia NBA Most Valuable Player, the NBA announced today. James earns the honor for the second consecutive year and the fourth time in five seasons. The only other player to win the award in four of five seasons ...
LeBron James of the Miami Heat is the winner of the Maurice Podoloff Trophy as the 2012-13 Kia NBA Most Valuable Player, the NBA announced today. James earns the honor for the second consecutive year and the fourth time in five seasons. The only other player to win the award in four of five seasons ...
top five in voting :
LeBron James (1,207 points)
Kevin Durant (765 points)
Carmelo Anthony (475 points, one first-place vote)
Chris Paul (289 points)
Kobe Bryant (184 points).
※ 編輯: Paraguay 來自: (05/06 03:31)
推 :這一定是故意的阿 八成是看LBJ不爽 故意搞破壞27F 05/06 03:28
→ :跑給Melo也太鬧了吧...比歐肥跑給AI那次還扯28F 05/06 03:29
推 :不意外29F 05/06 03:29
推 :Melo... 這太扯了30F 05/06 03:29
推 :跑票的會被譙到爆吧@@31F 05/06 03:30
推 :還好不是投給某__32F 05/06 03:30
→ :投給AI就算了 給Melo真的八竿子打不著邊33F 05/06 03:30
推 :又少一票...34F 05/06 03:30
→ :火迷進攻囉~大家抓穩囉35F 05/06 03:34
→ :CP3分數比Melo少耶 搞笑嘛= =36F 05/06 03:34
→ :其實這不用是火迷都知道 OKC和LA的票都跑了37F 05/06 03:36
→ :有人投Melo被幹譙很正常
→ :有人投Melo被幹譙很正常
推 :只跑一張 不可能都跑...39F 05/06 03:36
推 :MeloXDDDDD40F 05/06 03:36
推 :有啥好進攻?洗洗睡了啦41F 05/06 03:36
→ :打鐵魂!!!!!!!!!!42F 05/06 03:37
→ :我是說OKC和LA的票沒有投當地球星 誰跟你從LBJ跑了43F 05/06 03:37
推 :恩~要睡了。XD44F 05/06 03:46
→ :OKC之前就有傳消息票會給LBJ了 前段時間的新聞45F 05/06 03:47
推 :到底誰跑票的出來講啊46F 05/06 03:51
推 :總是會有這種喜歡鬧的47F 05/06 03:52
推 :歐肥當年都沒全數第1了,LBJ這樣還ok啦48F 05/06 03:52
推 :這部科學49F 05/06 03:52
→ :又是差一票XDDDDDD完蛋了 那個人要被人肉了50F 05/06 03:53
推 :投給MELO是在衝康MELO吧51F 05/06 03:53
推 :驗票啦 誰亂投給Melo...扯翻52F 05/06 03:54
→ :投給Melo的 大概只有四月在看球吧53F 05/06 03:54
→ :投給甜瓜是哪招.....有點好笑...54F 05/06 03:55
推 :得分王一票 喔耶 XD55F 05/06 03:56
推 :Melo不愧是LBJ同期的競爭者 XD56F 05/06 04:09
推 :結果Melo現在拚命打鐵 根本諷刺57F 05/06 04:12
→ :事前就一堆專家說lbj應該要拿全票,到底為啥給甜瓜..58F 05/06 04:21
推 :XDDD 應該很恨LBJ59F 05/06 04:25
推 :投給鐵瓜很明顯是故意的 這人想紅60F 05/06 04:30
→ :他一定知道沒投LBJ會被人肉出來,而且他還敢亂投
推 :明顯想賺訪問稿費話題吧 這種愛唱反調的人永遠有
→ :他一定知道沒投LBJ會被人肉出來,而且他還敢亂投
推 :明顯想賺訪問稿費話題吧 這種愛唱反調的人永遠有
推 :擺明了想被人肉來紅63F 05/06 04:43
→ :上次那個跑票的說不知道自己居然會是唯一跑票的64F 05/06 04:48
→ :這次這個應該要知道只有自己會跑票吧
→ :這次這個應該要知道只有自己會跑票吧
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 631
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