※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-09-29 10:19:18
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作者 標題 [花邊] 小牛老闆Cuban出手幫助Delonte West
時間 Tue Sep 29 10:07:02 2020
來源: ClutchPoints
網址: https://tinyurl.com/y6z3yjeb
Mavs news: Mark Cuban picks Delonte West up at Texas gas station
Mavs owner Mark Cuban picked up former NBA guard Delonte West at a Texas gas station on Monday after disturbing images of him begging circulated onlin ...
Mavs owner Mark Cuban picks Delonte West up at Texas gas station, now working
on game plan
小牛老闆Mark Cuban在德州的加油站接走Delonte West,目前正在擬定援助計畫
Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban picked up former NBA guard Delonte West at
a Texas gas station on Monday, per TMZ.
根據TMZ的報導,達拉斯小牛老闆Mark Cuban在德州某加油站接走了前NBA後衛Delonte
West, who played for the Mavs in 2011-12, was recently holding a sign on a
street in Dallas looking for money and food.
Once the picture circulated and got to Cuban, the Mavs boss knew he had to
step up and help West.
照片: https://imgur.com/ywwbgsu.jpg
"Sources connected to West’s family tell us that Cuban — who had been trying
to reach DW on the phone for days — finally got in contact with Delonte …
who agreed to meet the Mavs owner on Monday in Dallas."
「與West家人有聯繫的消息來源說,Cuban嘗試用電話跟Delonte West聯繫已經好幾天了,
"We’re told Cuban took West to a local hotel … while his family formulates a
game plan."
"Our sources tell us West’s circle of fam and friends have been trying
desperately to get Delonte to go to rehab … and he now seems open to the
"We’re even told Cuban has offered to help cover Delonte’s cost for
This is a terrific turn of events for Delonte West. Hopefully, Mark Cuban
helps the former Saint Joseph’s star and West is able to turn his life
around. He’s only 37 years old, so West still has plenty of life ahead of
him if he’s able to get healthy.
這Delonte West事件有了戲劇化的轉折。希望Mark Cuban可以幫助到這位前聖約瑟大學的
West appeared in 44 games for the Mavs during the 2011-12 lockout season. He
averaged 9.6 points and 3.2 rebounds per contest.
The last game West played in the NBA was against the Oklahoma City Thunder in
the 2012 playoffs as a member of the Mavs.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VSfRA7K (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1601345226.A.1D4.html
推 : 這很難幫吧 他不缺錢 自己去流浪的1F 09/29 10:08
推 : 庫班對有些自家球員很佛心,但是也對某些很殘忍...O2F 09/29 10:08
推 : 別人的老闆總是3F 09/29 10:08
推 : 佛4F 09/29 10:09
推 : 當初在小牛的時候Cuban就很幫忙West了,也讓West覺得5F 09/29 10:09
→ : 有一個家一直說小牛很棒,只是最後被傷害球隊的理由
→ : 被裁掉覺得蠻難過的
→ : 有一個家一直說小牛很棒,只是最後被傷害球隊的理由
→ : 被裁掉覺得蠻難過的
推 : QQ8F 09/29 10:09
→ : 肯幫就很夠道義了.9F 09/29 10:10
推 : 有情有義10F 09/29 10:10
→ : 成事在人,機會來了就看West想不想回歸正常生活11F 09/29 10:10
推 : 庫班真有愛12F 09/29 10:11
推 : 推13F 09/29 10:11
推 : 這次就要靠West自己了,庫班提供的是一個機會14F 09/29 10:11
推 : 推15F 09/29 10:11
推 : 怒推16F 09/29 10:12
推 : 佛心老闆17F 09/29 10:12
推 : 推庫班好人18F 09/29 10:12
推 : 為什老闆說要出錢就乖乖跟他走 他家人不是說不缺錢19F 09/29 10:12
→ : 庫班真的很棒!20F 09/29 10:13
推 : 推老闆21F 09/29 10:13
推 : 我也想加入獨行俠了22F 09/29 10:13
推 : 佛23F 09/29 10:13
推 : 仁義老闆24F 09/29 10:13
推 : 加油25F 09/29 10:13
推 : 這時候他家人又出現啦?26F 09/29 10:14
推 : 他是不是在自我放逐跟贖罪?27F 09/29 10:15
推 : 做好事 推28F 09/29 10:16
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 76
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