※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-10-02 23:05:09
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [情報] 火箭隊與鵜鶘隊計畫面試 Ty Lue
時間 Fri Oct 2 21:40:09 2020
@wojespnHouston and New Orleans are among teams planning to interview Clippers assistant Ty Lue in near future, sources tell ESPN. The Clippers are expected to begin meeting with coaching candidates soon -- and Lue will be prominent in that search to replace Doc Rivers.https://twitter.com/wojespn/status/1312014970926792704 …
Minnesota Timberwolves associate HC David Vanterpool will interview for the Houston Rockets head coaching job, sources tell ESPN. Vanterpool spent seven seasons on Portland staff before becoming the top assistant with Minnesota a year ago.
Houston and New Orleans are among teams planning to interview Clippers
assistant Ty Lue in near future, sources tell ESPN. The Clippers are expected
to begin meeting with coaching candidates soon -- and Lue will be prominent
in that search to replace Doc Rivers.
火箭隊與鵜鶘隊準備在近期來面試 Tyronn Lue
除此之外,Lue 還被視為接替 Doc Rivers 擔任快艇隊總教練的有力人選
至於溜馬隊方面則是傳出將會面談 Dave Joerger, Chris Finch, Chauncey Billups 等人
@wojespnPacers are meeting candidates this week and next, a roster of interviews that so far has included former Grizzlies/Kings coach Dave Joerger and Pelicans assistant Chris Finch, sources tell ESPN. Joerger is a strong contender in process. Chauncey Billups gets a sit-down soon too.
Pacers are meeting candidates this week and next, a roster of interviews that
so far has included former Grizzlies/Kings coach Dave Joerger and Pelicans
assistant Chris Finch, sources tell ESPN. Joerger is a strong contender in
process. Chauncey Billups gets a sit-down soon too.
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VToszlC (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1601646013.A.BCC.html
推 : 好搶手1F 10/02 21:40
推 : 訂便當2F 10/02 21:41
推 : 還不是靠姆斯3F 10/02 21:41
→ : 冠軍教頭 值得你擁有!4F 10/02 21:41
推 : 教過姆斯的教練真的都不缺工作捏5F 10/02 21:42
推 : 等不急看下一個被操48分鐘的球星了6F 10/02 21:42
推 : 1348 or 01487F 10/02 21:42
推 : Lue:給我18詹 我給你冠軍賽8F 10/02 21:44
推 : 毛巾架不是缺工9F 10/02 21:47
推 : Lue: 不知道這個James喜歡吃什麼便當10F 10/02 21:48
推 : 閃電夾擊11F 10/02 21:49
→ : Lue:哈登你毛巾拿過來12F 10/02 21:49
→ : 一年數百萬鎂的毛巾架,相信許多人搶著要當13F 10/02 21:50
→ : T.Lue:西河鬍子弧頂閃電夾擊14F 10/02 21:51
推 : Lue如果能拯救現在龜龜就不是毛巾架了15F 10/02 21:51
推 : Lue要是有料就不會失業那麼久了16F 10/02 21:53
→ : T.Lue:Tucker放空禁區上前過去包夾!17F 10/02 21:53
→ : 哈登很適合1348吧 季賽就習慣季後賽強度 熱身一下18F 10/02 21:53
推 : 媒體都愛幫Lue找工作,祝早日回歸教頭19F 10/02 21:54
→ : 側翼球員一直外線禁區奔波 下半場就像老詹累到手叉20F 10/02 21:54
→ : 腰
→ : 腰
推 : 等等 快艇總教練找到了嗎22F 10/02 21:55
推 : Lue要價也不低吧 有時候薪水會是一種阻礙23F 10/02 21:59
推 : 冠軍教頭24F 10/02 22:07
→ : Lue其實勉勉強強還行啦 但他要價也不低25F 10/02 22:08
推 : Lue:這句我是用23號戰術!...疑?辣個23號呢?26F 10/02 22:10
推 : 冠軍教頭你敢嘴?27F 10/02 22:10
推 : 喊來喊去都是這些人28F 10/02 22:14
推 : Lue失業很久?這是真的有在看球的雲球迷?29F 10/02 22:14
推 : 樓下支援哇草可以30F 10/02 22:16
推 : 為了中國市場找個會中文的錯了嗎32F 10/02 22:32
→ : 有人統計過面試王 魯 被多少球隊打過槍了嗎33F 10/02 22:40
推 : Lue是開價太高吧 不然早就有工作了34F 10/02 22:51
→ : 以為毛巾架 可是搶手貨呢35F 10/02 22:55
推 : 頭腦壞掉了嗎? 送走 mda 請來Lue哪裡比較好36F 10/02 22:57
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 102
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