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作者 標題 [外絮] Lue:沒有 Doc,我不會在今天這個位置
時間 Thu Oct 22 08:11:14 2020
Tyronn Lue: LA Clippers' on-court chemistry issues due to a lack of continuity
New LA Clippers coach Tyronn Lue said Wednesday that the team's on-court chemistry issues this past season weren't because the players didn't get alon ...
@MirjamSwansonLue: "Without Doc, I wouldn't be in this position today. That being said, I've learned a lot from Doc, also learned a lot form other coaches around the league. Spo and Brad Stevens, watching Nick Nurse last year ... being able to take from a lot of different coaches."
"I think when you talk about chemistry and continuity, it is not off the
court, the guys not liking each other," Lue said in his virtual introductory
news conference with reporters on Wednesday. "When you talk about chemistry,
it is more so [Paul George] came in and he had shoulder surgery, so he was
out, he missed the whole training camp and was out the first 11 games of the
season. Kawhi [Leonard] came in and couldn't participate in the whole
training camp, and then we lost Pat Beverley, in and out of the lineup a few
"當討論化學效應時,更重要的是像 Paul George 進入球季後接受了肩膀手術,
"Kawhi Leonard進入球季,卻不能參加完整的訓練營,
然後我們又失去了 Pat Beverley,他在我們的球隊陣容中缺席好幾次。"
"Leadership is different," Lue said. "You can talk about our two players,
Kawhi and PG, they lead by example. ... And you are not going to have the
best players be the natural leaders at all times. It doesn't happen like
that. I think a lot of leadership has to come from me, has to come from
Kawhi, PG, Lou and Pat Beverley. It's going to be collective."
"你可以討論我們的兩名明星球員, Kawhi 和 PG,他們以身作則...
我覺得很多領袖氣質是要發自自己,是要發自Kawhi、PG 和 Pat Beverley,
"I got to show them different ways of leadership and they got to show me
different ways of leadership," Lue added. "I don't know everything. They
don't know everything. ... The biggest thing about leadership is just
"I'm excited because the roster is unbelievable."
"Without Doc, I wouldn't be in this position today. That being said, I've
learned a lot from Doc, also learned a lot form other coaches around the
league. Spo and Brad Stevens, watching Nick Nurse last year ... being able to
take from a lot of different coaches."
也從聯盟中許多教練學了很多,Spo 和 CBS,去年的 Nick Nurse,
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※ 編輯: LABOYS ( 臺灣), 10/22/2020 08:12:29
推 : 笑死,毛巾二人組1F 10/22 08:12
推 : 高級酸?2F 10/22 08:12
→ : 但不得不說戰術上Lue比較強3F 10/22 08:12
推 : 河流:沒有LUE 我可能不會在七六人4F 10/22 08:13
→ : 被3-1逆轉的陣容太不可思議了5F 10/22 08:13
噓 : 不就是一下一上嗎?6F 10/22 08:13
→ : Lue:我宣佈本隊第三巨頭是瘋狗貝7F 10/22 08:15
→ : 因為他被開除了 我才變成總教練8F 10/22 08:16
推 : 2348戰術嗎?LBJ休騎士戰績多慘9F 10/22 08:16
推 : 沒有他帶隊下去我不會上來10F 10/22 08:18
推 : 沒有Doc的二輪止步,我今天不會在這個位置,才是真11F 10/22 08:18
→ : 正要說的對吧Lue
→ : 正要說的對吧Lue
推 : 阿義 沒有你 我贏不了這個老狐狸13F 10/22 08:18
推 : 沒有 Doc(滾),我不會在今天這個位置14F 10/22 08:18
推 : 魯長老跟黑肉出局了 然後主將被操會不會爆15F 10/22 08:19
→ : 廢話16F 10/22 08:20
推 : 高級酸17F 10/22 08:20
推 : 先猜PG會被操翻,然後………18F 10/22 08:21
→ : 那倒是19F 10/22 08:21
推 : 沒有Doc(帶這麼爛)我今天不會在這個位置20F 10/22 08:23
推 : 沒有河流打出這種成績我就不會在這裡 感謝河流21F 10/22 08:23
推 : 哈哈,你夠爛我才能補上22F 10/22 08:24
推 : 戰術上Lue比較強?嗯......23F 10/22 08:24
推 : 意思就是河流不滾,我就不能上去24F 10/22 08:28
推 : 因為河流太爛25F 10/22 08:28
推 : 口袋滿滿~26F 10/22 08:28
推 : 這個人講話從來都是東拉西扯一大段廢話 講完還是聽27F 10/22 08:28
推 : 你應該感謝LBJ吧Xad28F 10/22 08:28
推 : 沒有河流搞砸我哪會在這?來開始領導課程囉,第一29F 10/22 08:28
→ : 課:0248!
→ : 課:0248!
→ : 不懂他在講什麼31F 10/22 08:28
推 : 學習怎麼當領袖(溝通)是可以的,但本身也要肯學32F 10/22 08:29
→ : 戰術Lue比較強啊 球給姆斯已經被證明是無敵戰術...33F 10/22 08:29
推 : 沒有提到blatt....34F 10/22 08:29
→ : 我看過天生的領袖 這兩位不是~35F 10/22 08:30
推 : 球給fun guy36F 10/22 08:30
推 : 高級酸?! 你下臺我就有位置了 嘿嘿37F 10/22 08:37
推 : LBJ:38F 10/22 08:38
推 : 2348戰術之鬼39F 10/22 08:38
推 : 魯:沒有河流,對我很重要40F 10/22 08:41
→ : 不敢寫lbj41F 10/22 08:42
推 : 就看下季是LUE懂的怎麼操不會壞,還是曇花操不壞42F 10/22 08:43
推 : 正解:沒有DOC的3-1被逆轉,怎麼換我上位43F 10/22 08:45
噓 : 說錯了吧 不是沒有LBJ嗎44F 10/22 08:46
推 : 沒有河流被開除我怎麼上位呢46F 10/22 08:49
推 : 哈哈哈,中肯47F 10/22 08:58
推 : Lue:終於等到他下位了48F 10/22 08:58
推 : 沒有LBJ 我不會有冠軍49F 10/22 09:00
推 : Lue:感謝老河讓我拿大約50F 10/22 09:00
推 : 重點:有提到瘋狗貝沒提魯肉二人組 看來交易在眼前了51F 10/22 09:01
推 : 魯肉2人組要趁還有價時趕快賣掉換點東西回來吧52F 10/22 09:06
→ : 廢話他滾了你接任53F 10/22 09:06
推 : 雞湯出來啦~54F 10/22 09:13
推 : 黑肉不能交易哦..球季結束後他是FA55F 10/22 09:17
→ : 魯長老明年就是8M,能換到的範圍也有限
→ : 魯長老明年就是8M,能換到的範圍也有限
推 : 他不死 我睡不著57F 10/22 09:26
※ 編輯: LABOYS ( 臺灣), 10/22/2020 09:27:03推 : 這兩支來~~魯長老整個被壓縮58F 10/22 09:27
推 : 沒有河流,我才會在今天這個位置59F 10/22 09:27
推 : 現在確實是「沒有」Doc60F 10/22 09:29
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 113
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