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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [情報] 聯盟提前到聖誕節前開打可能是因為迪士尼
時間 Wed Oct 28 13:10:16 2020
來源: TalkBasket
網址: https://tinyurl.com/yxtkmqpe
NBA could move 2020/21 start date up as Disney wants Christmas games
Disney's desire to have a full Christmas slate could be the reason the NBA wants to begin next season in December. ...
NBA could move 2020/21 start date up because Disney “badly wants” games on
Christmas Day
The NBA is reportedly keen on starting next season on December 22 following
suggestions the 2020/21 campaign could begin sometime in January or February.
The latest proposed date came as a surprise to many and, according to Marc
Stein of the New York Times (H/T Uproxx.com), ESPN’s desire to air games on
Christmas Day, as they would traditionally, could be why the league is
looking to move the date up.
而最近的這個消息嚇到了很多人,而根據紐時記者Marc Stein的報導,因為ESPN的傳統要
“Disney, which owns ESPN and has been described by Silver as the league’s
biggest partner, badly wants to continue that Christmas tradition and have
five games to televise on either ABC or ESPN. Turner, the N.B.A.’s other
primary broadcast partner, would get its traditional opening night
doubleheader on a Tuesday if the union agrees to the Dec. 22 proposal. The
league, for its part, has informed the union that it projects a difference of
$500 million in revenue if it can start the season in December rather than
$500 billion is a figure which would represent an incentive to do just about
anything. It would be hard to imagine the NBA letting that go but there are a
lot of things which need working out, more importantly: player and fan safety.
Another trip to the bubble already seems like it’s out of the question for
several stars. Anthony Davis doesn’t want to see Disney World for another
two years after being among the last set of persons to leave.
再次去泡泡圈打球在近幾年內是不可能再來的了,湖人Anthony Davis是最後離開泡泡圈的
米老鼠想要 不可能不給
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VcFqxZu (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1603861819.A.8F8.html
推 : 五億鎂......1F 10/28 13:17
→ : 季後賽才剛打完沒多久又要進泡泡?2F 10/28 13:17
推 : 沒辦法,明年季後賽可能還要靠迪士尼3F 10/28 13:19
推 : 迪士尼擁有ESPN?我的天啊還有什麼是迪士尼沒擁有的4F 10/28 13:19
推 : 南方公園 迪士尼沒有5F 10/28 13:20
→ : Netflix 也不是啊 大驚小怪6F 10/28 13:20
推 : DC7F 10/28 13:25
推 : 侏羅紀公園的老闆也不是迪士尼啊xd8F 10/28 13:28
推 : 萬惡老鼠 這樣打季後賽的隊伍少了很多時間休息9F 10/28 13:29
推 : 重點應該在於espn是迪士尼的,所以才有話語權。而10F 10/28 13:32
→ : 泡泡會辦在迪士尼內,應該也是因為有共同利益在。
→ : 否則美國絕對不只迪士尼樂園有能辦泡泡的場地
→ : 泡泡會辦在迪士尼內,應該也是因為有共同利益在。
→ : 否則美國絕對不只迪士尼樂園有能辦泡泡的場地
推 : 花木蘭 是...13F 10/28 13:32
推 : 進泡泡也好過打個幾星期一堆球員確診14F 10/28 13:33
推 : 那還不賴欸 再過一個多月就有球看15F 10/28 13:35
→ : 那些球員應該不願意整年都在泡泡吧 季後賽就極限了16F 10/28 13:42
推 : 不去泡泡還能去哪了 疫情根本無法控制17F 10/28 13:47
推 : 可以先給快艇打復活賽18F 10/28 14:00
推 : 小心別跟大聯盟一樣,打到一半有人確診19F 10/28 14:02
推 : 公鹿跟快艇的敗部打完了嗎20F 10/28 14:03
推 : 那邊是很無聊嗎 可以免費玩迪士尼欸21F 10/28 14:13
推 : 玩半年迪士尼ㄇ 我是不知道啦xD 不過他們肯定覺得無22F 10/28 14:17
→ : 聊
→ : 聊
推 : 五億美元足以讓他們做出這個決策了24F 10/28 14:17
推 : Mlb還好打完,最後泡泡都有人中了25F 10/28 14:33
→ : 可能休息室都播木蘭吧26F 10/28 14:39
推 : 平心而論,迪士尼在復賽這件事也算全力支援,聯盟也27F 10/28 14:40
→ : 回報一下其實不為過?而且聖誕大戰本來就是年度大戲
→ : 對聯盟也很重要啊。
→ : 回報一下其實不為過?而且聖誕大戰本來就是年度大戲
→ : 對聯盟也很重要啊。
推 : 魔術隊自己分AB兩隊打一場阿XDDD30F 10/28 14:45
推 : 又要進泡泡 光想就很崩潰31F 10/28 14:52
推 : 要五場比賽,考量精彩度話題性+減少旅程,湖艇LA內32F 10/28 15:02
→ : 戰,尼網紐約,犢箭德洲,還有哪些組合適合呢?
→ : 勇鹿賽金塊熱火等等
→ : 戰,尼網紐約,犢箭德洲,還有哪些組合適合呢?
→ : 勇鹿賽金塊熱火等等
→ : 這麼早開打 結果主將沒上 還不是一樣沒看頭35F 10/28 15:27
推 : 南方公園迪士尼沒有36F 10/28 15:50
推 : 既然是迪士尼 LBJ沒理由反對了吧37F 10/28 16:09
推 : $$$$$$$$$$$38F 10/28 16:52
推 : 你去六福村還是劍湖山連續玩大概ㄧ個裡拜就膩了吧39F 10/28 17:25
→ : 何況半年耶
→ : 何況半年耶
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