※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-11-03 12:10:13
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [討論] 一句有聲音的NBA句子
時間 Tue Nov 3 11:07:39 2020
Rasheed Wallace 的 Ball dont lie
Allen Iverson 的 We talkin' bout practice
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VeCb-0X (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1604372862.A.021.html
→ : 波動來1F 11/03 11:08
推 : Oh Blocked by James2F 11/03 11:08
推 : It’s over3F 11/03 11:09
推 : This is for you !!!4F 11/03 11:09
推 : 箘~5F 11/03 11:09
推 : CLEVELAND! THIS IS FOR YOU!!6F 11/03 11:09
推 : 菌~7F 11/03 11:09
推 : They do have timeout, decide not to use it.8F 11/03 11:09
推 : missed the shot9F 11/03 11:09
推 : THIS IS MY HOUSE10F 11/03 11:09
推 : Too Big, Too Strong, Too Fast, Too Good!11F 11/03 11:10
→ : RIP CITY~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~12F 11/03 11:10
推 : Mamba out.13F 11/03 11:10
推 : too big too strong too fast too good14F 11/03 11:10
推 : Bang!15F 11/03 11:10
推 : 握槽!可以~~16F 11/03 11:10
推 : bang!17F 11/03 11:10
→ : He 抓 the ball (咦?18F 11/03 11:10
推 : Bang!!!! Tie game with five seconds remaining19F 11/03 11:10
推 : Too big, too strong, too fast, too good!20F 11/03 11:10
推 : AND 1 ~~~ !!!!!!21F 11/03 11:11
→ : it’s over 超經典22F 11/03 11:11
推 : hit me23F 11/03 11:11
推 : oh Mama!24F 11/03 11:11
推 : we will we will rock you25F 11/03 11:12
推 : Rebound Bosh BAAAAAAM~~26F 11/03 11:12
推 : Oh Block by james27F 11/03 11:12
推 : Curry way downtown...BANG!BANG!!!!28F 11/03 11:12
推 : Nothing but net29F 11/03 11:12

推 : Bang~Bang~what a shot from Curry31F 11/03 11:12
推 : oh mama there goes that man !32F 11/03 11:12
推 : Only you~~~~33F 11/03 11:13
推 : I love this game34F 11/03 11:13
推 : SOFTTTTT!!!!!!35F 11/03 11:13
推 : 雙龍出海36F 11/03 11:13
推 : 江~~~~握~~~~~37F 11/03 11:13
噓 : Mama There goes that man38F 11/03 11:14
推 : J球呢!39F 11/03 11:14
推 : SOFT40F 11/03 11:15
推 : First team on defense41F 11/03 11:15
推 : dampier for 3!!!42F 11/03 11:15
推 : 還是不懂江沃的梗43F 11/03 11:15
推 : Take that for data44F 11/03 11:15
推 : Lin for the Win~ got it !45F 11/03 11:16
推 : I like my meatballs spicy !!46F 11/03 11:16
→ : not1 not2 not3....47F 11/03 11:16
推 : not 1 not 2 not348F 11/03 11:16
→ : Kyrie Irving from downtown!49F 11/03 11:16
推 : Here comes McGragy, no timeouts reamining.50F 11/03 11:17
推 : dampier for 333333333!51F 11/03 11:17
推 : 婦潔 婦婦婦潔52F 11/03 11:17
推 : ball don't lie53F 11/03 11:17
→ : McGrady for the win, YES!!!!!!54F 11/03 11:17
推 : And 155F 11/03 11:17
推 : Mamba out....56F 11/03 11:18
推 : not1 not2 not357F 11/03 11:18
推 : 還敢下來阿58F 11/03 11:18
→ : dunk u very much~59F 11/03 11:19
推 : let's go home60F 11/03 11:19
推 : 也是波動賴61F 11/03 11:20
推 : ICE IN MY PENIS!!62F 11/03 11:20
推 : Too Big, Too Strong, Too Fast, Too Good!63F 11/03 11:20
推 : LeBron jame~64F 11/03 11:20
推 : Practice? 波動賴 U cant guard me65F 11/03 11:21

→ : derestimate the heart of a champion 火箭教練在以67F 11/03 11:22
→ : 第六種子進季後賽被外界普遍不看好下最終封王後留下
→ : 的名言
→ : 第六種子進季後賽被外界普遍不看好下最終封王後留下
→ : 的名言
→ : 波波的I want some nasty!70F 11/03 11:22
推 : I want some nasty!71F 11/03 11:22
→ : in your face!
→ : in your face!
推 : not1 not2 not3...73F 11/03 11:23
推 : Bryant to SHAAAAAQ74F 11/03 11:23
推 : ㄔㄨㄚˋ克75F 11/03 11:23
推 : 蔣~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~沃~~~~~76F 11/03 11:24
推 : 吹西~~~~~~~~~媽~~~~~貴~~~~~~~底~~~~~~~~~~~~~~77F 11/03 11:24
推 : Oh! blocked by James!78F 11/03 11:24
推 : Oh Blocked by James!我可以聽一輩子79F 11/03 11:24
→ : for the three~~~~~~can't do it from downtown~~~~80F 11/03 11:25
推 : Pippen:mailman doesn't deliver on sunday81F 11/03 11:25
推 : Won’t go, rebound Bosh. Back out to Allen82F 11/03 11:25
推 : On fire83F 11/03 11:25
推 : Too big Too fast Too strong84F 11/03 11:26
※ 編輯: Visa ( 臺灣), 11/03/2020 11:26:58推 : Rebound Bosh back to Allen85F 11/03 11:28
推 : If you smell what The Rock is cooking86F 11/03 11:28
推 : from downtown!87F 11/03 11:28
推 : 挖操 殼以88F 11/03 11:28
推 : mama there goes that man !89F 11/03 11:29
推 : Give me a fxxking ball!90F 11/03 11:29
推 : XX from way downtown, it's good!91F 11/03 11:29
→ : not1 not2 not3 not4 not5 not6 not792F 11/03 11:30
推 : 你蠻配合找gif的欸 推93F 11/03 11:30
推 : AUUUGH, YES! YES! YES! IN YO FACE.94F 11/03 11:31
推 : Let's go home. Let's go home!!!!!!95F 11/03 11:32
推 : Taco Tuesday~~96F 11/03 11:32
推 : Bang!!!97F 11/03 11:32
推 : from downtown!!98F 11/03 11:33
推 : Cleveland , this is for you99F 11/03 11:34
推 : what should i do ?100F 11/03 11:34
推 : Kobe絕殺熱火的轉播101F 11/03 11:34
推 : What are you doing Dragic? Did you not get the102F 11/03 11:34
→ : memo?
→ : memo?
推 : Luka 絕殺後的 主播喊 Bang! Bang!!!104F 11/03 11:34
推 : Taco Tuseday105F 11/03 11:35
推 : the lob! the Jam!106F 11/03 11:35
→ : Blocked by James 猶言在耳107F 11/03 11:35
推 : SBL的小四:X你X勒108F 11/03 11:35
推 : ohhh~ blocked by JAMES109F 11/03 11:35
推 : 哇操褲襠裏有蛇110F 11/03 11:36
推 : Paul George from downtown!!! Way off...111F 11/03 11:36
→ : 咳咳咳112F 11/03 11:36
推 : Taco~~~~~~~113F 11/03 11:36
推 : Oh! blocked by James! 真的聽幾次也不會膩114F 11/03 11:37
推 : McGrady for the win ~~~~YES!!!115F 11/03 11:37
推 : Dampier for 3333333333333116F 11/03 11:37
推 : 推找gif檔輔助,笑到爛了。117F 11/03 11:39
推 : down town~~~~~118F 11/03 11:39
推 : And 1119F 11/03 11:39
推 : Oh!! Blocked by James真的太經典120F 11/03 11:40
推 : practice?121F 11/03 11:40
推 : Mamba out. QQ 難過122F 11/03 11:41
推 : INSIDE ‼‼‼‼‼123F 11/03 11:41
推 : A~~~~~(要犯的時候)124F 11/03 11:42
推 : Great pass by Curry, running hard by iguodala an125F 11/03 11:42
→ : d super human defense recovery by Lebron James
→ : d super human defense recovery by Lebron James
推 : Back out to Allen,His three pointer BANGGG127F 11/03 11:42
推 : MWP: Kobe passed me the ball!!!128F 11/03 11:42
推 : bang!129F 11/03 11:43
推 : Oh~blocked by James真的經典130F 11/03 11:43
推 : If you don't like that, you don't like nba baske131F 11/03 11:43
→ : tball !
→ : tball !
推 : Defance~~ Defance~~~133F 11/03 11:43
推 : 哩五炭吉某134F 11/03 11:44
推 : Peko↗Peko↘Peko↗Peko↘Peko↗Peko↘Peko↗Peko↘135F 11/03 11:45
→ : 佛心公司 佛心公司136F 11/03 11:46
推 : 樓下支援毛巾架圖 哇操可以137F 11/03 11:48
→ : 這什麼到底什麼閃現ooooo138F 11/03 11:48
推 : Soft139F 11/03 11:48
噓 : Not 1 Not 2 Not 3 hahaha Not 4....140F 11/03 11:49
推 : It’s over! It’s over! Golden state is the141F 11/03 11:50
→ : city of joke once again!!
→ : city of joke once again!!
推 : 握操 可以143F 11/03 11:50
推 : where is my coach144F 11/03 11:51
推 : 喂 我姆斯啦145F 11/03 11:51
推 : not 2 not 3 not4 咳咳咳146F 11/03 11:52
推 : I got this shit,get the fuck out of here147F 11/03 11:52
推 : OH~ Block by James~~~148F 11/03 11:54
推 : 花休唉杜149F 11/03 11:55
→ : 波動來150F 11/03 11:55
推 : This is my house!151F 11/03 11:55
推 : 催密152F 11/03 11:55
推 : Bryant for the winnnn~~~~~YES!!!!!!153F 11/03 11:56
推 : I am done154F 11/03 11:57
推 : Bang! Mike Miller on fire155F 11/03 11:57
推 : This is my house~156F 11/03 11:58
推 : 然後~~~才開始下雨~~157F 11/03 11:58
推 : Faker what was that158F 11/03 11:58
推 : 江~~~~~~握~~~~~~159F 11/03 11:59
推 : you don't like this, you don't like NBA basket160F 11/03 11:59
→ : ball
→ : ball
推 : Taco Tuesday~~~162F 11/03 12:00
推 : 兩津你這個大笨蛋!!!!!!!!!!!163F 11/03 12:01
推 : E A sports...164F 11/03 12:01
推 : Oh blocked by James絕對榜上有名165F 11/03 12:01
推 : 這個球 亂成一鍋粥啊 而這一鍋粥的結果就是 See you166F 11/03 12:01
→ : next time
→ : next time
推 : KG: Anything is possible~168F 11/03 12:01
→ : Kobe:Mamba out
→ : Kobe:Mamba out
推 : Easy money E~asy money~170F 11/03 12:02
→ : Duncan:........171F 11/03 12:02
推 : over my dead body172F 11/03 12:02
推 : Black Lives Matter173F 11/03 12:02
推 : Good Night's Cleveland!174F 11/03 12:03
推 : not1 not2 not3 not4 not5 not6 not7175F 11/03 12:05
推 : 波動賴!176F 11/03 12:05

推 : You don't like that, you don't like NBA basketba178F 11/03 12:06
推 : he 抓惹 ball !!179F 11/03 12:07
推 : Rudy Gay not this guy180F 11/03 12:08
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 189