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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-11-21 01:16:40
看板 NBA
作者 XperiaZ6C (索尼)
標題 [外絮] 乳模:湖人對Tristan Thompson有興趣
時間 Sat Nov 21 00:28:34 2020

Lakers, Raptors set to pursue Tristan Thompson in free agency


The Los Angeles Lakers and Toronto Raptors are both expected to be fairly busy w
hen free agency opens up. Tristan Thompson is a name that both teams are expecte
d to have interest in signing.
湖人和暴龍預計都對Tristan Thompson感興趣。

Chris Mannix of Sports Illustrated shed some light on Thompson’s potential opti
ons. Returning to the Cleveland Cavaliers still could be an option, but that see
ms unlikely at this point in time.

The Lakers would love to land Tristan Thompson, an ex-LeBron James teammate in C
leveland who would shore up the front line. The Raptors, who could lose both Mar
c Gasol and Serge Ibaka, are expected to pursue the Toronto-born big man. With A
ndre Drummond opting into the final year of his contract, Thompson’s time with
the Cavs could be over.
湖人很樂意招攬這個LeBron James的前隊友以支撐鋒線。而可能會失去Marc Gasol和Serge
Ibaka的暴龍也可能追求。隨著Andre Drummond選擇執行了最後一年合約,Tristan Thompso

Thompson would be an excellent addition for both the Lakers and Raptors. He brin
gs toughness, rebounding, and a lot of energy. All three of those things would b
e key for both teams involved.
Tristan Thompson的韌性、籃板保護能力和活力對湖人和暴龍都很重要。

As for where Thompson would want to play, the Lakers would absolutely make sense
. He has played alongside LeBron James with the Cavaliers and the two worked wel
l together. With the Lakers being able to offer a championship contending opport
unity, that would have to be of intrigue.
至於Tristan Thompson想去哪裡,湖人是最合邏輯的。他和LeBron James合作愉快過,而且

On the other hand, the Raptors are a team that could definitely use a big man. I
f they lose both Ibaka and Gasol, they need a starter in the front-court. Headin
g north of the border and playing with Kyle Lowry and Pascal Siakam would be int
riguing, especially since he would be heading back to Canada.
另一方面,暴龍則是非常需要大個子的球隊。如果真的失去Marc Gasol和Serge Ibaka,他
們前場就需要一個先發。而重返家鄉加拿大和Kyle Lowry跟Pascal Siakam聯手也非常吸引

There are other teams who could come forward with interest as well. Among them c
ould be the Los Angeles Clippers and even the Boston Celtics.

With free agency not having many “big” names available, Tristan Thompson is go
ing to draw a lot of intrigue. Don’t be surprised to see the Lakers and Raptors
 show a lot of interest in Thompson very early on in the process.
由於此次自由球員市場並沒有什麼大魚,Tristan Thompson將會很受關注,湖人和暴龍有興

NBA Rumors: Lakers, Raptors to pursue Tristan Thompson in free agency
The Los Angeles Lakers and Toronto Raptors reportedly are planning to pursue Tristan Thompson this offseason in free agency. ...



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hunder31    : 八分八籃板2.01F 11/21 00:29
taikonkimo  : 願意來拿中產嗎?2F 11/21 00:29
kimo6414    : 姆斯我老闆3F 11/21 00:29
pigyang0313 : 老闆~窩來惹4F 11/21 00:29
showmehe    : 老闆 我回來了5F 11/21 00:30
noahlin     : 姆斯我老闆!6F 11/21 00:30
kafing89    : 富保羅覺得不會簽底薪抱團,湖人沒空間啦7F 11/21 00:31
GeeBen      : TT的功能到底是啥8F 11/21 00:32
LBJ23       : DH比較好用吧9F 11/21 00:32
chenborruey : 有冠軍了應該還是像錢看10F 11/21 00:32
FatalLuna   : 他跟Kardashian關係又變好了  LA很有吸引力吧11F 11/21 00:32
a3221715    : TT比較好用 但DH能扛阿肥12F 11/21 00:32
icou        : 八分八籃板13F 11/21 00:33
LuckyoPuppy : 賦稅中產,不要就8814F 11/21 00:33
live147222  : 有興趣啦,哪次沒興趣15F 11/21 00:33
Royalweger  : 姆斯我老闆啦 哪一次不是我老闆16F 11/21 00:33
a3221715    : 反正要錢湖人沒有17F 11/21 00:33
rony98      : 會找TT 應該心裡有數DH留不下來了18F 11/21 00:34
※ 編輯: XperiaZ6C ( 臺灣), 11/21/2020 00:34:50
kimo6414    : 如果沒續簽DH,補TT應該還ok?19F 11/21 00:34
Orianna     : 一聽就覺得是留不下魔獸20F 11/21 00:34
akko76815   : 唷 這我老闆姆斯拉21F 11/21 00:35
vince4687   : TT可以啊 騎士要放了 禁區堆一堆高薪低能的球員22F 11/21 00:37
yen01916471 : 普森回頭,不是抱恩,就是抱腿23F 11/21 00:37
TrueTears   : 姆斯我老闆24F 11/21 00:37
h321123aa   : TT的機動性很值錢阿25F 11/21 00:38
aaa91083    : 有他的話 AD會很輕鬆26F 11/21 00:38
sezna       : TT優秀藍領又耐操 問題就在中產願意嗎27F 11/21 00:40
fish0112    : 只有中產...28F 11/21 00:40
taikonkimo  : 他有雙十阿 講真的該是比DH強些 但中產簽得下嗎29F 11/21 00:40
zard1983    : 那次不有興趣30F 11/21 00:41
faelone     : 魔獸備案吧31F 11/21 00:41
fack3170    : 覺得會去湖人 找老詹32F 11/21 00:41
poiuy178    : 當年本來說肥約 跟本超划算33F 11/21 00:41
gn00152097  : 他再怎麼也會拿超過10M34F 11/21 00:42
kershaw1221 : TT進攻籃板超強 跟AD搭起來應該很猛35F 11/21 00:42
s27052705   : 都這個年紀冠軍也有了應該要簽肥約吧36F 11/21 00:43
a3221715    : 富保集團一年佛約 隔年再出走37F 11/21 00:43
LuckyoPuppy : 啊湖人就給不起38F 11/21 00:43
s27052705   : 除非他願意為了LBJ39F 11/21 00:43
youga       : 沒錢吧40F 11/21 00:45
asd2260123  : 姆斯我老闆41F 11/21 00:45
Aggro       : 他有冠又不是沒人要 幹嘛委屈自己42F 11/21 00:45
f22313467   : 魔獸應該走定了43F 11/21 00:46
LuckyoPuppy : 說真的,湖人的消息除了像woj這種,其他都聽聽就好44F 11/21 00:48
Joey1999    : 進攻籃板狂人45F 11/21 00:48
a9564208    : 蒸的丸子46F 11/21 00:48
Broyz       : 應該沒人小看TT了吧?上一季猛成那樣47F 11/21 00:49
jerry761031 : 來找老闆了48F 11/21 00:50
nt880245    : 一張全額中產可以上車49F 11/21 00:51
cweilun     : 跟JR一樣雷的咖有人要 腦子壞了50F 11/21 00:51
LuckyoPuppy : 就是猛才覺得中產不會簽啊51F 11/21 00:51
aa01081008tw: 會不會麥基交易掉然後簽到TT...那真的爽52F 11/21 00:51
nt880245    : 麥基交易重點是誰要= =53F 11/21 00:52
yychiu      : 生涯最後一張大約了,猜測不會小於目前這張。54F 11/21 00:52
s27052705   : TT還是要錢的啦,之前騎士有打算續約只是沒有達到55F 11/21 00:54
s27052705   : 他理想的報價
kafing89    : 湖人要護框中鋒吧,TT護框能力不好57F 11/21 00:55
heveninferno: 拜託不要58F 11/21 00:59
yychiu      : TT很多想在季後賽爭冠的會搶。ex: 金塊、小牛。59F 11/21 00:59
rony98      : TT今年薪水是18.5M 戒指也有了 不覺得會願意降太多60F 11/21 01:00
Aggro       : 他就是要錢 又不是沒人要幹嘛委屈自己 要就掏錢很61F 11/21 01:02
Aggro       : 簡單 騎士不就是這樣沒談攏
aquacomfort : TT最好是買得起 除非AD簽不回來63F 11/21 01:03
isolaX      : 他又不缺冠 當然是錢越多越好64F 11/21 01:03
s27052705   : 而且抓猛又執行球員選項TT大概率不會留了吧65F 11/21 01:04
thoward108  : 你的男孩TT66F 11/21 01:08

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