※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-12-04 17:27:48
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] AD:我不知道Lebron要提前續約
時間 Fri Dec 4 15:32:29 2020
I just wanted to take the process one day at a time. Obviously winning the championship with L.A. was very great. The team Rob put together, and Jeanie Buss put together, and Linda (Rambis) and all the people in the front office was amazing, and we did something special. Especially with everything going on in 2020.
我只想一天天的處理這個過程。 當然,在湖人贏得冠軍感覺非常棒,Rob和Jeanie Buss等管理層組建的球隊很棒,我們完成了特別的成就。 特別是考慮到2020年發生的一切事情。
I don’t think there was a doubt that I was gonna come back, it was just trying to figure out the logistics and what was best for me and my family, and I was able to get a deal done today. So I’m excited about that, and excited for what Dudley calls ‘the Big 3, with him, myself and ‘Bron, so it’s gonna be a great time. We’ve got another great task ahead of us, the team is looking great, guys have been working out, so I’m excited.
對此我很開心,也很興奮組成Dudley所稱的三巨頭,我和Lebron那將會是一段美好的時光,我們面臨新的考驗,球隊陣容看起來很好。 大家都在訓練,所以我很興奮。
L.A. is the place I wanted to be. They do a great job of just putting the team together. It’s the place I wanted to be, where I love to be. I’m out here during the summers and now living out here full-time for the next five years. So I thought it was just a great thing to go five years and be here in the place that I love, and don’t plan on going anywhere. So why not maximize it the most at this opportunity?
To be honest, I didn’t know what LeBron had going on. I didn’t know he was signing the deal. Rich doesn’t involve me with LeBron’s contract business. I found out the day everyone else found out that he was signing for two (years) $48 (million), I mean two for $85 (million), sorry ‘Bron (laughs).
說實話,我不知道Lebron當時的情況,我不知道他要提前續約。 Rich並不把我包含在Lebron的合約談判之中。我是和大家同一天知道消息,Lebron要續約2年4800萬。 哦,不,抱歉說錯了,是4000多萬兩年。 我太抱歉了,Lebron(笑)。
He added that he wasn’t surprised that LeBron would join him in committing to theakersor longer, though.
I wasn’t (surprised). I know he still loves the game, and he’s ready to continue playing basketball for the Laker organization, obviously talking about being able to play basketball with his son, and I wasn’t surprised by the extension. After doing something special like that with a great group of guys, it’s hard to leave L.A. Nation.
Took a couple of vacations. Kind of just let my body heal. But not much. We didn’t really have much time, like you said we starting next week, a couple weeks, getting right back afterwards. The most I did was kinda just chill at home, get some time to see my family again, as you see, the little one came in here, I love spending time with her. But just trying to get ready for next season. It’s going to be a shorter season with a quick turnaround for us, but I’m ready to get going.
進行了一兩次度假,讓我的身體痊癒。但也沒休息太多,我們時間不多,我認為我們下週就要開始了 ,一兩週開始吧。很快就要回歸比賽。我做的最多的就是在家放鬆,得到了再次見到家人的時光。剛才我的小女兒也來了,和她共度時光感覺很棒。我就是努力為下賽季做準備,我知道這將是一個縮短的賽季,我們的休賽期很短。不過,我準備好再次工作了。
I’m very motivated. I want to do it again. When we won the Western Conference Finals, LeBron said ‘Just wait until you win a championship and you hold that trophy.’ Your love for winning just grows, and ever since holding that trophy I just want to do it again. You want to hold that trophy over and over and over, you get addicted to winning.
我充滿動力。我想再次做到那件事。當我們贏了西區決賽後,Lebron說 等到你贏得總冠軍抱著那座獎杯的時候,你對勝利的熱愛會越來越多。http://i.imgur.com/tDToanC.jpg
I want that feeling again I want to be able to hold that Larry O'Brien trophy again, and become a meme again where I’m crying and people are using it for everything. But that was a good meme! I’m ready to get started again and I’m ready to get with this group of guys and get back to work to be able to hoist one of those trophies again.
I think Dennis Schroder surprised me the most. Just from the fact that I didn’t expect for it to happen. You hear rumors and things like that, but you don’t really get involved because you don’t know what’s real and what’s not. And when I saw that trade go through I was like “Wow, we really just got Dennis Schroder. Somebody that is tough on the defensive end, great offensively, scrappy. The same way we played last year, he fits right into that mold.
我認為Dennis Schroder的交易讓我最驚訝。就是我沒想到它會發生。你會聽到各種流言,不會想太多,因為你不知道哪些是真的。當我看到那筆交易達成,我就是驚嘆,哇!我們真的要得到Dennis Schroder了。他是一個強硬的人,進攻能力突出,很有拼勁。這和我們上賽季的特質一致,他很符合要求。
We wish Rondo, DG, QC, Dwight, JaVale, AB, luck with their respective teams, and without those guys we wouldn’t have been able to win a championship, for sure. But we added some guys to take on their roles, and I think we did really good.
@SpectrumSN"I don't think it was a doubt that I was coming back...LA is a place I want to be." @AntDavis23 sits with our @geeter3 to discuss his contract extension with the #LakeShow, aspirations for the upcoming season, and more. @Lakers
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推 : 皇副1F 12/04 15:33
推 : 原來你 什麼都不知道2F 12/04 15:33
推 : 三巨頭 達叔底薪上車3F 12/04 15:33
推 : 樓下信嗎?4F 12/04 15:33
→ : 上次被交易也不知道5F 12/04 15:34
噓 : 騙智障6F 12/04 15:34
推 : 三巨頭7F 12/04 15:34
推 : 雷霆不是人太好 是讓快艇下去對雷霆有好處8F 12/04 15:36
推 : 還好 新垣結衣要嫁給我的事情 我事先也不知道9F 12/04 15:36
推 : 三巨頭是 LBJ AD…跟誰 達叔?10F 12/04 15:37
推 : 就說啦,他除了 LeBron 和 Rondo 會特別提到的人,11F 12/04 15:37
→ : 常常就是達叔。
→ : 常常就是達叔。
推 : 達叔休息室巨頭13F 12/04 15:38
推 : 為什麼雷霆討厭快艇14F 12/04 15:38
→ : 再裝就不像了啦……經紀人都同個集團的最好沒聊過15F 12/04 15:38
推 : 不是討厭,是新秀簽的問題16F 12/04 15:39
→ : 這次NBA是三國志XDDD17F 12/04 15:39
推 : 達叔 巨頭(物理)18F 12/04 15:39
推 : 哥巴契夫頭髮最長19F 12/04 15:39
→ : 休息室官吏巨頭20F 12/04 15:39
→ : 這一定有規劃過的啊21F 12/04 15:39
推 : 雷霆拿快艇火箭的籤,這兩隊下去當然爽到雷霆22F 12/04 15:40
推 : 腿到不要不要23F 12/04 15:41
→ : 我不知道,只是他談約的時候我在旁邊而已。24F 12/04 15:42
→ : 都富保羅的,真的不知道?25F 12/04 15:42
推 : 我也是看報紙才知道26F 12/04 15:43
推 : 德軟來跟簽到哈肉都嚇到不少人吧27F 12/04 15:43
推 : 所以1985新垣結衣有嫁給你??28F 12/04 15:44
推 : 經紀人表示:29F 12/04 15:48
推 : 我不知道~只是他簽約的時候坐在我懷裡31F 12/04 15:48
※ 編輯: wwf1588 ( 臺灣), 12/04/2020 15:49:47噓 : 甲32F 12/04 15:50
推 : 怎麼可能 之前有報導說湖人很尊重ad 基本上都會過33F 12/04 15:51
→ : 問ad lbj續約這種大事ad不知道也太假
→ : 問ad lbj續約這種大事ad不知道也太假
推 : 肯定知道的拉 只是這種事情扯在一起就不專業了35F 12/04 15:52
→ : 這是正式官方的回答 自然會迴避很多檯面下的事情
→ : 這是正式官方的回答 自然會迴避很多檯面下的事情
推 : 要組團一直組下去,外人管不著啦,但裝作不知道還蠻37F 12/04 15:55
→ : 矯情的,大方承認又不會怎樣
→ : 矯情的,大方承認又不會怎樣
推 : 我不知道嘻39F 12/04 15:55
噓 : 豪洨40F 12/04 15:55
推 : 看報紙才知道,我懂41F 12/04 15:56
推 : 我也是看報紙才知道明年可以吃美豬 好爽42F 12/04 15:57
推 : 要得到LBJ,看來要狀元直接簽下Bronny43F 12/04 15:59
推 : 看報紙過時了 現在是看IG才知道44F 12/04 16:01
推 : 窩不知道45F 12/04 16:03
推 : 我就算知道 難不成也要跟你說???!!46F 12/04 16:06
推 : 甲甲47F 12/04 16:06
→ : 休息室領袖 達叔48F 12/04 16:12
推 : 誰信49F 12/04 16:12
→ : 誰信?50F 12/04 16:13
推 : 得體51F 12/04 16:14
推 : 這三巨頭大家看好可以幾冠? lol52F 12/04 16:14
→ : 看報紙53F 12/04 16:22
推 : 知道的官方說法就是不知道54F 12/04 16:22
推 : 看報紙才知道的 你信?55F 12/04 16:28
→ : 一堆人在認真什麼 = = 事先知情與否哪有差56F 12/04 16:33
推 : 要說知道還是不知道需要都不知道的酸民來評斷?什57F 12/04 16:34
→ : 麼都不知道的人推文也講得好像在現場一樣
→ : 麼都不知道的人推文也講得好像在現場一樣
推 : 德軟交易其實不算太誇張 但黑肉中產上車真的嚇死人59F 12/04 16:34
推 : 達叔:我和LBJ、AD合稱三巨頭60F 12/04 16:41
推 : 少來61F 12/04 16:41
推 : 兩頂薪+一底薪的三巨頭62F 12/04 16:42
推 : 知不知道都會有人酸啦~63F 12/04 16:45
推 : 唬爛我不信64F 12/04 16:47
推 : 都富保集團的 別裝啦65F 12/04 16:58
→ : 三巨頭66F 12/04 17:04
推 : 說~謊~67F 12/04 17:10
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