※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-12-01 22:16:23
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作者 標題 [外絮] 2020年以Kobe命名寵物的數量大幅增加
時間 Tue Dec 1 17:04:59 2020
Kobe Bryant-inspired pet names are way up in 2020
Kobe Bryant-inspired pet names are way up in 2020
Kobe Bryant has been honored in myriad ways in 2020 since his untimely passing in January, including people naming their pets after him. ...
Kobe Bryant has been honored in myriad ways in 2020 since his untimely
passing in January.
Apparently, one significant way in which the memory of the Mamba is living on
has come in the form of new pet names.
According to the dog-walking site Rover.com, which releases an annual list of
popular pet names, Kobe Bryant-related names saw a massive uptick in 2020
(TMZ aggregated the numbers).
The name “Mamba” is up 111% from the year before. “Black Mamba” is up 58%
and “Kobe” is up 16%. The name “Gianna” is up 20% from 2019, which one
can assume is largely a result of pet owners paying tribute to Kobe’s
daughter (familiarly known as Gigi), who also tragically perished with her
比起去年,「Mamba」增幅了111%,「Black Mamba」增加了58%,「Kobe」增加了16%,而
In other sports-related pet-news, the name “LeBron” was reportedly more
frequent with dog owners in 2020 than the year prior.
Enjoyably, the full name “Michael Jordan” has seen an uptick among cats in
2020, likely thanks to the massive popularity of the docu-series, “The Last
Dance,” which aired on ESPN in the spring and is now available on Netflix.
有趣的是,「Michael Jordan」在2020年裡貓的命名也增加了,這很可能是因為ESPN
Beyond basketball, “Neymar” has seen a 58% increase among athlete-inspired
dog names this year.
“Tom Brady” has also seen a dramatic uptick in usage as a dog name, which
could be a consequence of the future Hall of Famer relocating to Florida to
play for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
「Tom Brady」在狗的名字裡面也增加了,這大概也是因為這位準名人堂球星轉到佛羅里
In October, BabyCenter reported noticing a surge in the popularity of human
children named after the Los Angeles Lakers legend and Gigi. The name “Kobe
” was the biggest riser on the list for newborn boys’ names, shooting up
from #595 in 2019 to #216 in 2020.
The name “Gianna” rose among newborn girls from #76 to…#24.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VnWT2Nb (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1606813506.A.5E5.html
※ 編輯: kairiyu ( 臺灣), 12/01/2020 17:07:35
推 : 狗鼻XD1F 12/01 17:06
推 : Kobe狗?2F 12/01 17:06
推 : Kobe sit!3F 12/01 17:06
推 : 為啥是寵物不是兒子女兒XDD4F 12/01 17:06
推 : 聽起來很好吃5F 12/01 17:07
→ : 神戶6F 12/01 17:08
→ : 我養的牛也叫Kobe7F 12/01 17:12
推 : 老大....型牡羊犬???8F 12/01 17:12
推 : 我家的kobe在地上爬? 那啥鬼 XD9F 12/01 17:16
推 : 叫狗哦幹 哦原來真的是狗10F 12/01 17:17
推 : 把養的狗叫做KOBE有點...11F 12/01 17:24
推 : Kobe過來!...12F 12/01 17:25
推 : 想你了Kobe13F 12/01 17:26
推 : 我女友也叫我kobe啊14F 12/01 17:26
推 : 這是一種致敬的方式 我記得忘記誰的狗就叫Kone15F 12/01 17:27
推 : 國外又不像華人圈把寵物取人名當貶義16F 12/01 17:30
推 : 幹外面的野狗kobe我家kobe啦17F 12/01 17:30
推 : 國外都會把寵物取人命啊18F 12/01 17:30
→ : 名
→ : 名
→ : 國情不同 還是難理解20F 12/01 17:31
推 : 養了一條狗叫Kobe21F 12/01 17:34
推 : 我都叫IKEA22F 12/01 17:35
推 : 我真的不確定這樣是好還是不好XD23F 12/01 17:37
推 : Kobe來,Kobe坐下24F 12/01 17:40
推 : 人家是把狗當小孩疼 我們是把小孩當狗教25F 12/01 17:40
→ : Kobe臥倒,Kobe擊掌,Kobe蹦!26F 12/01 17:41
推 : 如果探險活寶現在才推出 狗主角的中文名有可能從老27F 12/01 17:41
→ : 皮變成老科xd
→ : 皮變成老科xd
→ : 兒子女兒也有 之前版上貼過 新生兒命名KOBE也大增29F 12/01 17:41
推 : 狗叫kobe不錯30F 12/01 17:43
推 : Kobe eat !31F 12/01 17:43
推 : LaVine 的其中一條狗也叫Kobe32F 12/01 17:50
推 : 2010我養的貓就取名kobe,現在12歲了33F 12/01 17:57
推 : 帶Kobe去結紮= =34F 12/01 18:03
推 : 我相信大多人的立意是好的啦!只是一定歪XD35F 12/01 18:04
推 : 我家狗叫Lebron36F 12/01 18:05
推 : 我當然知道國情不同,但想到叫KOBE坐下,KOBE握手就37F 12/01 18:06
→ : 還是覺得很好笑
→ : 還是覺得很好笑
推 : 公園阿伯也叫我Kobe啊39F 12/01 18:07
推 : 成大kobedog40F 12/01 18:23
推 : 狗鼻就是強!41F 12/01 18:28
推 : 狗鼻…中文唸就是這樣42F 12/01 18:49
推 : Kobe 結紮43F 12/01 18:55
推 : 我的狗本來就叫Kobe44F 12/01 19:11
推 : kobelikedog45F 12/01 19:13
推 : 在外面會嗎?46F 12/01 19:39
推 : 我朋友的蛇真的叫Kobe……47F 12/01 20:12
推 : 記得以前在NBA板用狗鼻這個詞是會水桶的48F 12/01 20:16
推 : 今天我要帶Kobe去結紮49F 12/01 20:16
推 : Kobe有又咬人了50F 12/01 20:19
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 64
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