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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-06-23 16:26:21
看板 NBA
作者 willy911006 (小溫)
標題 [情報] Trevor Ariza 將不會參加復賽
時間 Tue Jun 23 07:21:51 2020

Adrian Wojnarowski
Portland Trail Blazers forward Trevor Ariza is opting-out of participation in the NBA’s Orlando restart of the season, committing instead to a one-month visitation window with his young son, sources tell ESPN.

Portland Trail Blazers forward Trevor Ariza is opting-out of participation in
the NBA’s Orlando restart of the season, committing instead to a one-month vi
sitation window with his young son, sources tell ESPN.


Adrian Wojnarowski
Sources: Ariza has been involved in a custody case over his 12-year old son, and mother’s choice of granting a court-ordered one month visitation period during league’s quarantine of teams in Orlando left Ariza to choose those parenting responsibilities over competing in restart.https://twitter.com/wojespn/status/1275181458865471489 …
Portland Trail Blazers forward Trevor Ariza is opting-out of participation in the NBA’s Orlando restart of the season, committing instead to a one-month visitation window with his young son, sources tell ESPN.

Sources: Ariza has been involved in a custody case over his 12-year old son, a
nd mother’s choice of granting a court-ordered one month visitation period du
ring league’s quarantine of teams in Orlando left Ariza to choose those paren
ting responsibilities over competing in restart.



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※ 編輯: willy911006 ( 臺灣), 06/23/2020 07:22:53
raffedino   : good choice1F 06/23 07:37
quaker7481  : 有冠了 家庭更重要2F 06/23 07:42
TimmyJiang  : 亞當山德勒:「 Fa... Family first」3F 06/23 07:49
uuss        : 反正也沒啥機會,正確的選擇~4F 06/23 07:56
jamison33   : 這前妻真故意5F 06/23 08:00
AOB123      : 我比較好奇他前妻是不是故意逼Ariza二選一的6F 06/23 08:01
jamison33   : 不過這樣公司要付薪水嗎7F 06/23 08:02
Ansel       : 借轉拓板  謝謝8F 06/23 08:05
Ansel:轉錄至看板 BLAZERS                                        06/23 08:05
bangch      : 這前妻太機車了吧9F 06/23 08:11
foxlula     : 越來越多人表態不打了...10F 06/23 08:17
nangaluchen : 這前妻做人真差11F 06/23 08:23
ErnieYang   : 搞不好前妻是幫忙弄個藉口不打 所以反過來其實是好12F 06/23 08:25
ErnieYang   : 人
charlie01   : 是復賽不是複賽 意思完全不同14F 06/23 09:14
charlie01   : 雖然這種語文內容愈來愈沒人在乎了
※ 編輯: willy911006 ( 臺灣), 06/23/2020 09:17:44
peter229    : 說不定前妻跟灰熊將好價錢了16F 06/23 09:21
kkjjkkjj    : 女人不意外啊17F 06/23 09:22
zaza1128    : 心機重的前妻18F 06/23 09:32
TheseusJr   : charlie大 很多人都在再不分了 唉19F 06/23 09:43
roger2623900: 阿銀說過不參加復賽不算違約 所以薪水照領吧20F 06/23 09:46
CW4         : 會扣薪21F 06/23 09:57
motoman     : 沒出賽沒薪水阿22F 06/23 09:57
CW4         : https://yhoo.it/3hUghn923F 06/23 09:58
Report: NBA players who choose not to play will lose higher share of salary than suspended players
The public messaging on players who choose not to play in the NBA's resumption at Disney World: They won't face discipline. ...

sunnydragon7: 沒出賽沒薪水24F 06/23 10:10
tonfans     : 家庭比較重要啊25F 06/23 10:19
yellowboy   : 老婆怕老公中鏢感染到小孩吧26F 06/23 10:26
windowdoor  : 美國現在複賽風險太高了  不想打正常27F 06/23 10:37
lillard000  : 女的28F 06/23 10:43
josephpu    : 說不定前妻是幫忙找理由啊= =29F 06/23 10:52
Blazeleo819 : 什麼脈絡都不了解就直接檢討前妻也是很厲害30F 06/23 10:52
qwer2411    : smart choice31F 06/23 10:59
a129634     : 不違約但沒薪水啊32F 06/23 11:27
sycc        : 3F那段明明很催淚 你在這講出來我卻想笑XD33F 06/23 11:34
kenjames0426: 3樓有聲音WWW34F 06/23 11:46
a034506618  : 3f的推文xd 好有畫面35F 06/23 13:29
Hiara       : 命運好好玩很棒欸,當年看到哭36F 06/23 13:51
hass231470  : 女人37F 06/23 13:57
s95115260   : 我記得他結婚不久啊,怎麼變前妻了38F 06/23 14:31

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