※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-12-11 10:14:08
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] Jimmy Butler對記者的部分訪談
時間 Fri Dec 11 07:44:53 2020
Ira Winderman
@IraHeatBeatJimmy Butler to ESPN's Rachel Nichols on James Harden, "There’s a lot of stuff always in the media. I think that he's a hell of player. I like the group we have. To tell you the truth, I just want the guy to be happy. That’s what life is about. That's what the game is about."
@IraHeatBeatJimmy Butler to ESPN's Rachel Nichols on James Harden, "There’s a lot of stuff always in the media. I think that he's a hell of player. I like the group we have. To tell you the truth, I just want the guy to be happy. That’s what life is about. That's what the game is about."
Jimmy Butler to ESPN's Rachel Nichols on James Harden, "There’s a lot of stuf
f always in the media. I think that he's a hell of player. I like the group w
e have. To tell you the truth, I just want the guy to be happy. That’s what l
ife is about. That's what the game is about."
針對James Harden 的吹密:
Ira Winderman
@IraHeatBeatJimmy Butler also tells ESPN's Rachel Nichols that his plan is to have Goran Dragic as the first spokesmodel for Big Face Coffee. Adds that it is an unpaid position.
@IraHeatBeatJimmy Butler also tells ESPN's Rachel Nichols that his plan is to have Goran Dragic as the first spokesmodel for Big Face Coffee. Adds that it is an unpaid position.
Jimmy Butler also tells ESPN's Rachel Nichols that his plan is to have Goran D
ragic as the first spokesmodel for Big Face Coffee. Adds that it is an unpaid
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※ 編輯: willy911006 ( 臺灣), 12/11/2020 07:46:08
※ 編輯: willy911006 ( 臺灣), 12/11/2020 07:57:45
推 : 抓雞....1F 12/11 07:50
推 : 慣老闆XD2F 12/11 07:50
推 : 這些藍勾勾記者也總在發文提到大臉咖啡,真爽3F 12/11 07:50
→ : 聽說吉巴是聲仔?疑不像阿4F 12/11 07:53
推 : 超級慣老闆wwww5F 12/11 07:55
推 : 文字魔人一下 a hell of在這裡是指超強的意思6F 12/11 07:55
我把Of看成To了XD,謝謝※ 編輯: willy911006 ( 臺灣), 12/11/2020 07:57:45
→ : 雖說他超強就是對其他球隊球員是地獄也是沒錯啦XD7F 12/11 07:57
推 : 抓機:嗄,我也是看推特才知道8F 12/11 07:58
推 : 抓雞:....9F 12/11 07:59
→ : 哈登目前對哪邊都是地獄等級吧,球隊或球員10F 12/11 08:02
推 : 不續約會被扁 代言模特又無薪11F 12/11 08:03
推 : 米國台灣慣老闆12F 12/11 08:08
推 : 恭喜,你被國家徵招了13F 12/11 08:10
推 : 很好奇為什麼哈登會被說是毒瘤 他只是喊吹密而已不14F 12/11 08:12
→ : 是嗎~
→ : 是嗎~
推 : 謝謝您為國辛勞!16F 12/11 08:14
推 : 阿爹入股要2.5M美金,讓抓雞代言免費。JB資本操作17F 12/11 08:20
→ : 水準根本神級XD
→ : 水準根本神級XD
→ : 不就因為他不只喊吹密嗎?XD跟去年小AI對灰熊一樣啊19F 12/11 08:21
→ : 他不只是喊吹密,看看他最近的行為吧,nba頒了一堆20F 12/11 08:32
→ : 防疫措施,他是領4000萬的球員,本來就帶頭示範,
→ : 他不尊守就算,還帶頭違反,一句話船沉了到底爽到
→ : 誰
→ : 防疫措施,他是領4000萬的球員,本來就帶頭示範,
→ : 他不尊守就算,還帶頭違反,一句話船沉了到底爽到
→ : 誰
→ : 抓雞:......代言請找我經紀人談24F 12/11 08:33
→ : 無薪XDDDDDDDDD25F 12/11 08:33
推 : 不只球技有遺傳到,做生意的本事也有26F 12/11 08:33
推 : 真 慣老闆XD27F 12/11 08:44
推 : 抓雞:我是不是上了賊船?28F 12/11 08:44
推 : 超會打廣告~哈哈29F 12/11 08:51
推 : 免費的最貴啊30F 12/11 08:53
→ : 你咖啡賣那麼貴,僱NBA球員來代言還敢不付錢啊31F 12/11 08:53
→ : 快笑死 真的慣32F 12/11 09:04
推 : 抓雞:原來你要熱火簽我是為了……33F 12/11 09:05
推 : unpaid....連當老闆都那麼吉巴34F 12/11 09:07
推 : 慣老闆!夠吉巴35F 12/11 09:09
推 : 抓到了 吉巴慣老闆36F 12/11 09:14
推 : 吉巴克 還在做啊37F 12/11 09:17
推 : 抓ㄐ:但勒38F 12/11 09:19
推 : 抓雞:幹,先等一下39F 12/11 09:21
推 : 抓雞:修但幾咧,我沒說要當義工阿40F 12/11 09:31
→ : 原來是慣老闆的部分啊!41F 12/11 09:37
推 : 吉巴...超級慣老闆...不過真的滿適合當商人的42F 12/11 09:37
推 : 無薪代言XDDDDD 吉巴這太慣老闆了吧43F 12/11 09:42
→ : hell of=跟鬼一樣44F 12/11 09:48
→ : 一天一杯咖啡,賺45F 12/11 09:58
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