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作者 標題 [外絮] Lue曾對LBJ&KI說:你們打球 我是他X的教練
時間 Sun Dec 20 13:41:58 2020
來源: Cavaliers Nation
網址: https://tinyurl.com/y9kzh93c
Tyronn Lue once snapped at LeBron James and Kyrie Irving: 'You guys play and I'll coach the f-----g team' | Cavaliers Nation Former Cleveland Cavaliers head coach Tyronn Lue had no problem colliding with superstars LeBron James and Kyrie Irving during their time together in ...
Tyronn Lue once snapped at LeBron James and Kyrie Irving: ‘You guys play and
I’ll coach the f—–g team’
Tyronn Lue曾經一度對LeBron James跟Kyrie Irving說:「你們打球,我是他X的教
By Justin Benjamin
Former Cleveland Cavaliers head coach Tyronn Lue had no problem colliding
with superstars LeBron James and Kyrie Irving during their time together in
當他們還在騎士的時候,前騎士總教練Tyronn Lue對於跟隊上超級明星LBJ還有Kyrie
According to Kevin Arnovitz of ESPN.com, Lue held his own when James and
Irving would try to alter game plans.
根據ESPN記者Kevin Arnovits報導,當LBJ跟KI想要變更打球計畫時,Lue會堅持他的立
“Lue’s ability to earn the trust of superstars is an invaluable trait,”
Arnovitz wrote. “In the words of one of his colleagues, Lue is an expert at
going after a star player without leaving a scar. Another source recalled a
timeout during one of Lue’s first games as a head coach in Cleveland in
January 2016, when LeBron James and Kyrie Irving interjected to contradict a
tactical adjustment. Lue responded, without ire or defensiveness, ‘Why don’
t you guys play and I’ll coach the f—ing team.'”
Lue, 43, recently became the Los Angeles Clippers’ head coach.
The general earned a ton of respect during his first head coaching stint in
Cleveland, where he coached the Cavs from 2016 to 2018.
Of course, Lue led the Cavs to their first championship in 2016.
The Cavs fought back from a 3-1 deficit against the star-studded Golden State
Warriors to win in historic fashion during the 2016 NBA Finals. During Game 7
of that gritty series, Lue and James almost got into a fight.
2016年總冠,騎士克服了3-1逆境,打敗了滿天星的勇士。在Game 7時,Lue跟LBJ差點吵了
However, that type of accountability and transparency is what led the pairing
to have tremendous success.
Now, James and Lue are on rival ends in Los Angeles.
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→ : 你只是毛巾架1F 12/20 13:42
→ : 恩(>﹏<) 閃電夾擊可以炫耀一輩子2F 12/20 13:43
→ : 好啦好啦 毛巾拿去3F 12/20 13:43
推 : 不能改變訂餐計劃4F 12/20 13:44
→ : 結果ki就離隊了5F 12/20 13:44
→ : 還曾經覺得球隊不需要教練
→ : 還曾經覺得球隊不需要教練
推 : 看lue和你疼,lue真的很懂怎麼操不會受傷7F 12/20 13:44
→ : 2348也是有技巧的
→ : 2348也是有技巧的
推 : 還以為是說我當球9F 12/20 13:45
推 : I am the f___ing towel rack10F 12/20 13:45
推 : XDDDDD12F 12/20 13:46
→ : 一臉呆滯是怎樣
→ : 一臉呆滯是怎樣
推 : 結果KI被Lue和Stevens執教完結論是:我們不需要教練14F 12/20 13:46
推 : Lue的臉真的很有喜感就是了XDDD15F 12/20 13:47
推 : 他可以當總仔的原因就是因為他壓得下LBJ16F 12/20 13:47
推 : 有料17F 12/20 13:47
推 : 難怪KI會嗆誰都能當教練(?)18F 12/20 13:47
→ : Lue你們打球 我是他X的毛巾架19F 12/20 13:48
推 : 奪冠喇叭遠大於20F 12/20 13:48
推 : 上圖Lue憨得好可愛XD21F 12/20 13:48
→ : 難怪KI會說我們不需要教練!(對不起錯怪你了)22F 12/20 13:48
推 : 單子下完都快出餐了你才說要改?23F 12/20 13:50
推 : 他能逼出最強LBJ阿 2016-G7就是Lue嘴出最強LBJ搞定24F 12/20 13:51
→ : 太龍乳25F 12/20 13:51
推 : 叫便當了26F 12/20 13:53
推 : 難怪可以帶姆斯拿到冠軍27F 12/20 13:54
→ : Lue曾對LBJ&KI說:你們打球 Ball: 哎呀 幹嘛打我28F 12/20 13:55
推 : 看姆斯那麼激動以為是落後20分29F 12/20 13:56
推 : 胯下之Lue30F 12/20 13:56
→ : Lue: 關熱點分享喔! LBJ:教練!31F 12/20 13:59
推 : 2016 1:3 逆轉勝~可以說嘴一輩子32F 12/20 14:01
推 : 毛巾乾了嗎33F 12/20 14:03
噓 : 毛巾架34F 12/20 14:04
推 : 成名作是被跨過去的教練35F 12/20 14:04
→ : 教練你造反阿36F 12/20 14:09
→ : Lue:you guys play, put your towels on my head.37F 12/20 14:10
推 : 打個紐約尼克也可以這麼熱血38F 12/20 14:19
→ : 被救贖的39F 12/20 14:20
→ : 那圖好笑40F 12/20 14:22
推 : 然後絕殺是姆斯畫的41F 12/20 14:22
推 : Lue最強的地方是他壓得住大牌 很多人做不到42F 12/20 14:27
→ : Lue:你們打球 因為我的戰術就是你們拿球43F 12/20 14:30
推 : 會講話的毛巾架44F 12/20 14:35
推 : 我為什麼就不能當個他X的訂便當的呢45F 12/20 14:40
→ : 2016會打到1比3落後 Lue不用負責任嗎... 馬後砲46F 12/20 14:41
→ : 洛杉磯的兩隻死敵隊伍?笑了47F 12/20 14:42
→ : 你們擦汗 我是他媽的毛巾架48F 12/20 14:49
噓 : 毛巾架49F 12/20 14:50
推 : LBJ畫戰術,Lue:蛤?我們有這套?50F 12/20 14:52
→ : 姆斯在的時候乖的跟龜孫子一樣51F 12/20 14:54
推 : 2348 球星的最愛(X52F 12/20 14:55
推 : 姆斯畫戰術 我當毛巾架還有幫忙訂便當53F 12/20 15:04
推 : 嗆完後,「等等你們便當要吃什麼?要飲料嗎?」54F 12/20 15:07
推 : Lue:等等便當要訂哪一家55F 12/20 15:13
推 : 打法就是提速56F 12/20 15:17
推 : 不是,game 7吵什麼?57F 12/20 15:22
→ : 吵要不要讓老詹打滿48分鐘嗎?
→ : 吵要不要讓老詹打滿48分鐘嗎?
推 : 這也是教練很需要的特質沒錯59F 12/20 15:23
→ : Lue:你們打球,我當球60F 12/20 15:31
→ : 你們打球 我訂便當61F 12/20 15:32
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 133
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