※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-12-26 22:21:57
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作者 標題 [花邊] 罰球麵包 LBJ:回家喝兩杯 一手一個杯子
時間 Sat Dec 26 21:00:20 2020
來源: TalkBasket
網址: https://tinyurl.com/y85lsgse
LeBron James jokes he will go home and be double-fisting wine after airballing a free-throw | TalkBasket.net
LeBron James, who sprained his left ankle against the Clippers, was back in action and was one of the top scorers for the winners. ...
LeBron James jokes he will go home and be double-fisting wine after
airballing a free-throw
罰球麵包 LBJ開玩笑說 他會回家後兩手各拿一個酒杯開喝
The Los Angeles Lakers bounced back after the opening night’s loss to the
Clippers by crushing the Dallas Mavericks on Christmas Day (138-115). LeBron
James, who sprained his left ankle against the Clippers, was back in action
and was one of the top scorers for the winners.
He finished the game with 22 points, 10 rebounds and 7 assists in 28 minutes
of play. However, the game included a moment that LeBron would rather forget
— he ariballed a free-throw in the third quarter.
麵包影片: https://youtu.be/pEllsRgndO8

“I’m gonna go home and be double-fisting (wine) so I can not air-ball any
more free throws,” James said after game per Harrison Faigen.
Harrison Faigen說。
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※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 12/26/2020 21:01:01
推 : 舒適1F 12/26 21:00
→ : the 季賽開心
→ : the 季賽開心
推 : 酒3F 12/26 21:01
※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 12/26/2020 21:02:22→ : 姆斯:罰球不進,先自罰兩杯,先乾~4F 12/26 21:03
→ : The 貪杯5F 12/26 21:03
推 : The 滿身酒氣6F 12/26 21:04
推 : The 聖誕麵包大餐7F 12/26 21:06
推 : 千杯千杯再千杯8F 12/26 21:07
推 : 罰球不進 罰喝酒 懂玩9F 12/26 21:08
推 : 字母:10F 12/26 21:08
推 : #罰球麵包 #兩杯紅酒 #耶誕大賽11F 12/26 21:08
→ : The 騎馬射箭12F 12/26 21:09
→ : 拿冠就是舒適13F 12/26 21:10
推 : the 麵包14F 12/26 21:11
推 : 兩女一杯15F 12/26 21:11
推 : 為什麼褲子這次沒有偷笑16F 12/26 21:11
推 : 給我一杯酒再給我一隻菸17F 12/26 21:12
推 : J系一支3w5 79年的剝根地 乾 像你這樣喝 真是糟蹋18F 12/26 21:14
推 : 兩杯一詹19F 12/26 21:15
推 : the沒差20F 12/26 21:16
推 : The 開喝21F 12/26 21:19
推 : 捲菸的菸草來自LA後山22F 12/26 21:19
→ : 字母哥:23F 12/26 21:19
→ : 難怪他罰球一直都這麼爛www
→ : 難怪他罰球一直都這麼爛www
推 : The 酗酒25F 12/26 21:20
推 : 聖誕麵包26F 12/26 21:20
推 : 洛杉磯玉琳哥喔,笑死27F 12/26 21:21
推 : 豪神麵包店28F 12/26 21:27
推 : The 麵包師傅29F 12/26 21:37
推 : 笑死 還是坦克切就好30F 12/26 21:37
推 : 煙一隻一隻的點 酒一杯一杯的乾31F 12/26 21:56
推 : The 肉包32F 12/26 22:07
→ : 他也不是第一次比賽時投麵包了33F 12/26 22:09
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 79
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