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作者 標題 [外絮] Ingram聊到2019被湖人交易到鵜鶘的經歷
時間 Wed Dec 30 01:11:05 2020
During the season, I kind of knew it was going to happen, eventually. But I didn’t know when it was going to happen,Ingram said on the podcast.
My dad had called me maybe two days before it happened he said he thinks something's going on and I could be traded,e added.
So it was one morning I just woke and my agent had called me and said, ‘We think something’s going on and you may get traded in the next like 20 minutes.
I hung up the phone, and I just went and laid down and like five minutes later he called me back and he was like, ‘You just got traded to New Orleans,Ingram revealed.
Lonzo called me, I think Josh Hart called me and they were all positive, they were like ‘Let’s do it, Let’s go to New Orleans, and let’s make something out of it. So I was prepared for it.
Lonzo和Hart都聯繫了我,他們都很樂觀,就像是,讓我們去紐奧良幹出一番事業吧。 所以我為此做好了準備。
Brandon Ingram did not let the Lakers’ decision affect his confidence and brought his best game upon arriving at New Orleans. He quickly elevated his quality and won the Most Improved Player Award in 2020.
Ingram沒有因為湖人的決定影響他的自信心,來到紐奧良後,他迅速提升了自己的能力,並在2020年獲得了最佳進步球員。Hence, Ingram leaving the Lakers benefitted him in a good way. Likewise, the purple and gold signed Anthony Davis and went on to win the 2020 NBA championship。
對於Ingram的離開讓他受益匪淺。 同樣,來到紫金王朝的Anthony Davis,贏得了2020年NBA冠軍。
'Hung Up the Phone'- Brandon Ingram Makes Major Revelation About His Trade Away from Lakers - EssentiallySports
The Lakers traded Brandon Ingram and few other assets in 2019 to acquire Anthony Davis, and Ingram has made a shocking revelation about it. ...
The Lakers traded Brandon Ingram and few other assets in 2019 to acquire Anthony Davis, and Ingram has made a shocking revelation about it. ...
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推 : 雙贏的交易1F 12/30 01:14
推 : 自立自強2F 12/30 01:15
推 : lets go! Brandon Ingrammmmm!3F 12/30 01:17
推 : 加油阿4F 12/30 01:19
推 : 小醬還行 打得好還是能回湖人5F 12/30 01:23
推 : 小醬就是打得好才有交易價值6F 12/30 01:24
推 : 可惜在湖人有個LBJ擋住7F 12/30 01:24
→ : 認真? BI我目前看 沒有回湖人的機會8F 12/30 01:24
推 : 他心態很好 被交易也是繼續認真練球 沒崩潰給推9F 12/30 01:25
推 : 別回湖人啦 被交易掉就證明自己10F 12/30 01:25
推 : 我不會說他是刷子,但的確在鵜鶘獲得展現自身價值11F 12/30 01:26
→ : 的舞台,接下來的幾年才是關鍵
→ : 的舞台,接下來的幾年才是關鍵
推 : 那時Magic大聲喊要幹大事也幾乎把湖人小醬的心態打13F 12/30 01:28
→ : 垮了 只有Ingram越打越好 然後就碰到血栓
→ : 垮了 只有Ingram越打越好 然後就碰到血栓
推 : 湖人出品 品質保證15F 12/30 01:32
→ : 每次湖人出走的小將都能成材!!離開湖人 成就人生!!
→ : 每次湖人出走的小將都能成材!!離開湖人 成就人生!!
推 : 加油呀~IG 球哥 Hart17F 12/30 01:34
→ : 我覺得雙贏欸 交易到更好成長空間的地方 祝福啦18F 12/30 01:37
→ : IG真的是心態100訓練100天賦在那還是會成材的19F 12/30 01:37
推 : 當時那群小將們一起被交易彼此有個照應還是有差20F 12/30 01:40
→ : 他去鵜鶘投籃進步超多 我都懷疑湖人是請掃地的來當21F 12/30 01:43
→ : 投教嗎
→ : 投教嗎
推 : 我疼那時候有請投教嗎?,不是只有親友團23F 12/30 01:44
→ : 三分從單場進0.6顆變2.4顆命中率0.39 罰球從不滿724F 12/30 01:45
→ : 成變0.85
→ : 成變0.85
→ : 我疼的燒艸傳說,投籃修的好才有鬼26F 12/30 01:45
→ : 別說IG 連球一投籃都能練得有模有樣的27F 12/30 01:46
推 : 嗯嗯真的很可惜LBJ擋住然後幫湖人拿了一冠,可惜沒28F 12/30 01:46
→ : 上車嗎?
→ : 上車嗎?
→ : 真心覺得鵜鶘投籃教練 真的有在做事30F 12/30 01:46
推 : 湖人之前沒有投籃教練吧31F 12/30 01:46
→ : 去紐奧良打出生涯最佳到底有啥好可惜,還LBJ擋住勒32F 12/30 01:47
→ : 被你疼擋住還差不多
→ : 被你疼擋住還差不多
→ : 換個教練團就知道我疼有多神奇了34F 12/30 01:47
→ : 不是水鳥有在做事,是我疼沒在做事
→ : 不是水鳥有在做事,是我疼沒在做事
推 : 還好沒被健康影響,從他進聯盟就支持他36F 12/30 01:50
→ : 我walton真的耽誤了這幾個小將37F 12/30 01:52
推 : 我疼硬要複製勇士就被這樣38F 12/30 01:58
推 : 等你27.8歲巔峰回來紫金王朝讚39F 12/30 02:01
推 : 我疼跟科師父過往的成績,都是玩滿等帳號出來的啊40F 12/30 02:02
推 : 歷史最雙贏41F 12/30 02:20
推 : 當初一堆人在酸小將,現在就變成雙贏= =42F 12/30 02:30
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 53
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