※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-01-23 12:40:27
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作者 標題 [外絮] 青賽76人戰 Smart對Embiid假摔
時間 Sat Jan 23 11:39:01 2021
來源: NBC Sports
網址: https://tinyurl.com/y36eb8rv
Joel Embiid, Marcus Smart exchange words after Smart attempts a ridiculous flop | RSN
Joel Embiid and Marcus Smart got into a war of words about flopping, and on Friday the Celtics guard tried an unwise move. By Adam Hermann ...
Joel Embiid and Marcus Smart got into a war of words about flopping, and on Friday the Celtics guard tried an unwise move. By Adam Hermann ...
Embiid exchanges words with Smart after ridiculous flop
在Smart假摔後 Embiid跟Smart有交談
News moves fast, so in case you missed it, Marcus Smart and Joel Embiid had a
little war of words earlier this week when Smart accused Embiid of excessive
Smart was angry after his Celtics team fell to the Sixers on the back of 42
points from Embiid, including 21 free throw attempts by the Sixers big man.
Smart, of course, is a notorious flopper, and Embiid found it hilarious that
someone with Smart's reputation would go after him about perceived
"flopping", so Embiid fired back:
“Marcus Smart just told me that I flail a lot? Come on,” Embiid said
Wednesday. “I’m sure he knows himself and he knows his game, too. He does a
lot of that.”
「Marcus Smart剛告訴我說我假摔過多? 拜託喔~~」Embiid星期三的時候說。「我很確定
It was solid regular season trash talk. Good stuff.
And then, on Friday night, the two teams met once again and Smart showed just
the kind of player he is.
影片: https://streamable.com/e9yyo2
Just two days after complaining about extreme flopping, Smart tried to draw a
foul - on Embiid! - with an egregious flop of his own. You can watch the
video above for full visual evidence.
Embiid's reaction to Smart's flop was absolutely hilarious. He wanted to push
the ball up the court and get the Sixers' offense going, but he took just a
second to point at Smart and ridicule him for the flop.
And then, after the play wrapped on the other end, Embiid went to "check on"
Smart to make sure the Celtic was doing okay. Smart seemed convinced Embiid
caught him with an elbow. Okay, Marcus. Whatever you say, bud.
Smart would probably be wise to keep quiet about anyone else's flopping. His
actions speak for themselves.
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→ : 安史之亂再起XD1F 01/23 11:39
→ : 安史之亂2F 01/23 11:40
推 : 這兩人在爭假摔王嗎XD3F 01/23 11:41
推 : 好啦,我們家也愛演,算了吧4F 01/23 11:41
推 : 安史之亂5F 01/23 11:41
推 : 摔這麼久還是沒有長進6F 01/23 11:43
推 : 聰明有時侯演的太用力 不知道是有啥問題7F 01/23 11:44
→ : 拜託快罰錢 摔的有夠假8F 01/23 11:46
推 : 聰明哥被罰不怕吧 假摔要罰錢的9F 01/23 11:46
推 : 年輕人就是年輕人10F 01/23 11:47
推 : 安史之亂11F 01/23 11:47
推 : 安史之亂,影帝對決12F 01/23 11:47
→ : 不過這次聰明好像有稍微被尻到?
→ : 不過這次聰明好像有稍微被尻到?
→ : 聰明假摔到可以剪成一整部影片14F 01/23 11:48
推 : 他們過後的對話看起來好像再討論演技15F 01/23 11:48
→ : Embiid:你這次演的太假了 裁判不鳥 下次再接再厲
→ : Smart:我知道這球演的太過頭了 我會改進的
→ : Embiid:你這次演的太假了 裁判不鳥 下次再接再厲
→ : Smart:我知道這球演的太過頭了 我會改進的
→ : 鉛筆表示演太爛18F 01/23 11:49
推 : 聰明哥當初選擇足球,可能現在也是一方之霸19F 01/23 11:50
推 : 安史之亂是什麼梗?20F 01/23 11:50
→ : 影帝間的惺惺相惜21F 01/23 11:50
推 : 英雄惜英雄22F 01/23 11:50
推 : 安史之亂以前是被用在尼克甜瓜跟核彈頭的23F 01/23 11:52
推 : smart常這樣啊 在那邊假摔裁判不吹。結果被人打一波24F 01/23 11:53
→ : 這演超像25F 01/23 11:54
推 : 笑死26F 01/23 11:54
推 : 看起來超像打到27F 01/23 11:54
→ : 對不起,我倆惺惺相惜,情不自禁28F 01/23 11:55
→ : 但說實在,這球演蠻像的,竟然沒吹29F 01/23 11:56
推 : 明明就在玩 寫的一副7pupu幹嘛31F 01/23 11:58
推 : 這球真的演很像32F 01/23 12:00
推 : 為什麼叫做安史之亂啊??33F 01/23 12:00
→ : 有人能指點一下ㄇ
→ : 有人能指點一下ㄇ
噓 : 說真的 球多看點就知道 這球演的很假 臉沒有貼近一35F 01/23 12:01
→ : 點 單純演獨角戲
→ : 點 單純演獨角戲
推 : 後面是在討論演技37F 01/23 12:03
→ : 安彼德&史瑪特 最早被用在甜瓜(安)核彈頭(史)38F 01/23 12:04
→ : 兩人
→ : 兩人
推 : 安比跟史馬克啊。就安史之亂41F 01/23 12:06
推 : 笑死42F 01/23 12:07
推 : 惺惺相惜,最佳男演員,雙得獎人43F 01/23 12:20
推 : 惺惺相惜44F 01/23 12:21
推 : Smart好意思講假摔…45F 01/23 12:22
推 : 這次演的不錯其實46F 01/23 12:24
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 74
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