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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-01-22 10:39:18
看板 NBA
作者 lunkk (lunkk)
標題 [外絮] Rubio怎麼了
時間 Fri Jan 22 09:59:08 2021

What's Going on With Ricky Rubio? | Zone Coverage
Many Minnesota Timberwolves fans, myself included, were full of hope for this season. After such a long layoff from Wolves basketball, how could we no ...

What's Going on With Ricky Rubio?

Many Minnesota Timberwolves fans, myself included, were full of hope for this
season. After such a long layoff from Wolves basketball, how could we not be?
We were going to get the opportunity to see Karl-Anthony Towns and D’Angelo
Russell play together, Anthony Edwards was stealing our hearts, and of
course, Minnesota’s prodigal son, Ricky Rubio, returned home. The tables
were set for an exciting year of basketball, if not a competitive one.

Well, the fun is over. The Wolves are 3-9, KAT is hurt, and DLo isn’t “that
guy,” Edwards doesn’t know how to play basketball yet, and Rubio looks one
step from over the hill. Oh, and let’s not forget that COVID-19 is spreading
through the NBA like crazy. KAT was diagnosed this weekend, and the
Washington Wizards may never play again at the rate that they’re testing
positive. The NBA needs to shut down and bubble up before someone gets
seriously sick. If one player dies or loses their job because of the
coronavirus, all this was not worth it.

Anyway, I’m not here to talk about COVID. I’m here to talk about Rubio. I’
m not surprised that DLo can’t win on his own, and I’m certainly not
surprised that Edwards is still figuring out the game, but I am shocked at
how much Rubio has struggled this season. He celebrated his 30th birthday in
October, so he should have a few good years left. If he’s washed already,
then say so long to my pick-up career.

Rubio is putting up career-low numbers in points, assists, and rebounds — he
happens to be playing a career-low 24.5 minutes a game, but there’s more to
it than that. Rubio put up 13 points, 8.8 assists, and 4.7 rebounds while
playing in 31 minutes a game last season. This year he’s averaging 6.3
points, 5.4 assists and 2.8 rebounds. That’s a big drop.

Part of the issue is that the offensive issues that plagued Rubio in his
first stint with the Timberwolves have returned in his second go-round. He is
shooting a miserable 38% from the field, which shockingly is not the worst
shooting percentage of his career. From 2012-2016 he shot 36.8% on field
goals. So I guess what I’m saying here is that the offensive struggles are
not new. He has always struggled on that end of the floor. But why does it
feel like he’s been particularly bad this season?

Rubio is pretty clearly not in shape. There was a moment during the preseason
when he got a steal, lowered his head, and started sprinting down the court.
The only problem is, he didn’t get any faster. I mean, he looked like he was
speeding up — head down, big strides, dribble out in front of him — but he
couldn’t get up to speed. Another moment during a game against the Denver
Nuggets when he got the switch against Nikola Jokic. It’s every guard’s
dream and something that the Nuggets work very hard to prevent. We all know
that Nikola Slowkic can’t stay in front of NBA guards. Unfortunately for the
Wolves, Rubio lacks the speed of an NBA guard right now and had to give up
the ball because he couldn’t take advantage of the mismatch.
速往前場衝,但是似乎速度上不來,感覺像是打開推進器但車子卻無反應。 在另一場與金塊的比賽

An out of shape Rubio is about as useful offensively as a mop bucket. He is
shooting 23.8% from the 3-point line this season, so if he’s not quick
enough to get around his defender and operate in the middle of the floor,
then he doesn’t really have a place in the offense. He’s actually shooting
a healthy 53.8% from floater range, and he’s just struggling to get there.

But I want to be sensitive to Rubio’s situation. This summer, he was
diagnosed with COVID-19. He returned to play in the bubble with the Phoenix
Suns, but there is no telling how the virus could still affect him. I don’t
want to make assumptions about his health, but it would be wrong for me to
ignore that. It’s also completely possible that after the bubble, he took
some time for himself and neglected to keep himself in NBA shape. As a fan of
basketball, that would be disappointing. As a fan of Rubio and an advocate
for work-life balance, I would be happy for him.

Either way, until he plays his way into shape, it’s hard to take any hard
stance on where his game is at. What I do know is that he and DLo have not
meshed well this season. I know that his offensive woes don’t pair well with
the Edwards and Jarrett Culver, who are shooting a combined 38% from the
floor. I know that if this Wolves team has any hope of turning this season
around, he has got to play better.

We won’t see Rubio play again until the miniseries against the Golden State
Warriors next week due to health and safety protocols. Here’s hoping the NBA
takes a hiatus before then for all its players and their families’ health
and safety.


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※ 編輯: lunkk ( 臺灣), 01/22/2021 10:00:20
honher      : 這個要問肥頭大1F 01/22 09:59
wu19911009  : 等等就會有人回你文了2F 01/22 10:00
linyi781227 : 樓下肥頭3F 01/22 10:00
amen123     : 樓下肥頭4F 01/22 10:00
god2        : 盧一球正常發揮5F 01/22 10:00
darkyoyo    : 雖然在灰狼很可憐~但加油啊6F 01/22 10:00
ClownT      : 樓下肥頭7F 01/22 10:01
Alistargod2 : 心理因素造成想加速加不起來感覺不太可能8F 01/22 10:01
GUNIT6968   : 天賦狼9F 01/22 10:01
lunkk:轉錄至看板 Timberwolves                                   01/22 10:01
AbukumaKai  : 2021肥頭開講10F 01/22 10:02
a11011788   : 樓下肥頭11F 01/22 10:02
honher      : 速度慢很多  是不是他的模組Ctrl鍵壞掉了  之類的12F 01/22 10:02
King5566    : 肥投先知13F 01/22 10:03
YeSerD      : 他看起來大概也沒心情打球了吧14F 01/22 10:04
honher      : 肥頭的祖靈比較靈  他那個BUFF效果鈦強大  自嘆弗如15F 01/22 10:05
aniji       : 樓下肥頭16F 01/22 10:05
ciafbi007   : 肥頭還沒來17F 01/22 10:05
kobe9527    : 被我豪屌虐的咖18F 01/22 10:07
klbbt357    : 盧零球19F 01/22 10:08
lovemeteor  : 得Covid是在泡泡之前,泡泡的時候Rubio打很好,應20F 01/22 10:08
lovemeteor  : 該還在適應灰狼吧?
tyrone0923  : 被太陽又交易回灰狼整個很不開心吧22F 01/22 10:08
rainbowcrash: 領底薪抱強隊比較實在23F 01/22 10:08
wu19911009  : 灰狼一攤死水要怎麼打24F 01/22 10:09
pongbao     : 有問題的是灰狼迷吧   這陣容能充滿希望XD?25F 01/22 10:09
teruhyde12  : 如果後衛提速提不上來,生涯大概也到頭了吧26F 01/22 10:11
honher      : 海提速27F 01/22 10:11
cp3bg32     : 是他自己選擇回去灰狼的好嗎28F 01/22 10:12
JayceYen    : 我覺得是無心在灰狼吧29F 01/22 10:12
kevinacc084 : 樓下肥頭30F 01/22 10:13
hcl00       : 他在泡泡打很好,應該不是肺炎問題,回灰狼就變這31F 01/22 10:13
hcl00       : 樣可能……
AtDe        : 其實真的可能要求買斷,去快艇或公鹿抱團33F 01/22 10:13
Kiri1enko   : 米丘也確診過 結果跟金塊莫瑞互飆 應該有別的原因34F 01/22 10:13
※ 編輯: lunkk ( 臺灣), 01/22/2021 10:14:29
GaRx        : 灰狼球要讓給軟蛋刷數據 隨便打打就算了35F 01/22 10:14
kobe9527    : 想當初灰狼看到他好像看到救世主36F 01/22 10:15
brian455461 : 心態炸裂吧 一直被丟出去37F 01/22 10:15
Toy17       : 先知肥頭粗乃丸38F 01/22 10:16
MK47        : 應該跟武漢肺炎沒關吧 好幾個確診的 治好都沒啥問題39F 01/22 10:19
phix        : 換我豪 至少有十分吧40F 01/22 10:20
honher      : 先得的都嘛拿大約了  後面的看了都嘛搶著得41F 01/22 10:20
Brucetk     : 不說都快忘了這號人物42F 01/22 10:21
hct0617     : 灰狼不會用他~43F 01/22 10:21
sxzc        : 雖然是真的下滑很多 但灰狼那個破陣容 盧持球進攻就44F 01/22 10:21
sxzc        : 弱點 其他人也根本掩護不了
LukaDoncic  : 武漢肺炎真可怕46F 01/22 10:22
ivan01023   : 樓下肥頭47F 01/22 10:22
honher      : 不是我48F 01/22 10:22
jincowba    : 盧一球這樣不錯了,起碼大約都領過了,其他球員怎麼49F 01/22 10:23
jincowba    : 可能那麼爽同類型的Delly早就變吉祥物了
DuoDuokk77  : 灰狼那個隊伍 我也是不知道啦51F 01/22 10:24
jincowba    : 盧一球上場沒抽到前三就是幫勇士多一個樂透,灰狼真52F 01/22 10:24
Yench       : 他只是回到正常值53F 01/22 10:24
jincowba    : 的太蠢,早一個賣臉的回來結果還是衝擊樂透54F 01/22 10:24
kediflower  : 肥頭:坦隊核心55F 01/22 10:24
rainbowcrash: 底薪我艇收56F 01/22 10:25
cidcheng    : Delly同類型你有沒有搞錯......57F 01/22 10:25
MAGICMCGRADY: Curry限制器58F 01/22 10:25
sxzc        : 哈哈哈哈世界盃MVP被說成跟Delly同Level59F 01/22 10:26
ericf129    : 我盧加油qq60F 01/22 10:27
dennis331533: 灰狼救個屁,趕快逃去快艇吧!61F 01/22 10:27
honher      : 他現在的SKIN造型還是耶穌基督嗎?62F 01/22 10:27
linearppt   : 30歲應該還在巔峰尾巴阿?怪了63F 01/22 10:28
truevill    : 樓下大腸頭64F 01/22 10:29

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