※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-06-03 05:01:56
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [情報] Julius Randle:惡意犯規是回應Gallinari
時間 Wed Jun 2 19:45:03 2021
@MikeVorkunovJulius Randle says his flagrant was response to Gallinari elbowing Bullock earlier.
"Gallinari had a dirty play...I can’t let that happen. I wasn’t trying to hurt him but in this situation...you take a hard foul or whatever, just to let them know we’re not accepting their shit."
Julius Randle says his flagrant was response to Gallinari elbowing Bullock earlier.
Julius Randle 說他的惡意犯規是對稍早 Gallinari 肘擊 Bullock 的回應。
"Gallinari had a dirty play... I can't let that happen.
"Gallinari had a dirty play... I can't let that happen.
「Gallinari 做了一個骯髒的動作... 我不能就這樣讓它發生。
I wasn't trying to hurt him but in this situation... you take a hard foul or whatever, just to let them know we're not accepting this shit."

@sarah_k_spenceClint Capela on this: "That says it all, that you don’t have any more solutions but playing that way."https://twitter.com/MikeVorkunov/status/1399098296736616453 …
Julius Randle says his flagrant was response to Gallinari elbowing Bullock earlier."Gallinari had a dirty play...I can’t let that happen. I wasn’t trying to hurt him but in this situation...you take a hard foul or whatever, just to let them know we’re not accepting their shit."
Clint Capela on this: "This says it all, that you don't have any more solutions but playing that way."
Clint Capela 對此事回應:「這說明了一切,你沒有任何除了惡意犯規的解決辦法了。」
而且第一場 Randle 就已經狠狠地給 Bogi 來一拐了,還沒有被吹:
還有 Noel 偷絆 Trae,這也沒響哨:
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推 : 幫推一下,不過你可能會被噓喔!XDDD1F 06/02 19:47
噓 : ...Randle這甚麼狗屎惡意犯規 笑死2F 06/02 19:48
→ : 上一場Randle打的有夠髒,居然還有人爛泥比較不利XD3F 06/02 19:49
→ : 有人說
→ : 有人說
→ : 看Gallinari不痛不癢的 你會被笑死吧Randle5F 06/02 19:49
推 : 原本打進季後賽 尼克就很成功了 主將烙賽成這樣qq6F 06/02 19:53
推 : 打這麽爛還想裝大哥喔7F 06/02 19:54
推 : 真的是季後賽處男8F 06/02 19:55
噓 : 被守爆腦羞?9F 06/02 19:56
推 : randle有一球上籃在空中打了Coulins一巴掌還流血盡10F 06/02 19:57
→ : 然沒惡飯也是很扯
→ : 然沒惡飯也是很扯
推 : 大玫瑰:拜託你們得分,不要管肘擊了12F 06/02 19:58
推 : https://youtu.be/92sc0EozZhM?t=2213F 06/02 20:00
→ : 影片技援,直接霸王肘往Collins臉上招呼
→ : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdbIZ_AWcEg
→ : 影片技援,直接霸王肘往Collins臉上招呼
→ : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdbIZ_AWcEg

→ : 滿口血沒給惡犯,阿銀真的很敢XDD16F 06/02 20:04
推 : 這系列碰撞尺度真的很可怕@@17F 06/02 20:07
推 : 不要雷rose好嗎18F 06/02 20:09
推 : Rose覺得重19F 06/02 20:11
推 : 血流成河...!!!!20F 06/02 20:14
推 : 拜託不要打架了 好好打球幫幫Rose好嗎21F 06/02 20:25
推 : 沒想到rose還需要扛整隊22F 06/02 20:28
推 : Gallinari那動作很髒嗎...23F 06/02 20:34
推 : 怎麼沒有打架 滿意外的24F 06/02 20:39
推 : 你季後賽怎麼那麼雷!25F 06/02 20:40
噓 : 明明就惱羞,還想凹26F 06/02 20:41
推 : 誰叫官方把觀眾傷害球員的方法禁掉,只好改讓場上27F 06/02 20:41
→ : 球員展現紐約精神了
→ : 球員展現紐約精神了
噓 : 不會用贏球討回來嗎?還打這麼爛,下去吧29F 06/02 21:01
推 : 乖乖打球好嗎 季後賽27% 還有人挺第一隊笑死30F 06/02 21:06
→ : 反正誰贏都是當肥料31F 06/02 21:21
推 :32F 06/02 21:26
推 : 季後賽打得怎樣跟年度隊有關係?33F 06/02 21:35
推 : #紐約精神34F 06/02 21:37
推 : 你打超爛35F 06/02 21:38
噓 : 髒到爆 雷我玫瑰36F 06/02 21:53
→ : 先練球好嗎37F 06/02 22:38
推 : 尼克隊還停在90年代38F 06/02 22:39
推 : Randle你命中率先突破三成好不好39F 06/02 22:39
推 : 還在年度獎項跟季後賽混為一談 2021了40F 06/02 22:46
→ : 看起來都還好41F 06/03 00:02
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