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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-06-02 12:41:04
看板 NBA
作者 mingonly (Ashley Grecia)
標題 [花邊] 球迷評論:有人跟我說籃網一顆球不夠分
時間 Tue Jun  1 13:43:46 2021



The Brooklyn Nets take a 3-1 series lead in the 141 - 126 win over the Bosto
n Celtics behind a combined 104/20/25/5/5 from Kevin Durant, Kyrie Irving, a
nd James Harden

I was told there was only one ball


You were told wrong


Nets have been playing with a second ball. Only explanation for how much the
y are scoring.


This is a miserable series for fournier, he's getting picked on so bad by Ha


Fournier, Kemba, and Tristan Thompson


Lmao when you have to guard Harden/Kyrie/KD, can’t really fault Fournier. H
e isn’t a great defender sure, but those 3 cook everyone

當Fournier不得不去防守Harden/KI/KD時,你並不能去責怪他。 Fournier防守的確不好

It’s insane when your third best player in a game still scores 39


Should teams just stop guarding the other 2 guys on the floor at this point?


Harris was 4 of 5 from 3. How much better could he get if not guarded at all
? Might as well just ignore him.

Harris三分已經5中4了,反正都已經這樣了,不防他還能更準點嗎? 乾脆直接無視他算

If Boston wins this series I’ll get a tattoo of Tatums face on my ass


I’ll tattoo tatum’s ass on my face


I'll tattoo my face on Tatum's ass


I'll tattoo my ass on Tatum's face


Kyrie actually an underacted rebounder, I remember thinking that when he was
 on the Celtics, he just has really good feel for where the miss is going to


Weird hearing the announcers compare the Nets not having Jeff Green to the C
elts not having Kemba, Brown and Timelord like they were even remotely compa

聽到廣播員拿籃網沒有Jeff Green和塞爾提克沒有Kemba、Brown、Williams做對比很奇

Lmao yeah, they did that and I think they were serious about it.


Kemba Brown and Williams would at least add a full Tatum.


I would rather have a second Tatum ez


Scoring 126 points and still getting blown out. That's tough


58/59/97 shooting splits for the Nets. In a road playoff game. What the actu
al fuck


Look at Boston's roster. That's the real "what the actual fuck" here.


This James Harden guy is pretty good crazy no one else wanted him haha


A few other teams kicked the tires on him, but not if it cost Maxey or Herro


I don't think Pat Riley would really ever tolerate Harden anyway, but not gi
ving up Tyler Herro for him is looking REALLY rough right now.


Harden only took 12 shots. Remember when people would call him a selfish chu


23 pts on 12 shots to go with 18 assists, he's the best player in the league
. Well, definitely on offense anyway


Harden with 18 assist behind two efficient ~40+ points from the two other su

And you still got Joe Harris?This is peak Nets and the league should be scar


什麼 還有Joe Harris? 這就是巔峰狀態的籃網,整個聯盟應該感到害怕。

Definitely the best big 3 of the past decade. It's insane to think they won'
t win it all.



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loserloser  : 怎麼這麼舒服?1F 06/01 13:45
WIGGINS22   : 進攻不會失常 防守才會          by籃網2F 06/01 13:46
eric7943    : 那串Tatum ass的繞口令是怎樣XD3F 06/01 13:47
lost0816    : 那串紋身的接龍是什麼啦XDDD 笑死4F 06/01 13:47
payhaun     : 熱火被橫掃後躺著也中槍。5F 06/01 13:50
Tabrisyang  : 我的屁股印在他的臉上XD6F 06/01 13:51
gigiii1134  : 臉那邊XD7F 06/01 13:51
fdruecek    : 什麼時候要頒總冠軍獎盃?8F 06/01 13:52
GoodGoodEat : 籃網真的強 無話可說 賽隊能拿一場已經極限了9F 06/01 13:52
CW4         : 第四人Joe Harris 第五人讓一個鍵盤鄉民上都能贏10F 06/01 13:52
CW4         : 如果把KD也算進去 就是用兩個鍵盤鄉民
westley     : 所以到底誰的屁股有泰坦 泰坦的屁股有誰的臉12F 06/01 13:53
dipunchman  : 泰坦的臉有誰的屁股13F 06/01 13:55
downtoearth : 誰能知道 不得分的鬍子 才是當今最強控衛....14F 06/01 13:56
yeustream   : 鬍子真猛15F 06/01 13:56
STRO        : tattoo那邊超好笑16F 06/01 14:00
scsajk01    : 裁犬:42罰不能贏,下次就來個80罰,還不能贏嗎?17F 06/01 14:02
scsajk01    : 下場三巨頭全部五犯畢業是要怎麼贏啦
kkjjkkjj    : 進攻真的不會失常19F 06/01 14:03
zombierick  : 不夠?那就都給KI吧。KD搶籃板,登登控球20F 06/01 14:04
EricTao     : 你隊上沒有KD,就算拿到哈登也不會長現在這樣r==21F 06/01 14:07
RBaldelli   : 6犯才會畢業22F 06/01 14:10
jsliao9786  : Brown那個是反串還怎樣 也被看太扁23F 06/01 14:19
ljk476820   : 一堆要紋屁股的真的很想賽提贏欸XD24F 06/01 14:22
hcdee90     : 紋屁股笑死 XD25F 06/01 14:40
TDKnight    : 樓下問26F 06/01 14:53
phix        : 因為鬍子分球分的好啊27F 06/01 14:53
EndGod      : KD學壞了嗎?  怎麼舒服起來了28F 06/01 14:57
Fanlic      : 主要是Harden肯放下二三哥問題還有KI讓位PG 職位29F 06/01 14:58
Fanlic      :  先前大家對這兩人的認識就是覺得他們不可能犧牲
qsccft123   : 很多人忽略了鬍子防守端的貢獻31F 06/01 15:05
BOSTONstyle : 我賽能不被橫掃就已經滿足了。32F 06/01 15:15
gp03dan     : Scary Hours.33F 06/01 15:22
seemoon2000 : Harris三分不要守有種幽默的實在感 反正都會進XD34F 06/01 15:25
chatnoir    : 我覺得打公鹿滿拼的, 冠軍前哨戰35F 06/01 15:34
tassadar1   : 不要守Harris試試看,到時候他的5-4就變成50-4036F 06/01 15:47
GGFACE      : 紋身好笑XD37F 06/01 15:50
tenka92417  : 每個男人是有兩顆球呀38F 06/01 15:54
k952gfjk    : Tatum:我有同意嗎?39F 06/01 16:05
Demia       : Tatoo我真的笑出來XDDDD40F 06/01 16:10
darkflare   : 好想看在臉上刺屁股的tatum41F 06/01 16:25
palapalanhu : XDDDDDDDD42F 06/01 16:39
o0991758566 : 屁股紋在Tatum臉上XDDD  Tatum:43F 06/01 16:54
goddess777  : 09梯真的強度好高44F 06/01 17:27
laputaca    : TATUM ASS XDDD45F 06/01 17:30
BosCgreen   : 『It’s insane when your third best player in46F 06/01 17:58
BosCgreen   : a game still scores 39
BosCgreen   : 發揮第三好的球員都能砍下39分了,這太瘋狂了吧。
BosCgreen   : 』是不是要避免KI被講成三弟森氣氣去踩這位撰文球
BosCgreen   : 迷的頭才這樣翻譯的?求解
nkfcc       : 40-50 太超過,可能會有個 15-24 這樣..51F 06/01 17:59
gatsbyhsu   : 我賽有贏一場就不錯了,滿足中52F 06/01 18:12
meson       : 進攻籃球無法奪冠的前言要被打破了53F 06/01 18:17
meson       : 原來只是是以前的人湊不到夠多的攻堅手 XD
hyw3125     : 反正進攻不會失常 那我幹嘛防守(?55F 06/01 18:20
violing613  : 因為進攻球員比較貴56F 06/01 18:28
wylscott    : 因為正常不可能湊到三個得分巨頭 有三個呂布你也不57F 06/01 19:03
wylscott    : 用管有沒有計策了
hmt17       : 三顆球均分阿59F 06/01 20:01
jeter8695   : 如果我有三個呂布 還管什麼三英 三國時代在虎牢關60F 06/02 01:48
jeter8695   : 就結束了

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