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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-06-17 20:03:26
看板 NBA
作者 mingonly (Ashley Grecia)
標題 [外絮] 球迷:該交易Ingram?鵜鶘記者:除非找
時間 Thu Jun 17 18:43:11 2021


What sort of timeline are the Pelicans aiming for to compete for a champions
hip? If they run it back, I think the team could compete for the 7-10 seed n
ext year. Is the front office ok with that kind of gradual improvement, or d
o you think they’re going all-in to try and win now? — Joshua D.


It’s tough to start putting championship expectations on a team led by a gu
y who hasn’t even turned 21 yet. Zion Williamson’s growth in his second se
ason was unlike anything we’ve seen for a player his age, and he’s already
 established himself among the elite players in this league.


It’ll still take some time for him to grasp what’s required of him to be t
he consistent leader on both ends that New Orleans needs to grow into a real
 contender one day. I mean,蟖uka Doncics right up there with Williamson as
 far as unprecedented success for a player at such a young age, and Doncic s
till hasn’t made it out of the first round of the playoffs yet. Not to ment
ion, he landed with a franchise that has a much longer track record of winni
ng than New Orleans.

競爭力一樣。 比如說另一名超新星Luka Doncic,他所在的獨行俠比鵜鶘要強很多,但

Making the playoffs — or at least the Play-In Tournament — has to be the b
are minimum for this group with all of its young talent and the two stars le
ading the way. Winning consistently in the West is always a grueling task, a
nd it seems like it’s only going to get tougher as some of the other young
squads competing with New Orleans continue to grow.

最低目標。 在西區能持續贏球一直是一項挑戰,而接下來幾年,隨著西區其它年輕球隊

If Damian Lillard places a trade request, would you package BI with all the
Pelicans picks plus additional players to make a super team with Zion & Dami
an? — Charles S.


Let me start here: I don’t believe Lillard will be going anywhere this offs
eason. He’s been far too loyal to Portland, and the Trail Blazers just gave
 him an enormous contract extension in 2019 that kicks in next season. I don
’t think Pels fans should be getting their hopes up anytime soon for a Lill
ard trade.

我認為Lillard近期哪裡也不會去。 他對拓荒者有夠忠誠,拓荒者也在2019年給了他頂

But if he were to become available miraculously, the Pels would be insane no
t to pursue him — even if it meant giving up Ingram. There would be a list
of teams willing to throw their best assets on the table to get a guy like L


Now, the question is what would it take to get him? A deal centered around I
ngram, Jaxson Hayes and two or three first-round picks would probably be the
 minimum Portland is looking for. My guess Portland would want Kira Lewis Jr
. or Nickeil Alexander-Walker to be involved in the deal as well. I’d prefe
r to keep Alexander-Walker in a deal like this because he’d be a better fit
 defensively next to Lillard.

所以怎樣才能得到他呢? Ingram加上Hayes,再加上兩到三個首輪選秀權,波特蘭可能
才會開始看你的報價,他們可能還會要求加上Kira Lewis,或者Alexander-Walker, 這

If the Blazers counter and say they’re looking for something closer to four
 or five picks for Lillard, I may get a little hesitant. He turns 31 in July
, and he has an incredible amount of money still left on his contract. He’s
 owed more than $45 million in his age 33 season and more than $48 million i
n his age 34 season.

巨大的合約,33歲賽季的薪水是4500萬,34歲則是4800 萬美元。

That’s a whole lot of money to be giving a small point guard late in his ca
reer. If you look back in NBA history, most of the guys in Lillard’s size r
ange tend to fall off a cliff once they reach their mid-30s. Paul is current
ly showing it’s possible to win at the highest level with an older point gu
ard, but is it a guarantee Lillard will be able to do the same late in his c
areer? It’s hard to predict at this point.

對於一個在職業生涯後期的矮小控球後衛來說,這是一大筆錢。 如果你回顧一下NBA的
歷史,大多數像Lillard這種體型的球員一旦到了30歲多歲就會容易斷崖式下跌。 雖然

Ultimately, I’m always a proponent of betting on talent and hoping for the
best. The idea of Lillard splashing 3s from halfcourt and Williamson dunking
 on people in the same offense is utterly terrifying. And the guidance Lilla
rd can provide for Williamson during this crucial point in his career would
be invaluable. Does it guarantee New Orleans a title? Of course not.

But it would put them closer than they’ve ever been.


That’s a whole lot of money to be giving a small point guard late in his ca
reer. If you look back in NBA history, most of the guys in Lillard’s size r
ange tend to fall off a cliff once they reach their mid-30s. Paul is current
ly showing it’s possible to win at the highest level with an older point gu
ard, but is it a guarantee Lillard will be able to do the same late in his c
areer? It’s hard to predict at this point.

對於一個在職業生涯後期的矮小控球後衛來說,這是一大筆錢。 如果你回顧一下NBA的
歷史,大多數像Lillard這種體型的球員一旦到了30歲多歲就會容易斷崖式下跌。 雖然

Ultimately, I’m always a proponent of betting on talent and hoping for the
best. The idea of Lillard splashing 3s from halfcourt and Williamson dunking
 on people in the same offense is utterly terrifying. And the guidance Lilla
rd can provide for Williamson during this crucial point in his career would
be invaluable. Does it guarantee New Orleans a title? Of course not.

But it would put them closer than they’ve ever been.

? 而且Lillard能夠給Zion提供的指導將是無價的,這能保證為鵜鶘帶來總冠軍嗎? 當
然不行。 但是,這會讓他們比以前任何時候都要接近。

Should the Pels seriously think about trading BI? If you designed the ideal
“2nd best player on a Zion-led team,” how much would that player look like
 BI? I think – not very much. You’d want someone like Klay Thompson – A+
defender, A+ shooter, does not need the ball. BI is arguably as bad a defend
er as Zion (with less reason to think he will improve), and does not fancy h
imself a spot-up shooter, so he doesn’t do it. BI is a good player, but doe
sn’t seem to fit well with Zion. — Derek M.


I’ve seen quite a few people running with this narrative since the season,
and it’s stunning to me. I couldn’t disagree more with people who are in s
uch a rush to get rid of an All-Star who’s under 25 years old and was more
than happy to commit to a long-term deal to stay in New Orleans. How many of
 those guys do you think are readily available at the moment?

從本賽季開始以來我看過很多人這樣說,我看到的第一反應是很震驚。 為什麼你們這麼
二好的球員。 鵜鶘本賽季的失敗只能說明Zion和Ingram身邊的角色球員有多麼不適合他

Does Ingram need to show massive improvement on defense? Of course. He’s go
t to understand his role will be different now that so much of the offense i
s going to flow through Williamson. There have to be other ways he can impac
t the game outside of scoring.


Ingram is an incredible talent, and I think it’s easy to overlook that beca
use Williamson looks like a superhero from a different planet at times.


The best way to build a consistent winner is by acquiring multiple stars and
 building around them. The Pelicans were lucky enough to figure out the most
 challenging part of that equation almost immediately after drafting William
son. Their next job is to figure out what kind of players they need to compl
ement those two. Tossing Ingram aside this early in the process would be one
 of the worst decisions the organization could ever make — unless you can g
et someone better than him.

球隊想建立贏球文化的最好辦法是得到多名球星,並圍繞他們建隊。 鵜鶘在得到Ingra

Would the Pelicans consider pursuing Damian Lillard if he became available? – The Athletic
The mailbag leads us to consider the question of Lillard's fit with the Pelicans plus more on the team's offseason. ...


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Kappa       : 褲子+德軟 我湖小虧1F 06/17 18:45
beckseaton  : 西門如何2F 06/17 18:46
kenny30139  : 英滾聽完他這樣講會不會氣氛XD3F 06/17 18:48
c871111116  : IG+Ball+Hart換AD如何4F 06/17 18:48
AngelNo13   : Lillard+Zion?沒感覺到很強啊5F 06/17 18:48
jack8587    : 黑肉+德軟+褲子換球哥+zion,我湖小虧6F 06/17 18:49
VL1003      : 沒什麼好氣氛的,整篇就跑鵜鶘的記者在跟網友 Q&A7F 06/17 18:50
VL1003      : 如果今天這篇是管理層來講才有可能氣氛吧

ement those two. Tossing Ingram aside this early in the process would be one
 of the worst decisions the organization could ever make — unless you can g
et someone better than him.

球隊想建立贏球文化的最好辦法是得到多名球星,並圍繞他們建隊。 鵜鶘在得到Ingra

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1623926593.A.DEB.html
Kappa       : 褲子+德軟 我湖小虧1F 06/17 18:45
beckseaton  : 西門如何2F 06/17 18:46
kenny30139  : 英滾聽完他這樣講會不會氣氛XD3F 06/17 18:48
c871111116  : IG+Ball+Hart換AD如何4F 06/17 18:48
AngelNo13   : Lillard+Zion?沒感覺到很強啊5F 06/17 18:48
jack8587    : 黑肉+德軟+褲子換球哥+zion,我湖小虧6F 06/17 18:49
VL1003      : 沒什麼好氣氛的,整篇就跑鵜鶘的記者在跟網友 Q&A7F 06/17 18:50
VL1003      : 如果今天這篇是管理層來講才有可能氣氛吧

※ 編輯: mingonly ( 臺灣), 06/17/2021 18:56:27
gibbs1286   : 有需要動IG交易的球員都是各隊非賣品球星吧XD9F 06/17 18:57
s87995109   : 有更好的 換很正常啊10F 06/17 18:57
mingonly    : 呃 改個錯字 怎麼推文跑到文章上面去 .. 奇怪了11F 06/17 18:59
jyekid      : IG可以練成二當家沒問題啦 就怕他身體之前的毛病12F 06/17 19:00
sustainer123: KP換IG13F 06/17 19:06
gibbs1286   : KP換IG是爽到獨行俠吧XD14F 06/17 19:07
kurenaiz    : 小獨:成交15F 06/17 19:10
loserloser  : 記者講的有什麼好氣氛16F 06/17 19:16
gto731216   : KP拿去換西門好了17F 06/17 19:18
saobing     : 西門+拖把可以嗎18F 06/17 19:18
jackal44748 : KP跟你換 成交19F 06/17 19:21
every70213  : Ig不夠換西門拖把吧 除非想省錢20F 06/17 19:22
hunder31    : 我牛KP要不要? 考慮一下啦 拜託21F 06/17 19:24
Coffeewater : IG沒這麼爛,至少可以養成Wiggin等級22F 06/17 19:25
matsuwu     : 水鳥記者感覺是小將迷XD23F 06/17 19:26
matsuwu     : IG現在就是AW等級了吧?
dwiee       : 可以拿到小李的話 交易也可以 zion等不及了25F 06/17 19:28
tjtcgcha    : CJ單換IG 我拓小賺26F 06/17 19:29
slamblock15 : 交易西門啦 至少保底季後賽 早點給胖虎累積經驗也27F 06/17 19:29
slamblock15 : 好
hid53924    : ig拿去換西門吧29F 06/17 19:35
sustainer123: ig進攻屌打圍巾啦 守備還要練30F 06/17 19:36
sustainer123: KP其實能幫Zioncover守備+拉開空間 健康的話:))
kem0606     : BI換西門?沒進過季後賽的人32F 06/17 19:38
sosad0128   : (沒看內文純說標題):哪個交易不是找到更好人選?33F 06/17 19:43
piercetruth : IG搭配鉛筆比西門適合 至少空間能拉開 還不會被駭34F 06/17 19:44
sosad0128   : 不是都是選擇當下對自己球團最有利的才會交易嗎?35F 06/17 19:44
ariesbreeze :   要換真正的A級球星 例如AD36F 06/17 19:46
jyekid      : Zion下季的定位究竟會不會是控球前鋒呢37F 06/17 19:48
YamagiN     : Zion配西門? 幹進攻全擠裡面? 天才38F 06/17 19:50
jun83113    : IG 換 J.Harris + S.Dinwiddie39F 06/17 19:50
jyekid      : Zion 西門 亞尼斯 油漆區擠好擠滿40F 06/17 19:51
josephpu    : 這劇本我知道,到最後技安得去三分線當射手41F 06/17 19:51
o0991758566 : IG都進過全明星了  還圍巾等級...42F 06/17 19:51
sunnydragon7: 找西門來裡面更擠43F 06/17 19:53
AtDe        : IG換小李,這可以44F 06/17 19:59

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