※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-07-02 17:46:32
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] K湯帶Wiseman去他的船上玩
時間 Fri Jul 2 17:18:12 2021
來源: Yahoo Sports
網址: https://tinyurl.com/u7yptcxb
Klay Thompson brings James Wiseman on boat, teaching him the ropes
James Wiseman is learning how to be a captain from Klay Thompson. ...
James Wiseman is learning how to be a captain from Klay Thompson. ...
Klay Thompson brings James Wiseman on boat, teaching him the ropes
K湯帶James Wiseman上船,教他使用繩索
It took roughly a month, but Klay Thompson got James Wiseman on his boat.
大概花了快一個月,但最後K湯終於把James Wiseman弄上他的船了。
影片: https://streamable.com/3g39bj
"Got rook on the boat with me," Thompson said. "He don't know a damn thing,
but I'm teaching him the ropes and what it's like to be a straight captain,
"Yes sir," Wiseman could be heard saying in response.
The injured Warriors shooting guard and the 2020 No. 2 overall pick were
sailing out on the Bay on Thursday.
On June 5, Thompson was on his boat and doing an Instagram Live session when
On June 5, Thompson was on his boat and doing an Instagram Live session when
Wiseman chimed in with a comment. When Thompson saw the comment, he asked for
the rookie to get on the boat.
影片: https://twitter.com/i/status/1401281736370057218
Alex. 👋 🇧🇪 🇧🇪 🇧🇪
@Dubs4O8Klay Thompson saying Wiseman should be his deck hand lmao
@Dubs4O8Klay Thompson saying Wiseman should be his deck hand lmao
"Where you at, Wise?!" Thompson said. "You should be on the boat being my
deck hand, rookie! Come on, rook, get out here!"
"He’s actually taking him to Alcatraz"
"50/50 odds he’s blazed out of his mind"
"90/10 more like"
"Play better or I'm throwing you overboard"
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WtjdNxU (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1625217495.A.EDE.html
噓 : 湯哥不要啊1F 07/02 17:18
推 : 還有機會上船嗎2F 07/02 17:19
推 : 阿湯哥不可能的任務:毀屍滅跡3F 07/02 17:19
推 : 這麼說 你很勇囉4F 07/02 17:20
推 : 現在不上車改上船 我姆斯啦5F 07/02 17:20
推 : 帶你去給魔人普烏吸收6F 07/02 17:20
推 : 我船很大 你們隨便玩7F 07/02 17:20
推 : 自帶幽默屬性8F 07/02 17:20
推 : 這我看過,把人騙上船然後就放逐漂流9F 07/02 17:20
推 : K湯:接下來你就自己搭船走吧 888810F 07/02 17:21
推 : 笑死 在幹嘛啦11F 07/02 17:21
→ : 看來你是不懂喔12F 07/02 17:22
推 : 很明顯 KT:給你繩子 你自己明白!13F 07/02 17:22
推 : 我看你,完全是不懂喔?14F 07/02 17:22
→ : X 不要逼我15F 07/02 17:22
推 : 想騙船票是不是16F 07/02 17:23
推 : 公海到了嗎?在這推下去就好了對吧17F 07/02 17:23
→ : 達普拉不敢把人ben不見吧 交易的重要資產(誤)18F 07/02 17:23
推 : 領繩了19F 07/02 17:23
推 : 人蛇集團20F 07/02 17:23
→ : 自己倫了兩年薪水還把重要的交易資產弄壞可不行21F 07/02 17:24
推 : 領繩(物理)22F 07/02 17:24
推 : 打好一點,不然我會把你丟下船XD23F 07/02 17:26
→ : 背鍋領繩是我智將24F 07/02 17:27
→ : 麻繩理工學院錄取證明?25F 07/02 17:29
推 : K湯也懂上船當水手,就不要套在350尺的大浪上26F 07/02 17:30
推 : 尼可拉斯凱吉: ur the rocketman ( ̄▽ ̄)27F 07/02 17:32
推 : 公海上聚賭 罰款三千28F 07/02 17:32
推 : 早說 我連船都不開了29F 07/02 17:32
推 : K湯:看懂這戰術了嗎,再不會就餵鯊魚30F 07/02 17:34
推 : 小智 來領繩啊31F 07/02 17:35
推 : 身材不錯,挺結實的嘛32F 07/02 17:36
推 : Aye aye, captain!33F 07/02 17:36
推 : k湯「我這裡剛好有個麵包。我還不餓,來!請你吃」34F 07/02 17:37
推 : 傷兵到處玩 真爽35F 07/02 17:38
推 : 不要喝酒開船就好 不想再看到魚王那種難過的蠢事36F 07/02 17:39
推 : we've green smoke! over!37F 07/02 17:42
推 : 湯!38F 07/02 17:43
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 103
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