※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-07-08 11:41:05
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] 太陽Cam Johnson說碩士論文暫停 等休賽季
時間 Thu Jul 8 10:05:30 2021
來源: 作家Gerald Bourguet推特
網址: https://twitter.com/GeraldBourguet/status/1412863128207970304
@GeraldBourguetCam Johnson said his Masters and his thesis are currently on hold, but he's about halfway through it and he's going to finish it this offseason. His mom and his grandma are still on his case about it
Cam Johnson said his Masters and his thesis are currently on hold, but he's
about halfway through it and he's going to finish it this offseason. His mom
and his grandma are still on his case about it
Cam Johnson說他的碩士課業跟論文現在先暫停了,但是他說已經完成一半了,他會等到
"Yeah I remember JVG last night was like "How the hell does this guy still
have time to work on his Masters theis during the NBA playoffs" lol."
"I just about died when Jackson mentioned that Cam graduated with his
bachelor's in 3 years, then asked Van Gundy how many years it took him.
Without missing a beat JVG replied "5" in a perfect deadpan tone"
"JVG went to Yale too though, he’s underselling how smart he is"
"He's getting his Masters in Sports Admin and Management too so it definitely
won't go to waste. Very impressive planning and props to him for being
genuinely interested in education."
""The Value of a Point Guard in the Modern NBA: A Case Study""
個案研究是要寫CP3嗎? 哈哈~~
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Wvbrj5A (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1625709933.A.14A.html
推 : 田野調查1F 07/08 10:07
推 : 身邊有活生生的題材2F 07/08 10:07
推 : 第一句翻錯了喔~是在季後賽期間3F 07/08 10:08
謝謝指正 已修※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 07/08/2021 10:08:39
推 : CAM 的打球內容真的不錯,觀念很到位4F 07/08 10:08
推 : Cam打球觀念好 而且很敢拚 選到真的是賺到5F 07/08 10:09
→ : 第一個回應應該是指季後賽期間 不是休賽季吧6F 07/08 10:09
→ : 被人研究都是真的7F 07/08 10:10
推 : 越看越喜歡Cam 每次一上來就會有貢獻8F 07/08 10:11
→ : 一邊打職業聯賽一遍念碩真的超猛XD
→ : 一邊打職業聯賽一遍念碩真的超猛XD
推 : 願意去學習的球員不多10F 07/08 10:13
推 : 這個是另一種概念的體能怪物吧11F 07/08 10:13
推 : 以P球員為例12F 07/08 10:14
→ : 比起空有體能 這樣的球員更值得投資13F 07/08 10:14

推 : 退休後應該是會擔當NBA球隊的管理職了16F 07/08 10:21
推 : 因為有傷病史又大齡新秀所以才預估順位後面17F 07/08 10:23
推 : 虎噗都叫他黃忠還滿貼切的XD18F 07/08 10:23
→ : 大齡新秀 加 百步穿楊
→ : 大齡新秀 加 百步穿楊
推 : 該不會是念ASU 吧20F 07/08 10:24
推 : 媽媽跟阿嬤盯功課XDD21F 07/08 10:33
→ : 論文要寫很長的概念嗎...22F 07/08 10:38
推 : 阿嬤:整天顧打球不寫功課 Cam:???23F 07/08 10:40
推 : 個案研究www24F 07/08 10:45
→ : 一邊寫論文 一邊打職業 哇...25F 07/08 10:47
推 : 論文還可以叫cp3 幫忙26F 07/08 10:51
推 : 難怪沒時間剪頭髮27F 07/08 10:53
推 : White:Wow bro, u deserve it ,wowwww...28F 07/08 11:03
→ : Cam:阿仁選秀跟操盤的時候我能在場嗎29F 07/08 11:04
推 : 他真的是很讓人喜歡的好孩子30F 07/08 11:04
→ : 球商是訓練不來的,佩服他31F 07/08 11:08
推 : 他雖然天花板不高,那年選秀還被覺得太早選,但在32F 07/08 11:13
→ : 太陽擔任替補,現在看來是很夠用了
→ : 太陽擔任替補,現在看來是很夠用了
推 : wow wow wow34F 07/08 11:13
→ : 他的球商跟紮實度,對太陽真的很重要35F 07/08 11:14
推 : 個案研究 XDD 那我建議寫Ben Simmons欸36F 07/08 11:16
推 : Cam季後表現很棒 穩定肯拼不腦衝37F 07/08 11:22
推 : 心理所的拿Ben Simmons 隨便分析都能生出論文38F 07/08 11:22
→ : 他就肯拚肯做苦工...防守都願意很扎實的執行39F 07/08 11:24
推 : 他是為了要在北卡打球,所以大學提早畢業去念北卡40F 07/08 11:30
→ : 的碩班。
→ : 的碩班。
推 : 阿嬤:整天打球不讀書 打球能當飯吃嗎 Cam:??42F 07/08 11:31
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 79
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