※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-02-15 22:57:37
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] 龜龜罰球麵包後的爆笑反應
時間 Mon Feb 15 11:12:58 2021
來源: CBS Sports
網址: https://tinyurl.com/4uw8r7qe
WATCH: Russell Westbrook has hilarious reaction to free throw air ball - CBSSports.com
It's OK Russ, everyone makes mistakes, everyone has those days ...
It's OK Russ, everyone makes mistakes, everyone has those days ...
Russell Westbrook has hilarious reaction to free throw air ball
Russell Westbrook罰球麵包後的爆笑反應
On Sunday, Feb. 14 the 13-12 Boston Celtics took a trip to Capital One Arena
to face the 6-17 Washington Wizards for a Valentine's Day matchup. The first
half of the game saw a rare sight in the NBA: a completely airballed free
These guys get paid a LOT of money to shoot a basketball and while they of
course don't always have a perfect game, usually they get at least close to
the net.
In the rare moments that the basketball sails far from the basket, it's as
shocking for the players as it is for the fans to see, though it does make
these players more relatable -- I mean who watching hasn't completely
embarrassed themselves shooting the ball?
During the first half between the Celtics and the Wizards, Washington star
Russell Westbrook lined up on the free throw line with the home team up 31-21.
在今天青賽-巫師戰上半場,比數31-21巫師領先,巫師明星Russell Westbrook站上罰球線
What happened next left Westbrook flabbergasted.
影片: https://streamable.com/nwgfo1
Following the obvious miss, Westbrook kept his feet in place, staring at the
net rather confused, looking like the basket had wronged him in some way. He
stood there for a few moments before brushing it off and getting back to the
While Westbrook's free throw was the miss that stood out the most, the
Celtics were the ones seriously struggling from the line in the first half of
The C's went 4-of-10 while the Wizards went 15-of-17 from the line in the
"Westbrook lookin at that rim like it just slapped him"
""I can't believe you've done this to me"
"This dude used to be like 85% from the line and now he makes Lebron look like
""How dare you?""
"Westbrook: god damn maybe i do suck"
""wait, maybe I do need glasses.""
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1613358782.A.CF1.html
推 : 笑死1F 02/15 11:14
推 : 呆超久2F 02/15 11:14
推 : 戴眼鏡LuL3F 02/15 11:15
推 : XDDD4F 02/15 11:16
推 : 記得前幾場LBJ也有罰一球麵包5F 02/15 11:16
推 : 罰球退化的比體能還快6F 02/15 11:16
→ : 看著籃網一臉迷惑。大哥 三弟 你們在哪7F 02/15 11:17
→ : XDDD8F 02/15 11:17
推 : 投籃失憶症9F 02/15 11:18
→ : (球)這麼近(框)那麼遠11F 02/15 11:20
推 : 龜龜感覺有投籃失憶症..12F 02/15 11:22
推 : what ?13F 02/15 11:23
推 : 西河懷疑人生14F 02/15 11:24
推 : 龜龜: 籃框是不是自己向後退了?15F 02/15 11:25
推 : 超好笑16F 02/15 11:26
推 : 應該是近視吧 又不戴眼鏡17F 02/15 11:26
推 : 好像蓋衣18F 02/15 11:31
→ : 有像XDDDDD19F 02/15 11:34
推 : 懷疑人生 XD20F 02/15 11:34
推 : 麵包俠21F 02/15 11:36
推 : 他想大哥跟三弟了啦,當年雷霆三結義..22F 02/15 11:37
推 : COVID-19會攻擊腦神經23F 02/15 11:39
推 : 笑死XDDD24F 02/15 11:40
推 : 他以為他在演漫畫啊25F 02/15 11:40
推 : 他有沒有腦震盪過 體能看起來很正常 手感卻不正常26F 02/15 11:41
推 : 有夠懷疑人生XD27F 02/15 11:42
→ : 三哨時代罰球很準的.... 現在怎麼變這樣28F 02/15 11:42
推 : 龜龜問號29F 02/15 11:45
推 : 他是不是空間感退化了?30F 02/15 11:45
推 : 龜龜太短了,他自己都難以置信31F 02/15 11:46
推 : 詹姆斯:看我幹嘛 ?32F 02/15 11:47
推 : 真的看起來是以前常常衝撞現在開始出現後遺症了33F 02/15 11:48
噓 : 是不是老了有老花還是近視的34F 02/15 11:50
→ : 圓仔跟鬍仔罰球都還沒有問題
→ : 圓仔跟鬍仔罰球都還沒有問題
推 : 投球壞了36F 02/15 11:51
→ : 比數不是明明就31:26嗎...37F 02/15 11:55
推 : 龜龜:..........You'd better double me.38F 02/15 12:00
推 : 我問天~我問天~港欸凍麥衝底39F 02/15 12:04
推 : 懷疑人生了40F 02/15 12:04
推 : 虎落平陽被犬欺41F 02/15 12:10
推 : 龜龜:誰在搞我?42F 02/15 12:17
→ : 龜:爆笑監視中?43F 02/15 12:21
推 : 好爹油是什麼鬼東西哈哈哈哈44F 02/15 12:24
推 : 龜龜:好想找洞鑽進去45F 02/15 12:30
推 : COVID19影響了吧!!!!46F 02/15 12:30
→ : 退化龜QQ47F 02/15 12:45
推 : 他生涯罰球命中率.797,這季只有.655,他的投籃真48F 02/15 12:48
→ : 的整組壞掉
→ : 的整組壞掉
→ : 可能肺壞掉了 武漢肺炎後整個供氧量不夠用他罰球50F 02/15 12:53
→ : 他是不是老花眼51F 02/15 13:03
→ : 直接當機52F 02/15 13:13
推 : 聽到到大鯊魚的笑聲53F 02/15 13:15
推 : 感覺不像是退化 而是易普症之類的54F 02/15 13:25
推 : 龜:難道,我錯了嗎?(回憶中55F 02/15 13:32
推 : 龜龜:我是怎麼走到這一步的56F 02/15 13:39
推 : 我是誰 我在哪 我做了什麼?57F 02/15 13:41
推 : 真的蠻好笑的xD58F 02/15 13:47
推 : 發現原來龜殼沒脫下來...(正在作重訓)59F 02/15 13:57
→ : 想起某場小李嗆他投不進罰球的畫面60F 02/15 14:06
推 : 氣氣氣氣61F 02/15 14:19
推 : 這可以經典圖了-懷疑人生62F 02/15 14:21
→ : shaq a fool63F 02/15 14:47
推 : 剛剛是花生省魔術??64F 02/15 15:14
推 : 讓詹姆斯像咖哩XD65F 02/15 15:50
推 : 也許我真的爛笑死66F 02/15 16:16
推 : 他會看自己的這段重播嗎??67F 02/15 16:26
推 : 肺壞了,可能要練呼吸法了才救得回來,龜之呼吸全68F 02/15 16:40
→ : 集中常中
→ : 集中常中
推 : 笑死70F 02/15 17:23
推 : 哈哈~笑死XD71F 02/15 19:41
推 : 樓下支援搶罰球麵包籃板表情圖72F 02/15 20:57
推 : 龜龜太逗了哈哈哈73F 02/15 21:30
推 : 幹真的超好笑哈哈哈74F 02/15 21:41
推 : 龜龜真有戲 XDD75F 02/15 21:53
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 88
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