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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] 2018年LBJ對Kuzma說:跌倒了 有兄弟拉你
時間 Tue Feb 23 23:14:39 2021
來源: FadaAwayWorld
網址: https://tinyurl.com/33mrfrq2
LeBron James Acted Completely Different With Kyle Kuzma Last Night After Telling Him “Anytime You Fall, Stay Down… Your Brother Come Pick You Up” In 2018 – Fadeaway World
A lot has changed since 2018 for the Los Angeles Lakers and their superstar, LeBron James, who had a very young team ...
LeBron James Acted Completely Different With Kyle Kuzma Last Night After
Telling Him “Anytime You Fall, Stay Down… Your Brother Come Pick You Up”
In 2018
LeBron James今晚對Kyle Kuzma的做法跟他在2018年說的"任何時候跌倒,就躺在那邊,兄
A lot has changed since 2018 for the Los Angeles Lakers and their superstar,
LeBron James, who had a very young team under his command when he first
landed in Los Angeles from Cleveland. The King tried to mentor those guys but
that little project was blown up after a single season, with the Lakers
sending their young core to New Orleans in exchange for Anthony Davis.
The King試著當他們的導師,但是這計畫在一年之後就告吹,湖人就把小將們換去鵜鶘,
The King試著當他們的導師,但是這計畫在一年之後就告吹,湖人就把小將們換去鵜鶘,
During that time, James made a big statement to his teammates, showing the
great teammate and leader he is when he told Kyle Kuzma and the rest of the
team to stay down and somebody would pick them up.
“We got you. Anytime y’all fall, stay down, your brother come pick you up,
” James said during a Lakers-Blazers game.
LBJ講這段話的影片: https://streamable.com/rnn67i
Well, it’s been three years since that moment and the King seemed to forget
those words during the purple and gold’s most recent game, when the same
player, Kyle Kuzma fell after shooting a contested shot against Russell
Westbrook. James saw the play and walked away as if nothing happened,
contrary to what he said two seasons ago.
Kuzma跌倒影片: https://streamable.com/byr7ov
"There was an even better clip from the bubble where kuzma tries to do a fancy
pass, turns it over, falls down, and both lebron and AD walk away"
(影片: https://youtu.be/I-sffXp4pmA )

"He didnt even look at him after the shot lmao"
"Word from the Staples floor, Kuz still waitin' for a brother."
"gotta beat traffic, right?"
"I have it on good authority that lebron and kuzma are not brothers"
"tomorrow: sources say Lebron has given Kyle Kuzma depression"
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1614093286.A.1D4.html
推 : 時空背景不同2F 02/23 23:16
→ : 樓下支援Kuz推老詹防守影片3F 02/23 23:16
推 : 不是大腿還想當LBJ的兄弟啊?4F 02/23 23:17
推 : 贏球拉你輸球裁你5F 02/23 23:17
→ : 其實也還好就是..他也沒說他是KUZMA的兄弟XD6F 02/23 23:17
推 : 誰跟你說過我們是好兄弟了(?7F 02/23 23:18
推 : LBJ:請你吃腳尾飯啦==8F 02/23 23:19
推 : 時間到了啦 不一樣啦9F 02/23 23:20
噓 : The現實,裝模作樣11F 02/23 23:20
→ : 兄弟拉你12F 02/23 23:20
→ : 他的任何時間指的是比賽中的任何時間13F 02/23 23:22
→ : 槍響了就等BOX文領繩
→ : 槍響了就等BOX文領繩
推 : 感謝一樓支援 看一次笑噴一次15F 02/23 23:23
推 : 幹話界MVP16F 02/23 23:23
推 : 笑死17F 02/23 23:23
推 : 不要扶他18F 02/23 23:24
推 : The商人19F 02/23 23:25
推 : 至少不像讓龍體微恙的廚師被開除20F 02/23 23:25
推 : 其實當初簽Cook就出乎很多人意外了,結果簽了還是沒21F 02/23 23:26
→ : 在用...
→ : 在用...
推 : The不拉 見死 不救23F 02/23 23:27
推 : 時空背景不同XDDDDDD24F 02/23 23:28
推 : 美國柯p25F 02/23 23:28
推 : THE不是兄弟26F 02/23 23:28
推 : 就心高氣傲 只在乎自己的歷史地位 完全沒心陪小將27F 02/23 23:28
→ : 第一人就是會被放大檢視 唉 辛苦了28F 02/23 23:29
推 : 就說你的兄弟了 跟姆斯有什麼關係XD29F 02/23 23:29
推 : 樓上還真是不辭辛苦地猛黑30F 02/23 23:29
推 : 時機若對 我第一個拉你起來 兄弟31F 02/23 23:29
推 : 1樓圖的內容在PTT推文會水桶XD32F 02/23 23:30
推 : 沒品詹 不意外 zz33F 02/23 23:30
推 : 不是腿 姆姆可是不抱的喔34F 02/23 23:31
推 : 這大腿沒用了35F 02/23 23:33
推 : The不拉 站目視36F 02/23 23:36
推 : 姆斯講的話本來就是聽聽就好37F 02/23 23:38
→ : BJ4的話是連聽都浪費時間38F 02/23 23:46
推 : Lbj勢利又不是不知道39F 02/23 23:47
→ : 你不是腿 自己站起來
→ : 你不是腿 自己站起來
推 : 本來就是只會講場面話而已41F 02/23 23:52
推 : ki寧願去對手也不想拉你42F 02/23 23:54
推 : 要當兄弟腿要夠粗啦43F 02/23 23:54
推 : 輸球了會叫你領繩44F 02/23 23:56
→ : 現在話都可以隨便亂說了啊45F 02/23 23:58
推 : 推46F 02/23 23:59
推 : 輸球呼吸都是錯的47F 02/24 00:01
推 : the 看戲48F 02/24 00:05
推 : the乾我屁事49F 02/24 00:15
推 : Lafake50F 02/24 00:15
推 : 贏球是兄弟 輸球是煙蒂51F 02/24 00:16
推 : 噁啊52F 02/24 00:16
推 : 唉,姆斯頭也不回的走了。投不進不是兄弟,切記53F 02/24 00:18
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 116
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