※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-04-01 14:27:02
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] 康利:我們當時以為飛機要解體了,大家
時間 Thu Apr 1 14:10:53 2021
我,Clarkson,Joe Ingles,Miye,Favors,我們都坐在機翼兩側的位置,突然我們感覺像
Me JC Joe and Miye Favors. we're all kind of right there in between both win
gs of the plane and and all of a sudden it felt like there was an explosion
like literally that's what it sounded like for most people on the plane like
something like we hit something big and the plane immediately started to bo
unce and then just start tilting to the left and people in the back of the p
lane said they saw flames and you know people in the front obviously didn't
know what was going on going on and like immediately like altitude started t
o drop a little bit and and we started like it like looking down and like wo
ndering what what just happened and like nobody knows everybody's just quiet
, you know, we're just in shock and and it took, you know the Pilots, you kn
ow, probably five to ten minutes right about 10 minutes to go through everyt
hing get you know, go through their checks and kind of get back to us and le
t us know what was going on because it was obvious that Something was really
wrong with the plane. It felt like the plane was like breaking apart in mid
air. So for us we you know for like I said for 5-10 minutes, you know, it fe
lt like justice complete helplessness

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1WPMFlW0 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1617257455.A.800.html
推 : 怕1F 04/01 14:11
推 : 真的怕 無助又無能為力2F 04/01 14:11
推 : 大難不死 爵士難道這季......3F 04/01 14:12
推 : 真的會嚇死4F 04/01 14:13
推 : 這季爵士一定冠軍啦5F 04/01 14:13
推 : 我當時害怕極了6F 04/01 14:14
推 : 連死神都不知道NBA有爵士隊7F 04/01 14:14
推 : 還好沒事8F 04/01 14:14
推 : 7樓有梗XDD9F 04/01 14:15
推 : 怕10F 04/01 14:15
推 : 7樓有梗11F 04/01 14:16
→ : 大難不死 必有後福12F 04/01 14:16
推 : 應該說連死神都不選爵士隊13F 04/01 14:16
推 : 沒有人會選爵士 也沒有神會選14F 04/01 14:16
推 : 死神拜託不要選任何一隊15F 04/01 14:16
推 : 好險...16F 04/01 14:17
→ : 7樓靠北哦XD17F 04/01 14:18
推 : 沒事就好18F 04/01 14:20
推 : 好險 安全 鳥擊很恐怖的19F 04/01 14:20
推 : 西方人需要收驚嗎?20F 04/01 14:20
推 : 兩眼開開21F 04/01 14:20
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 36
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