※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-05-04 19:05:08
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] AD講疫苗:我打了..做到我的部分讓球迷回來
時間 Tue May 4 14:57:14 2021
來源: The Athletic記者Bill Oram推特
網址: https://twitter.com/billoram/status/1389465681561747456
Bill Oram
@billoramAD on players getting vaccinated: "Some guys did, some guys didn't for their own personal reasons. I decided to for my own personal reasons. ... I'm trying to play my part and get 20,000 back in Staples so we can some more cheers in there than we have now."
@billoramAD on players getting vaccinated: "Some guys did, some guys didn't for their own personal reasons. I decided to for my own personal reasons. ... I'm trying to play my part and get 20,000 back in Staples so we can some more cheers in there than we have now."
AD on players getting vaccinated: "Some guys did, some guys didn't for their
own personal reasons. I decided to for my own personal reasons. ... I'm
trying to play my part and get 20,000 back in Staples so we can some more
cheers in there than we have now."
"r/nba: ok we’re gonna keep shitting on the Lakers but we’ll take it easy on
"It’s ok AD, Schroeder already snitched"
"“Personal reasons” lmfao"
AD: 我沒說是誰喔
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1620111438.A.5E3.html
→ : 母獅:1F 05/04 14:57
※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 05/04/2021 14:58:28推 : 湖人休息室專出告密仔?2F 05/04 14:58
推 : 大家都知道有些人是誰了3F 05/04 14:58
推 : 有腦推4F 05/04 14:58
推 : 難怪姆斯不能打5F 05/04 14:58
推 : 德軟小輸DLO一點 DLO有拍影片當證據XDD6F 05/04 15:00
推 : LBJ:下季不想看到德國人7F 05/04 15:00
推 : 出怪聲?8F 05/04 15:00
推 : 得體發言 推9F 05/04 15:02
推 : 輝瑞不是沒什麼副作用又很有效嗎 沒道理不打吧10F 05/04 15:03
推 : 沒差了 反正已經有人讓大家知道誰沒打了11F 05/04 15:04
→ : 德軟 姆斯 聽說沒打12F 05/04 15:04
→ : some guys13F 05/04 15:06
→ : 輝瑞第二劑的副作用不小,AZ是第一劑。
→ : 輝瑞第二劑的副作用不小,AZ是第一劑。
推 : some裡面出了內奸15F 05/04 15:07
推 : http://i.imgur.com/hiM0SgK.jpg ←日本是打輝瑞16F 05/04 15:08
→ : 日本人也因為(輝瑞)副作用的關係不太願意打疫苗。
推 : 2.17就開始打,打了三個月,日本現在注射完的0.79%
→ : 日本人也因為(輝瑞)副作用的關係不太願意打疫苗。
推 : 2.17就開始打,打了三個月,日本現在注射完的0.79%
→ : 那隻很多人吵著打的是莫德納還是輝瑞?19F 05/04 15:11
→ : 吵著打?日本的莫德納才剛送到,還沒審核通過。20F 05/04 15:12
推 : 這樣搞下去吾皇要上貨架出售了21F 05/04 15:30
推 : 看來有人明年不會回來了22F 05/04 15:43
推 : 母獅:23F 05/04 16:32
推 : 告密是什麼事件?24F 05/04 16:36
推 : 就有個德國人被德國媒體採訪,25F 05/04 16:38
→ : 可能以為不會被英文媒體引用,
→ : 不小心爆老詹的料這樣XDD
→ : 可能以為不會被英文媒體引用,
→ : 不小心爆老詹的料這樣XDD
推 : Modena問題最少28F 05/04 17:14
→ : 告密LBJ還沒打疫苗啊29F 05/04 17:45
推 : 笑死 德軟偷爆料喔 沒跟到30F 05/04 18:12
推 : 看來疫苗有嚴重的副作用31F 05/04 18:29
推 : 他的大潛能帶多一點歡呼嗎32F 05/04 18:51
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 33
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