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看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] Duncan Robinson史上最快500顆3分球:152場
時間 Sun May 2 14:33:30 2021
來源: CBS Sports
網址: https://tinyurl.com/2m5hcr28
Heat's Duncan Robinson becomes fastest player to reach 500 3-pointers in NBA history - CBSSports.com
It took Robinson just 152 games to reach the milestone ...
Heat's Duncan Robinson becomes fastest player to 500 3-pointers in NBA history
熱火Duncan Robinson成為NBA史上最快達成500顆三分球球員
Seven years ago, Duncan Robinson was playing basketball for Williams College,
a Division III school in Massachusetts with 2,000 students. On Saturday
night, in the Miami Heat's win over the Cleveland Cavaliers, he became the
fastest player to reach 500 3-pointers in NBA history.
7年前Duncan Robison還在為Williams大學打球,那是一所在麻塞諸塞州的學校,NCAA第三
Robinson had a typically strong performance, pouring in 20 points on an
efficient 7 of 10 from the field, including six 3-pointers. It was his 15th
game this season with at least five 3s, and he now has 222 of them for the
season, which is good for fourth in the league.
The record-breaking trey came early in the third quarter, as Robinson ran the
floor in transition and found some open space on the wing. He caught the pass
from Trevor Ariza, took a dribble to settle himself and let it fly. Nothing
but net.
Trevor Ariza的傳球,運了一下後出手,空心入網。
Duncan Robinson第500顆3分球影片: https://youtu.be/JFL1tq5PPuI

Perhaps the most impressive aspect of Robinson's record is how he set it
pretty easily. He needed only 152 games to reach 500 3s, which was 35 games
faster than Luka Doncic, the previous record holder. Here's a look at how he
compares to some of the players that came before him.
保持人Luka Doncic還快了35場。以下是紀錄保持人名單:
Duncan Robinson -- 152 games
Luka Doncic -- 187 games
Damian Lillard -- 199 games
Donovan Mitchell -- 208 games
That list really shows how much the game has changed over the years. Thompson
is one of the best shooters of this generation, and Robinson got to 500 3s in
62 fewer games. Going back even further, Larry Bird, widely regarded as one
of the best shooters of all time, only made 649 3s in his entire career.
快了62場。更早以前射手Larry Bird,普遍被認為是史上最佳射手之一,生涯也只總共投
快了62場。更早以前射手Larry Bird,普遍被認為是史上最佳射手之一,生涯也只總共投
If he keeps up this sort of pace, it's safe to assume Robinson will soon have
some more records in his sights.
As for the Heat, the win improved their record to 34-30 on the season and
they kept pace with the teams ahead of them in the Eastern Conference playoff
race. They're now tied with the Boston Celtics for sixth place and the final
guaranteed playoff spot, with two games still to play against them. And
looking further up the standings, they're only 1.5 games behind the Atlanta
Hawks for fourth place.
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推 : 不意外,不過之前400顆刷新的時候居然沒新聞1F 05/02 14:34
推 : 太神啦2F 05/02 14:34
推 : 400有點湊阿 比起500來講 下次就是1000了吧3F 05/02 14:35
→ : 把兩個名人堂級內線的名字組合在一起會是什麼4F 05/02 14:35
→ : 三分射手
→ : 三分射手
推 : 乾麵暑假要簽多少....6F 05/02 14:36
推 : 準 阿舍 名字果然有加酬效果7F 05/02 14:38
→ : 加成
→ : 加成
→ : 東4是尼克好嘛9F 05/02 14:39
修正※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 05/02/2021 14:41:51
推 : 阿舍!!10F 05/02 14:42
※ 編輯: pneumo ( 臺灣), 05/02/2021 14:43:00→ : 暑假快來台灣11F 05/02 14:42
推 : 以為是石佛跟海軍上將...馬刺雙塔12F 05/02 14:43
→ : Le'Bryan Nash JamesOn Curry13F 05/02 14:44
→ : 阿舍!!14F 05/02 14:45
推 : 吃阿舍就可以這麼準了喔15F 05/02 14:48
→ : 快還要更快16F 05/02 14:51
推 : 舍哥!!17F 05/02 14:57
推 : 幾乎都出手三分18F 05/02 14:58
推 : 阿舍!!19F 05/02 15:19
推 : 恭喜DR20F 05/02 15:19
推 : 阿舍哥 聯盟中少數白人的驕傲21F 05/02 15:30
→ : 來啊 再給他加兩包阿捨乾麵22F 05/02 15:41
推 : 簽個500萬不要拉倒23F 05/02 15:43
推 : 沒有Curry?24F 05/02 15:44
推 : 現在進入3分時代了,這種紀錄應該很快就會被破25F 05/02 15:50
推 : 乾麵達人26F 05/02 16:01
推 : 阿舍原來這猛27F 05/02 16:03
→ : Curry生涯前三季場均三分出手不到5次28F 05/02 16:08
推 : 現在是大三分時代 不過也是因為他夠準 恭喜他29F 05/02 16:11
推 : 咖哩前期沒那麼多三分出手30F 05/02 16:27
推 : 防守還需要加油,不然只有三分功能31F 05/02 16:27
推 : 咖哩算大器晚成型球員嗎?32F 05/02 16:32
推 : 今天真的猛 推33F 05/02 16:38
推 : 不算吧 但也不早成 中成型34F 05/02 16:46
推 : 他也只會投三分 戰術都配三分的當然快35F 05/02 16:47
推 : 石上36F 05/02 16:50
推 : 馬刺雙塔不只內線37F 05/02 16:51
推 : 乾麵石佛上將!38F 05/02 17:04
推 : 阿舍手 好準啊39F 05/02 17:27
推 : 推我大阿舍!40F 05/02 17:28
推 : 馬刺上將+石佛+台灣乾麵 不意外41F 05/02 17:31
推 : 名字取得好 球技沒煩惱42F 05/02 17:36
推 : 真心替台灣阿舍加油!43F 05/02 17:54
推 : 射爆curry44F 05/02 18:17
推 : 咖哩是開創大三分時代的人物 生涯初期反而不算多45F 05/02 18:20
推 : 前期新人如果準度不夠誰會給你無限開火權46F 05/02 18:31
推 : 前三年不是一哥+受傷關機 當時也還沒大三分時代47F 05/02 18:35
→ : 不然他前三季命中率是43%44%45%
→ : DR算是時勢造英雄 他訪談也有講
→ : 落選能發展到現在這樣 相當棒了
→ : 不然他前三季命中率是43%44%45%
→ : DR算是時勢造英雄 他訪談也有講
→ : 落選能發展到現在這樣 相當棒了
→ : 講bird會被笑 怎不說以前沒24秒限制...51F 05/02 19:29
推 : 太神啦 石佛上將52F 05/02 19:34
推 : 賣麵賣到打nba 勵志53F 05/02 19:37
推 : 很認份很有拼勁的射手54F 05/02 19:45
推 : 他也只會投三分 不過不是隊上前二得分主力 還能有這55F 05/02 19:58
→ : 樣的出手數量真的是很不容易
→ : 樣的出手數量真的是很不容易
推 : 石上加油57F 05/02 19:59
推 : 不愧是舍手58F 05/02 20:57
推 : 別忘了咖喱生涯初期很痛 這種最速紀錄無緣59F 05/02 22:37
推 : 這算場次的60F 05/02 23:08
推 : 就只是時代戰術下的產物61F 05/02 23:27
推 : 舍長大人62F 05/02 23:33
→ : 阿舍可以讓三分更準63F 05/02 23:45
推 : 時代戰術下的產物也要投進那麼多,不然怎麼是他拿64F 05/03 00:19
→ : 不是別人拿
→ : 不是別人拿
推 : 不愧是石佛上將,沒有對不起自己的名字66F 05/03 03:19
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 59
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