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看板 NBA
作者 jackie0414 (哇哈哈)
標題 [外絮] 90年代Top moments
時間 Tue Sep 14 15:18:49 2021

NBA Top Moments: 1990s | NBA.com
Take a look back at iconic moments in NBA history from the 1990s. ...


The Jordan Years (1990s)

1991: Michael’s Most Amazing Move?

In Game 2 of the 1991 NBA Finals against the Lakers, Michael Jordan made a
spectacular move that seemed even more unbelievable every time it was


1991年總冠軍賽第二場對湖人 MJ做出了無論重播幾次都令人感到無法置信的換手上籃


1992: Magic Stars in the Magic Kingdom

After retiring because of contracting the HIV virus in November 1991, Magic
Johnson was voted a starter for the All-Star Game and then won MVP honors.


1991年11月因愛滋而退休的魔術強森 被選為明星賽先發並獲得明星賽MVP


1992: Jordan Blazes Away From Long Range

They said 3-point shooting wasn’t his forte, but Michael Jordan was
unstoppable from distance in Game 1 of the 1992 Finals against Portland,
burying six first-half treys and capped off with a famous shrug of the


大家認為三分球不是MJ的武器 但他在1992年總冠對拓荒者第一場比賽

半場就投進了六顆三分 再加上經典的聳肩動作


1992: The Original Dream Team

Many consider it the greatest team ever assembled — the original Dream Team
that won the gold medal at the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona.


被公認是最偉大的夢幻隊 在1992年巴塞隆納奧運拿下金牌

1993: Paxson Nails the 3 for No. 3

Steady, dependable guard John Paxson hit a 3-pointer with 3.9 seconds left to
give Chicago its third straight NBA title.


剩下3.9秒時 Paxson投進三分 讓公牛完成三連霸


1994: Eighth-seeded Nuggets Upset Seattle

Nobody gave the 42-40 Nuggets a chance against the 64-18 Sonics, but Dikembe
Mutombo and his teammates staged the biggest upset in NBA playoff history.



在Mutombo的帶領下 完成史詩般的老八傳奇


1994: Miller Takes Manhattan

Reggie Miller was “in the zone” in Game 5 of the Eastern Conference finals
against the Knicks, scoring 39 points, including 25 in the fourth quarter.

1994年: Miller time在紐約

季後賽對紐約第五戰 瘋起來的Miller在第四節拿下25分 全場39分


1995: Stock Report — Jazz Guard Soars to Top of Assist Chart

With a pass to Karl Malone on February 1, 1995, John Stockton moved past
Magic Johnson as the NBA’s all-time leader in assists with 9,922.


1995年2月1日 老史助攻超過魔術強森 成為助攻王


1995: Jordan Proves He’s Back; Drops 55 on Knicks

Five games into his comeback, Michael Jordan shook off the rust and showed he
still had big-time game by exploding for 55 points against the Knicks.


復出後第五場比賽 MJ回復身手 在麥迪遜花園廣場拿下55分 證明自己寶刀未老


1996: Bulls Set Record With 70th Win

The Bulls’ 72-10 record during the 1995-96 regular season was the best in
NBA history, and Chicago made its claim as one of the best sports teams ever.


公牛隊72-10的紀錄在當時是史上最佳 也被譽為是史上最佳的球隊之一

1997: Western Conference Buzzer-Beaters

Rex Chapman, Eddie Johnson and John Stockton each injected life into the
Western Conference playoffs with dramatic buzzer-beating shots.


Rex Chapman, Eddie Johnson 和 John Stockton


Chapman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cENqu-9-jD4

Eddie Johnson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsAXdhQxI1Y

Stockton: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGtGQQUMDjs

1997: Bulls, Jazz Stage Memorable Finals

The heroics came from the expected (Michael Jordan, John Stockton) and the
unexpected (Steve Kerr) in a classic NBA Finals that featured several
memorable moments.


MJ和老使各自有精彩的表現 另外還有Kerr令人出乎意外的進球



1998: Indiana’s Mr. Clutch

Reggie Miller enhances his reputation as one of the game’s top clutch
players with last-second heroics against New York and Chicago.


對上公牛 Miller再次以關鍵時刻的三分球證明自己的名聲並非浪得虛名


1998: Jordan Jolts Jazz in Game 6

With Chicago trailing by three points, Michael Jordan scored on a drive,
stripped the ball from Karl Malone, and then — with 5.2 seconds left —
 buried the game-winning shot.


總冠第六場 當公牛落後三分時 MJ先上籃得分 再抄掉Malone的球



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pneumo      : 意圖想釣1F 09/14 15:20
lunkk       : Miller 經典2F 09/14 15:24
wpd         : 火箭跟馬刺...........3F 09/14 15:26
cody7052    : Olajuwon 帶隊二連霸的部分?4F 09/14 15:27
sasewill    : 歐拉單核奪冠竟然排不進一個5F 09/14 15:27
MaxwellDSA  : Miller time!6F 09/14 15:28
※ 編輯: jackie0414 ( 臺灣), 09/14/2021 15:30:01
GodEyes     : 當年是老爵迷,老史那球當天晚上看重播依然記憶猶新7F 09/14 15:38
GodEyes     : 火箭的老巴以為延長賽穩了,暫停結束前還在笑,結果
GodEyes     : 被老史直接KO,也是第一次看到老史那麼激動
PizzaKK     : 其實我不懂為什麼那球要換手 右手可以直接上阿 求解10F 09/14 15:47
Oskar       : Miller time 經點,跟鬼一樣11F 09/14 15:47
Oskar       : P大 喬丹自己說是預測可能會遇到封阻...(?
lovebean    : MJ說過那球他原本打算灌籃, 但瞄到旁邊好像是Perkin13F 09/14 15:52
lovebean    : s似乎想來封阻的感覺, 所以才拉桿換手上籃, 不過一
lovebean    : 直覺得這球還好欸, 個人當年看到空中拉桿過三人那球
lovebean    : 才真的是下巴差點掉下來
ABOQQ       : 還好咧...你知道多危險跟多厲害嗎...17F 09/14 16:01
Tommy92C    : 90年代馬龍霸王肘,00年代包溫天殘腳,其他大家補18F 09/14 16:03
Tommy92C    : 充
swatch44    : 喬丹口渴想先泡個茶所以換手處理一下20F 09/14 16:03
legend1125  : 歐拉二冠竟然一個都沒有21F 09/14 16:03
hau7341     : 覺得拉三桿更帥氣+122F 09/14 16:04
hans0913    : 我彈跳只有10公分,怎麼知道有多危險23F 09/14 16:07
lovebean    : https://youtu.be/qdau-1SEYB024F 09/14 16:08
Faker8294   : 我以為會有elie的死亡之吻25F 09/14 16:08
lovebean    : 1991 Finals那球的厲害度跟危險度確實不如這球啊,26F 09/14 16:10
lovebean    :  不過確實標題是Finals, 最精彩進球就那幾球就是了
majongson   : 一般人做那個動作腰絕對會受傷28F 09/14 16:10
TheoEpstein : 印象中T-Mac好像想複製結果沒成功?29F 09/14 16:10
VL1003      : 從灌籃動作到球換手再拋出,一氣呵成,才有感覺很簡30F 09/14 16:14
VL1003      : 單的錯覺,光是起跳前原本人是面對右側,到落地前已
VL1003      : 已換為左側,就這動作沒 MJ 那協調性完全做不出來。
lovebean    : 這版本影片的角度好多, 再仔細看了一下這球MJ飛的33F 09/14 16:20
lovebean    : 高度、距離跟動作難度是真的非常厲害, 可惜原本籃下
lovebean    : 右邊的Perkins最後放棄起跳封阻, 沒有成為完美的背
lovebean    : 景, 視覺效果上不如空中拉三桿那球誇張
a44101234   : 是不是想釣...37F 09/14 16:29
JohnStarks  : 臭嘴米勒一場球要吹二十年 比塞爾特人還厲害38F 09/14 16:29
s970086     : 那球換手上籃根本脫褲子放屁39F 09/14 16:30
jackie0414  : Starks很氣喔XDDDDDDDD40F 09/14 16:31
JerryChanel :41F 09/14 16:33
sicao       : Paxson投進三分 => 影片對不起來??42F 09/14 16:33
※ 編輯: jackie0414 ( 臺灣), 09/14/2021 16:34:41
BryantChan  : the move是很厲害,但每次看都覺得有點刻意@@43F 09/14 16:35
Muratlo     : 72勝公牛,唉啊~~不是被破了嗎?被誰破去了~44F 09/14 16:37
dustinhuang : 動作是很難沒錯  但是沒人防的話我實在不覺得這畫面45F 09/14 16:41
dustinhuang : 多有意思  能夠流傳這麼久多少有些炒作
ryoma9527   : 怎麼沒有馬龍跟小蟲摔角47F 09/14 16:42
lunkk       : 比較喜歡三次拉桿那球48F 09/14 16:42
rex9999     : 怎麽沒有Penny戲耍45號Jordan?49F 09/14 16:51
Bronze5god  : GM前陣子評MJ那部影片 應該是他最中肯的一部50F 09/14 16:51
KBchen      : Spike Lee根本是尼克罪人,每次都激怒球星51F 09/14 16:55

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