※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-02-05 14:57:33
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作者 標題 [情報] 籃網Joe Harris可能接受第二次左腳踝手術
時間 Fri Feb 4 09:44:51 2022
Ian Begley
@ianbegleyNets’ Joe Harris may undergo a 2nd procedure on his left ankle that would “fix the ankle once and for good,” Priority Sports’ Mark Bartelstein, Harris’ agent, says. Bartelstein says it’s unclear at this point if 2nd procedure is necessary. Decision will be made in next week or 2.
@ianbegleyNets’ Joe Harris may undergo a 2nd procedure on his left ankle that would “fix the ankle once and for good,” Priority Sports’ Mark Bartelstein, Harris’ agent, says. Bartelstein says it’s unclear at this point if 2nd procedure is necessary. Decision will be made in next week or 2.
Nets’ Joe Harris may undergo a 2nd procedure on his left ankle that would “
fix the ankle once and for good,” Priority Sports’ Mark Bartelstein, Harris
’ agent, says. Bartelstein says it’s unclear at this point if 2nd procedure
is necessary. Decision will be made in next week or 2.
籃網隊的Joe Harris可能會進行第二次左腳踝手術,這將“一勞永逸地修復腳踝”。
Priority Sports 的Harris經紀人 Bartelstein 說,目前還不清楚是否需要進行第
Priority Sports 的Harris經紀人 Bartelstein 說,目前還不清楚是否需要進行第
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1X_8KMQZ (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1643939094.A.6A3.html
推 : 感覺籃網真的要拆夥了1F 02/04 09:45
推 : 坦隊可以出手了2F 02/04 09:47
推 : 湖人撿吧3F 02/04 09:52
→ : 反正喬哈季後賽軟手,少他也沒差啦(?)4F 02/04 09:59
推 : 籃網組團一次分冠都沒拿到 一定拆了吧==5F 02/04 09:59
→ : 常規賽沒喬哈籃網空間已經很慘了 拒投雲集6F 02/04 10:01
推 : 要不是去年喬哈軟手…7F 02/04 10:04
→ : 停賽吧...拜託....8F 02/04 10:05
推 : 去年被噴超慘 沒了9F 02/04 10:05
推 : 保重10F 02/04 10:07
推 : 去年有機會可以做英雄的 但自己軟手沒辦法.......11F 02/04 10:09
推 : 趕緊動手術,順便避避風頭遠離風暴12F 02/04 10:12
推 : 看一場少一場這。。。。。。13F 02/04 10:12
推 : 去年季後賽低迷表現被噴還被燒球衣....14F 02/04 10:18
推 : 宇宙網 繼續下去囉15F 02/04 10:18
推 : 要整季報銷了嗎?16F 02/04 10:22
→ : 跟鬍子一起打包送走吧17F 02/04 10:25
推 : 很大機率會整季報銷,籃網少他還是有差啦18F 02/04 10:25
推 : 籃網差不多了19F 02/04 10:43
推 : 季後賽拖累球隊不能打或許更好20F 02/04 10:49
→ : 這隻廢了 好慘21F 02/04 10:59
推 : 季後賽軟手22F 02/04 11:09
推 : 網子破惹23F 02/04 11:54
推 : 全員健康無庸置疑天元網,但是好難啊...24F 02/04 11:56
推 : 季後超雷25F 02/04 12:05
→ : 鬍子走定了26F 02/04 13:07
推 : 慘27F 02/04 15:36
推 : 籃網組團有組起來過嗎......28F 02/04 17:31
推 : 籃網陣容感覺沒湖人強啊29F 02/04 17:49
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推 : 澳洲王沒這隻好用嗎?31F 02/04 22:17
→ : 澳洲王好用很多 至少不軟手而且速度快32F 02/04 22:41
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