※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-02-12 18:04:54
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] 青賽Smart直言喜歡金塊Campazzo的假摔
時間 Sat Feb 12 15:00:47 2022
Keith Smith
@KeithSmithNBAMarcus Smart figured he would get a technical from his dustup with Facundo Campazzo. Asked about Campazzo flopping, Smart said: "I love it. I love it. Flopping is trying to get the call. It's a smart play. Anyone who says they never flop is lying. Everyone does it."
@KeithSmithNBAMarcus Smart figured he would get a technical from his dustup with Facundo Campazzo. Asked about Campazzo flopping, Smart said: "I love it. I love it. Flopping is trying to get the call. It's a smart play. Anyone who says they never flop is lying. Everyone does it."
Keith Smith
@KeithSmithNBAMarcus Smart on him and Derrick White as a defensive tandem: "We can be great. Me and him are two of the best defensive players in the league. And with this team...You can't pick on us anymore because of our size."
@KeithSmithNBAMarcus Smart on him and Derrick White as a defensive tandem: "We can be great. Me and him are two of the best defensive players in the league. And with this team...You can't pick on us anymore because of our size."
Marcus Smart on him and Derrick White as a defensive tandem: "We can be
great. Me and him are two of the best defensive players in the league. And
with this team...You can't pick on us anymore because of our size."
Marcus Smart figured he would get a technical from his dustup with Facundo
Campazzo. Asked about Campazzo flopping, Smart said: "I love it. I love it.
Flopping is trying to get the call. It's a smart play. Anyone who says they
never flop is lying. Everyone does it."
Marcus Smart談到他和Derrick White的防守搭檔,Smart說:“我們可以做得很棒。
Smart還認為他可以從與Facundo Campazzo的對決中學到技巧。
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Y1riZt9 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1644649251.A.DC9.html
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→ : 站著還久
→ : 站著還久
推 : 看到有人學他,所以很高興11F 02/12 15:04
推 : 頂尖對決12F 02/12 15:04
→ : 要摔去練舞室摔13F 02/12 15:05
推 : 影帝飆戲XDDD14F 02/12 15:07
→ : 這個形容太貼切了
→ : 這個形容太貼切了
推 : 假假相惜16F 02/12 15:07
推 : .....17F 02/12 15:09
推 : trae也學學18F 02/12 15:09
推 : 誒不是 這是打球對吧?!19F 02/12 15:09
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→ : 怎麼比的是演技?!
推 : 想跟阿明尬寢技你還太嫩21F 02/12 15:11
→ : 2014熱火三王;22F 02/12 15:12
推 : 起碼要蘿莉23F 02/12 15:12
推 : 假摔 "It's a Smart play" 笑死24F 02/12 15:12
推 : 聰明忘記自己的假摔上過幾次俠客了嗎25F 02/12 15:13
→ : 或多或假都假摔過啦26F 02/12 15:15
→ : 或多或少
→ : 或多或少
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推 : 有如在看《無間道》,享受兩大影帝的對手戲29F 02/12 15:24
推 : 聰明哥評假摔:這很聰明30F 02/12 15:25
推 : 影帝飆戲XD31F 02/12 15:25
推 : 飆戲好靠北32F 02/12 15:26
推 : 假摔咖惺惺相惜33F 02/12 15:28
推 : 聰明哥的彈塗魚跳法天下一絕34F 02/12 15:29
推 : 職業比賽36F 02/12 15:31
推 : 假摔王很欣慰37F 02/12 15:42
→ : 王的子民
→ : 王的子民
推 : NBA商業聯盟 總是要有一些娛樂效果啊39F 02/12 15:47
推 : 假摔王認證young king40F 02/12 15:51
推 : 真聰明41F 02/12 15:52
推 : 我倆惺惺相惜42F 02/12 15:53
推 : 惺惺相惜43F 02/12 15:55
[Highlight] Marcus Smart tries to fight off Campazzo and pushes him off and is called for the defensive foul : nba
805 votes, 267 comments. 4.5m members in the nba community. A subreddit dedicated to NBA news and discussion. ...
805 votes, 267 comments. 4.5m members in the nba community. A subreddit dedicated to NBA news and discussion. ...
推 : 影帝同台飆戲45F 02/12 16:18
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推 : 不要小看南美人的假摔功力48F 02/12 16:50
→ : 影帝同場飆戲49F 02/12 16:51
推 : 聰明哥的假摔都上幾次俠客福了 XDDDDD 他當然要多50F 02/12 17:05
→ : 跟人家學學呀~
→ : 跟人家學學呀~
→ : 認證52F 02/12 17:27
推 : 品摔師53F 02/12 17:33
推 : 兩個都是地面技巧的高手54F 02/12 17:57
噓 : 一堆虛偽的人 XD55F 02/12 18:00
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 49
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