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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-02-23 02:23:46
看板 NBA
作者 arod1414 (Kawhi Leonard頭號粉絲)
標題 [外絮] 鵜鶘的2022-23球季季票續約郵件並未提到Zion
時間 Tue Feb 22 22:56:54 2022


Zion has struggled with injury for the entirety of this season. He has an issue
in his foot that was initially expected to keep him out for a few months but esc
alated into over half the season. Recent reports have suggested a setback that c
ould require another surgery and could see him miss effectively the entirety of
this season.


It's not been great for Zion, who has also dealt with questions about gaining we
ight and his commitment to rehabbing himself. His loyalty to the franchise has a
lso been talked about, with suggestions that a move elsewhere after his rookie c
ontract isn't entirely out of the question. More speculation has now been added
to the fire after it came to light that Williamson's name was nowhere to be foun
d in the e-mail sent to season ticket holders asking them to renew for next seas


"Interesting. The #WBD #Pelicans just sent email to season ticket holders about
renewals for 2022-23 season and… NO MENTION OF ZION."

有趣。鵜鶘剛剛向季票持有者發送了關於 2022-23 賽季續約的電子郵件,而且……沒有提

While within itself this doesn't mean all that much, it's not exactly nothing ei
ther. The other potential reason that Zion hasn't been mentioned could be the fa
ct that the organization isn't sure he will recover enough to play a large part
in next season, which is again, concerning.


There's no reason at this juncture to believe that Zion Williamson is looking to
 leave New Orleans, but the signs are not looking good for the Pelicans franchis
e. They need to figure out a way to get Zion healthy and on the court, if they d
on't want to end up blowing another highly-rated and extremely talented No. 1 pi


New Orleans Pelicans Didn't Mention Zion Williamson At All In An E-Mail To Season Ticket Holders About Renewing Their Tickets - Fadeaway World
Zion Williamson was supposed to be the next great talent in the NBA, the savior of the New Orleans Pelicans who have struggled a fair bit in recent hi ...


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※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 02/22/2022 22:57:35
dwiee       : 要開賣了?1F 02/22 22:59
Mews        : 吃到回不來 真不簡單2F 02/22 22:59
NanaoNaru   : 壞了3F 02/22 22:59
ste14563    : 楊懷樂4F 02/22 23:00
dwiee       : 離下季還有7~8個月欸 是不能上場還是不在球隊了5F 02/22 23:00
d70062s     : 誠實給推6F 02/22 23:01
cody7052    : 準備壓價續約的節奏?7F 02/22 23:03
sunnyyoung  : 直接傷到退休吧 年輕球員都這麼自私8F 02/22 23:04
azlbf       : 如果是他拒絕鵜鶘的醫療與減重協助….9F 02/22 23:04
kraftman    : 很誠實10F 02/22 23:05
Llind31100  : 假如信裡有zion 但他都不上場 這樣算廣告不實嗎11F 02/22 23:05
o0991758566 : 再報銷  Oden 2.0?12F 02/22 23:05
sony0223098 : 陽壞樂13F 02/22 23:06
lowl99      : 會不會轉隊就好了,呵呵14F 02/22 23:07
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 02/22/2022 23:07:57
live147222  : 不續約就是ZION要的吧,直接跑15F 02/22 23:15
NOKIA8888   : 會續約嗎16F 02/22 23:17
sezna       : 像KI季票被拿掉頭像一樣啊 籃網主場看不到他17F 02/22 23:20
Puye        : 不確定出賽或者想被交易18F 02/22 23:22
liao18      : 烙跑準備囉 ㄏㄏ19F 02/22 23:22
Mentha      : 到紐約就全好了啦20F 02/22 23:24
sezna       : 沒辦法掌握zion的現況還挺慘的 水鳥21F 02/22 23:24
horstyle0411: 怕被告吧22F 02/22 23:24
WIGGINS22   : 氵咸月巴女子口馬?23F 02/22 23:26
tailsean    : 滿可憐的水鳥,抽到狀元還被他綁架24F 02/22 23:28
handfox     : 要去米其林指南找25F 02/22 23:28
mono1023    : 抽脂可以嗎26F 02/22 23:30
Hohenzollern: THT+二輪籤換Zion 我湖小虧27F 02/22 23:32
nt880245    : 在坦一年28F 02/22 23:34
Hohenzollern: Zion乾脆關機養生到明年暑假 鵜鶘不續約他就自由啦29F 02/22 23:34
samioplg    : 小城市好不容易坦到狀元還要再靠賽,有夠慘30F 02/22 23:42
KazumiLin   : Zion:幫我訂班到紐約的飛機31F 02/22 23:42
Royalweger  : 算小城市悲歌嗎32F 02/22 23:43
jackal44748 : AD好歹還有打過季後賽 Zion才剛起步就開始搞人 水鳥33F 02/22 23:43
jackal44748 : 真沒狀元命
hsmeal      : 水鳥真的雖小,遇到巨嬰35F 02/22 23:50
josephpu    : 水鳥真的衰36F 02/22 23:51
langeo      : 不覺得ZION轉到大城市就能克制自己的嘴巴37F 02/22 23:55
rayisgreat  : 鵜鶘有沒有突然覺得AD其實人很不錯(?38F 02/22 23:56
jaworuji    : 替水鳥難過 難得的狀元又要打水漂了嗎39F 02/22 23:56
rayisgreat  : 雖然結果都是被勇士虐 但好歹AD時代有進幾次季後賽40F 02/22 23:56
ooxxman     : 被動自律,轉隊治療41F 02/23 00:00
ste14563    : 不夠自律42F 02/23 00:02
ppives      : 水鳥這種小市場球隊真的很可憐....43F 02/23 00:17
tomoti      : 沒提早續約暑假就會開吹了吧...44F 02/23 00:20
glaten      : AD養爛、ZION也一樣45F 02/23 00:26
aaa40303    : 沒紀律的胖虎46F 02/23 00:34
fatoil27    : 很沒職業道德47F 02/23 00:35
seemoon2000 : 最近幾年球星越來越難管 小市場已經很災難了 如果48F 02/23 00:36
seemoon2000 : 延伸到狀元新秀約就這樣真的滿不好的發展
linearppt   : 我覺得不用玩了,落花有意流水無情。鵜鶘應該想辦50F 02/23 00:40
linearppt   : 法多靴一筆,趁他賣像不錯時候
kraftman    : 要賣了嗎52F 02/23 00:41
Flitz       : 至少AD努力過了,這咖是完全沒53F 02/23 00:43
sezna       : 勞資協議應該要有更多規範54F 02/23 00:47
saTUnotSATO : MJ也會哭吧 砸大錢簽約結果是這種咖 鞋還賣得出去嗎55F 02/23 00:52
sova0809    : 控制不住口腹之慾 越復健越惡化還可能要再動一次手56F 02/23 01:00
sova0809    : 術... 我真心不認為要玩吹密要搞這麼大 自律不夠才
sova0809    : 是重點 他體重不減下來 就算真回來也撐不久 然後癡
sova0809    : 肥的情況下還剩下幾成爆發力也是個問號
hanklee     : 自制力太差..越復健體態越差60F 02/23 01:05
versace     : 養壞了61F 02/23 01:22
aniji       : 有夠好笑  準備肥到退休62F 02/23 01:26
nashQ       : 這運動員的心態也..63F 02/23 01:30
Eijidate    : 現在一堆巨嬰球員領了錢不認真打球,除了沒職業操守64F 02/23 01:33
Eijidate    : 外,也沒運動精神。
NOKIA8888   : 缺乏自制力66F 02/23 01:43
cowbay5566  : 坐看Zion去紐約然後繼續肥67F 02/23 02:04
cowbay5566  : 我就不信在NO沒有自制力,去了紐約反而更有自制力

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