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作者 標題 [外絮] 湖人被認為賽季結束後會跟Vogel分道揚鑣
時間 Wed Apr 6 10:39:05 2022
來源: Lakers Daily
網址: https://tinyurl.com/299yee64
Report: Lakers expected to part ways with Frank Vogel after this season - Lakers Daily
The Los Angeles Lakers are arguably the most disappointing team in the entire NBA this season. After a whirlwind 2021 offseason, the Lakers were expec ...
Report: Lakers expected to part ways with Frank Vogel after this season
The Los Angeles Lakers are arguably the most disappointing team in the entire
NBA this season. After a whirlwind 2021 offseason, the Lakers were expected
by fans and experts alike to seriously challenge for an NBA title.
Now, with just a few games left in the regular season, the Lakers seem much
more likely to miss the entire postseason.
In fact, if the season ended today, the Lakers would not even qualify to
participate in the play-in tournament.
As a result, the franchise is expected to part ways with head coach Frank
Vogel following the conclusion of this season.
因此,湖人球團被認為會在這個賽季結束後,跟總教練Frank Vogel分道揚鑣。
“Now, as the finish line for this tumultuous 2021-22 campaign mercifully
“Now, as the finish line for this tumultuous 2021-22 campaign mercifully
arrives, the Lakers are still expected to part ways with embattled
play-caller Frank Vogel, sources told B/R, and the anticipated vacancy on Los
Angeles’ bench has produced no shortage of potential candidates linked to
fill the position,” Jake Fischer wrote.
期會與四面楚歌的Frank Vogel分道揚鑣,而空懸的湖人帥位不乏有數位可能的候選人
可以填補這個位置,」BR記者Jake Fischer寫道。
期會與四面楚歌的Frank Vogel分道揚鑣,而空懸的湖人帥位不乏有數位可能的候選人
可以填補這個位置,」BR記者Jake Fischer寫道。
"“The Los Angeles Lakers have agreed to trade head coach Frank Vogel, THT and
a 2nd round pick to the 76ers in exchange for Doc Rivers"
「洛杉磯湖人同意,把他們的總教練Frank Vogel,小龜,跟第二輪籤,與76人交易他們
"If I'm the Sixers I take that deal in heartbeat"
"Take out THT and I’m in"
"Nah man trust me, this dude will look like a great piece off the bench as
soon as he is off the Lakers. It's always been like that with our players lol"
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1YJFrDD7 (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1649212749.A.347.html
推 : 我阿嬤都知道1F 04/06 10:39
推 : 我阿公都知道領繩的是這幾個2F 04/06 10:41
推 : 推最後一段..哈哈3F 04/06 10:42
→ : 我哥辛苦了4F 04/06 10:42
推 : 教練本來就是留到季末幫LeGM領繩的5F 04/06 10:42
→ : 還不走湖迷就要暴動了6F 04/06 10:42
推 : 不知道我王會不會把我哥當作選項之一7F 04/06 10:42
→ : 雖然沒消息但球迷大致認為我哥是適合我王目前陣容的
→ : 雖然沒消息但球迷大致認為我哥是適合我王目前陣容的
推 : 外國鄉民都知道 旅湖就是強...9F 04/06 10:44
推 : 不意外10F 04/06 10:44
→ : 76人的罩門真的是老河流了11F 04/06 10:44
推 : 笑死12F 04/06 10:44
推 : 獨眼龍也知道13F 04/06 10:45
推 : 湖人不要耽誤Vogel了,防守專長的教練要帶一群老人14F 04/06 10:46
推 : 看一場少一場15F 04/06 10:47
推 : 這種消息不需要記者吧~~~說點不知道的16F 04/06 10:47
推 : 這不算新聞了吧17F 04/06 10:47
推 : 笑死 湖人整天怪東怪西 怎麼不想想 離開湖人的球員18F 04/06 10:49
→ : 都會大爆發
→ : 都會大爆發
推 : 教練旅湖也會變強嗎20F 04/06 10:49
推 : Reddit推文才是本體21F 04/06 10:50
推 : 他光是撐到現在都是新聞了22F 04/06 10:50
推 : 總算下台了,總覺得AD LBJ的傷勢還是要怪Vogel叫他23F 04/06 10:50
→ : 們多打五號的關係
→ : 們多打五號的關係
推 : 湖人養幾個教練了啊25F 04/06 10:50
推 : 這也一篇?26F 04/06 10:52
推 : 早就該下台了,不會用DH,西河,瓜哥27F 04/06 10:52
推 : 還能撐到現在28F 04/06 10:52
推 : 下一個倒霉鬼是誰呢29F 04/06 10:54
推 : 五小幫刷都得不到羌仔力保 拍羌屁拍在羌腳上可憐吶30F 04/06 10:54
推 : LBJ 瓜 龜 湊一堆老腿給我哥也是辛苦他了31F 04/06 10:54
推 : LBJ又擊墜一位教練了32F 04/06 10:55
推 : 季中沒滾比較意外33F 04/06 10:56
推 : 看來THT之後會爆發?34F 04/06 10:56
→ : 老詹掛五號也沒做什麼5號的事,又Vogel的鍋喔35F 04/06 11:00
→ : 除非我哥有湖人高層裸照 不然滾定了36F 04/06 11:00
推 : Kidd離開後的Vogel跟個西瓜沒兩樣,只會抱姆斯腿37F 04/06 11:00
推 : 打了半季五小 最後還是回去打Rambis五大38F 04/06 11:00
推 : LUE 笑而不語39F 04/06 11:00
→ : LBJ掛五號只是為了要配合LBJ的進攻型態...40F 04/06 11:01
→ : 請問離開湖人大爆發的球員拿幾冠了?41F 04/06 11:01
→ : 然後防守沒人護框直接爆炸 聯盟倒數的防守....42F 04/06 11:01
→ : 喇叭的教練又一個下去了43F 04/06 11:01
推 : 看來reddit那包是為了清小龜才包我哥的44F 04/06 11:02
→ : 為了他的進攻順暢 把能用的魔獸塞進冰箱...45F 04/06 11:02
推 : 拿幾罐不知道 倒是都賺的盆滿缽滿46F 04/06 11:03
推 : 湖人高層裸照是貧乳我不喜歡(離題)47F 04/06 11:04
推 : 湖人很快就能找到有名的教練,Vogel沒意外也很快能48F 04/06 11:04
推 : 喇叭乾脆扶正球員兼教練好了49F 04/06 11:04
→ : 找到新工作,應該是雙贏吧50F 04/06 11:04
→ : THT去馬刺或暴龍養,應該不會歪成這樣……51F 04/06 11:05
→ : 教練有旅湖buff嗎52F 04/06 11:06
推 : MDA!!!!!!!53F 04/06 11:06
→ : 早該滾了56F 04/06 11:07
推 : 湖人出身的我疼擺第一吧,拜總往後站57F 04/06 11:07
推 : 大家都知道啦 不用特別講58F 04/06 11:08
推 : 陣容雖不如預期,但打成這樣領繩合理59F 04/06 11:08
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 23
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