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作者 標題 [外絮] AD反擊玻璃說:這些不是小傷
時間 Tue Apr 5 01:43:28 2022
Trolled online and by TV analysts after two straight years with significant inju
ry absences, Davis fired back at his critics Sunday in a one-on-one interview wi
th The Times.
在連續兩年因傷缺席之後,AD受到網路上和球評的猛烈抨擊,週日在接受The Times的一對
“This is what I’ve learned about injuries: Last year when I wasn’t playing, p
eople were saying ‘AD’s giving up on his team. It’s the playoffs. AD has to p
lay. He’s got to play.’ And when I went out there to play, got hurt again, the
y said, ‘Who was his trainer? Who let him play?’
“So, what the [expletive] do you want me to do? When I play, it’s a problem. I
t’s a problem when I don’t play. At the end of the day, I’ve got to do what’
s best for me and how my body feels. And we go from there. I’m not worried abou
t who’s saying what or who thinks this about me because none of them have stepp
ed on the floor and played. And the ones that did play, they should understand.
“These aren’t little ticky-tack injuries.”
The injury-prone label had been placed on Davis before arriving in Los Angeles,
and while last season added evidence to that, this season’s problems can be att
ributed to bad luck more than anything else.
Davis missed more than a month with a knee injury after LeBron James accidentall
y knocked Minnesota’s Jaden McDaniels into the side of Davis’ leg. After a 10-
game return, Davis injured his foot after stepping on the foot of Utah center Ru
dy Gobert and missed another month and a half.
在LBJ不小心將明尼蘇達隊的Jaden McDaniels推去撞到AD後,AD因膝傷缺席了一個多月。
The fluke nature of the injuries have helped keep him from getting too discourag
“There’s not one player in the world who could step on somebody’s foot from t
he air and not roll your ankle. It doesn’t matter the shoe. You step on somebod
y’s foot, you’re going to roll your ankle.”
His team was in 11th place. His foot was sore. And it all felt out of his contro
“I did bust my ass,” Davis said. “And I had two uncontrollable injuries.”
Anthony Davis to critics: 'These aren't ticky-tack injuries' - Los Angeles Times
Anthony Davis is playing with painfully sore foot and tells L.A. Times, "I'm not going to sit down and quit if I feel like I can ... get out there." ...
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推 : 受傷還要被嘴 有點可憐1F 04/05 01:44
推 : 終於爆發了 他之前很少提到自己的傷病史2F 04/05 01:44
→ : 可以吹 不能質疑3F 04/05 01:45
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 04/05/2022 01:46:23推 : 確實4F 04/05 01:46
噓 : 一次被LBJ害到,這能怪AD嗎?5F 04/05 01:46
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 04/05/2022 01:47:01推 : 莫名中了隔山打牛6F 04/05 01:47
噓 : 一次老詹害的不是?7F 04/05 01:49
推 : 這季ad話好多8F 04/05 01:52
推 : 玻璃擺脫不了 一旦受大傷 那部位就會變脆弱 會反覆9F 04/05 01:52
推 : 受傷就好好養傷 別嘴東嘴西最後讓人狠狠地搧臉好嗎10F 04/05 01:52
→ : 受傷11F 04/05 01:52
推 : 好好養傷吧12F 04/05 01:52
推 : 碰瓷娃娃獸13F 04/05 01:53
推 : 受傷不能控制 但你可以控制嘴巴14F 04/05 01:53
推 : 一直有大傷那不是更慘......15F 04/05 01:54
推 : 大小傷勢不斷16F 04/05 01:54
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 04/05/2022 01:55:38推 : la三巨頭被推到輿論的風口浪尖上,nba就在看好戲17F 04/05 01:56
→ : 不能怪他 沒人想受傷 要怪那些好手好腳卻沒有想贏的18F 04/05 01:56
推 : 今天看比賽 感覺AD跟去年季後賽打太陽一樣19F 04/05 01:56
→ : 一直摸自己的腳 希望能平安度過今天吧
→ : 一直摸自己的腳 希望能平安度過今天吧
→ : 年輕的姆斯可以轉一轉就好了21F 04/05 01:56
※ 編輯: arod1414 ( 臺灣), 04/05/2022 01:58:34![[圖]](https://i4.disp.cc/imgur/ISQ45tm.jpg)
推 : 欸不是,你說這些不是小傷不就更證明玻璃體質了==23F 04/05 02:06
噓 : 少打點字 免得手指扭到24F 04/05 02:07
推 : 除了腳玻璃,心也是玻璃。25F 04/05 02:11
→ : 不是玻璃 那就是雲母片囉26F 04/05 02:12
推 : 咖喱的腳踝也是27F 04/05 02:15
推 : 這個傷病史,用玻璃形容已經很好了28F 04/05 02:27
推 : 玻璃心29F 04/05 02:28
→ : 不是小傷但4你容易受傷30F 04/05 02:28
推 : 容易受傷31F 04/05 02:29
推 : AD說不是小傷反擊玻璃論? 蛤?32F 04/05 02:29
→ : 你這樣不就自曝其短?誰敢買33F 04/05 02:30
噓 : ....解釋完了?那還是玻璃啊幹34F 04/05 02:35
推 : 每次都不是小傷不就更玻璃嗎 笑死35F 04/05 02:42
推 : 樓上圖的女優是誰啊?36F 04/05 02:47
推 : Weak37F 04/05 02:52
→ : Soft
→ : Soft
推 : 你家那位生化人以前都是伸展動作做幾下就繼續打了39F 04/05 02:53
推 : 不能控制40F 04/05 02:53
推 : 好的 院長41F 04/05 02:53
推 : 話說完了 結果還是玻璃王有改變嗎 死人是沒輸出的43F 04/05 03:00
推 : 無辜44F 04/05 03:02
推 : 就玻璃阿,他自己也知道,不然幹嘛提早前續約45F 04/05 03:03
→ : 被姆斯隔山打牛是真的怪不了他46F 04/05 03:23
推 : 受傷不錯問題,問題是不上卻一直說大話47F 04/05 03:33
→ : 不是*
→ : 不是*
→ : 說完了?看來腦子也受傷了。49F 04/05 03:40
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