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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-10-14 13:36:07
看板 NBA
作者 ckurryobe (咖筆)
標題 [外絮] 登登說對於KI不能出賽他沒有決定權
時間 Thu Oct 14 11:16:21 2021

來源:Yahoo Sport
James Harden reacts to Kyrie Irving decision, says he hasn't yet spoken to Nets star
Kevin Durant and James Harden have a lot of say in Brooklyn, but when it came to the decision to not have Kyrie Irving around the Nets, it was all on  ...


James Harden reacts to Kyrie Irving decision, says he hasn't yet spoken to Net
s star

It seems like Kevin Durant and James Harden have a lot of say in what goes dow
n in Brooklyn, but when it came to the decision to not have Kyrie Irving aroun
d the Nets until he's a full-time player, it was all on upper brass.

Harden told reporters on Wednesday that he had "no say" in the decision, addin
g that he can only "state [his] opinion."

“That’s the front office. We had conversations, as far as a collective unit,
 and the ultimate decision that the front office made was that if Ky wasn’t g
onna be here full-time, then it’s best for him not to be on the team part-tim
我們組成了一個小組進行交談,辦公室的人做出的最終決定是:如果 Ky無法全職出賽,

I have no say so in that, and I can only state my opinion. We gotta continue t
o move forward. Obviously we would love to have Kyrie here.”

Irving remains unvaccinated, which led his to not be able to play in home game
s due to New York City's vaccination mandates.

Head coach嚒teve Nash澵aid that "everyone" was able to have their say, but the
 decision made "complete sense to everyone."

"It takes time to make decisions like that. This was a difficult decision, but
 I think it was a sound one and one that makes complete sense to everyone," Na
sh said. "And we’re just gonna have to move on.
個人都完全合理的,」Nash說。 「而我們將不得不繼續前進。」

If things change, like I said, it would be incredible to have him back in the
fold but it was a tenuous situation to have a player in and out like that. So
there’s more clarity, and we can focus on the future and keep going.”

Despite it being a tough call to make, Harden admitted that it was nice to hav
e some clarity in both the short- and long-term future of the team.

“I think that was a part of it," Harden said of why they made the decision. "
Now, it’s just every single game, we got guys who know what their role is con
sistently, what they’re supposed to be doing night in and night out.”

“I think for us, we just gotta focus on the guys in this locker room, and tha
t’s here, that’s putting in the work every single day," Harden added. "That
’s all we can control, that’s all we can focus on. Every single day is alrea
dy a struggle. It’s already difficult just ‘cause we’re trying to catch up,
 we’re trying to put it together. So I think that’s the main thing we can fo
cus on, is getting better every single day as a unit whoever is in the locker
room and preparing for game with us.”

Neither Harden nor Nash has talked to Irving since the decision was made on We

Irving: "If you choose to get the vaccine, I support you. Do what's best for y
ou. I continue to pray for all those out there who have lost people to the pan
demic to COVID."

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love1500274 : 文章很多亂碼1F 10/14 11:17
 欸對欸感謝提醒 我修一下
pneumo      : KI大戲+西門大戲 今年東區太猛了2F 10/14 11:17
※ 編輯: ckurryobe ( 臺灣), 10/14/2021 11:17:47
※ 編輯: ckurryobe ( 臺灣), 10/14/2021 11:19:36
s4340392    : 得體又不失禮節3F 10/14 11:19
rex9999     : 登哥的歷史地位不高就是因為沒有主見。4F 10/14 11:20
rex9999     : 上場罰球、下場夜遊。
※ 編輯: ckurryobe ( 臺灣), 10/14/2021 11:20:39
liusim      : 是很委婉了,今年休賽季真的精彩6F 10/14 11:20
jyekid      : KI變KY....7F 10/14 11:20
hunt5566    : 交易不關我的事喔8F 10/14 11:20
a856445     : 你都用超級強硬的手段逼球隊交易了,還沒話語權?9F 10/14 11:21
jyekid      : 就不支持也不反對10F 10/14 11:21
※ 編輯: ckurryobe ( 臺灣), 10/14/2021 11:22:15
RainCityBoy : 就是白臉啊,當大家看不出來XD11F 10/14 11:21
a856445     : 就是還不想撕破臉在等KI趕快打疫苗一起奮戰12F 10/14 11:21
jyekid      : 當然有話語權 只是在這不想用13F 10/14 11:22
www115ui8   : 沒有決定權 但有討論過14F 10/14 11:22
jeffsu      : 那是在火箭的時候吧15F 10/14 11:22
sikadear    : 鬍子:窩不知道16F 10/14 11:22
youga       : 得體17F 10/14 11:22
Leaflock    : 撕破臉有比較好嗎 他又不是有冠了18F 10/14 11:22
queen100000 : 今年球季才剛開始氣氛就這麼棒,還要登登說啥呢?19F 10/14 11:22
liusim      : 看這幾起事件 轉頭看看LA;LBJ確實蠻會帶休息室;20F 10/14 11:22
liusim      : 各種兄弟會、派對;當年騎士處理KI也很明快
pneumo      : 他們有時候會叫Kyrie "Ky"  所以KI就變Ky了22F 10/14 11:23
Aggro       : 其實也不算撕破臉吧 就無奈但是還是尊重23F 10/14 11:23
ARCHER2234  : 扮白臉的鬍子簡稱 白鬍子24F 10/14 11:23
NightSoul   : 我有建議權25F 10/14 11:24
Aggro       : 目前來看籃網這邊處裡幾乎就這種態度26F 10/14 11:24
jtch        : 我以為是不會讀空氣的KY27F 10/14 11:25
ChildX      : 當然看大咖稱 誰要理KI啦28F 10/14 11:29
Pinky555    : 組隊的又不是燈燈  付錢的也不是他  他這樣剛好29F 10/14 11:30
im31519     : KI要退快退啊~乾脆把今年當作退休巡迴~30F 10/14 11:31
ExcaliburEva: Nash也是很衰  帶隊這幾年一直有各種問題...31F 10/14 11:31
walter741225: 應該是喬好了 讓球員可以當白臉32F 10/14 11:32
walter741225: 黑臉老闆當 白臉明星當 但是都是同一陣線
bond30422   : 都是他們搞你,我沒有34F 10/14 11:33
RevanHsu    : 這個後撤步厲害 再來就是要跌倒騙犯規了吧35F 10/14 11:38
ichthyoid   : 球星的確有強大的話語霸權,但決定也是老闆在做的36F 10/14 11:40
ichthyoid   : ,這齣戲現在就看KI怎麼決定
twsoriano   : 如果他真的打算瞎挺 能讓鬍子閉嘴的只有KD吧38F 10/14 11:41
pigmen      : 燈燈:KI沒有專注在更衣室39F 10/14 11:44
cys070      : 那講法是不撕破臉,不過還是同意球隊作法40F 10/14 11:53
cys070      : 大家不可能等打工仔有心情時候才上工
hua0122     : 冤枉啊 KI大人 雖然我們有一起開會 但我沒投同意票42F 10/14 11:54
sexycute    : Head coach嚒teve Nash澵aid43F 10/14 12:00
 拍謝啦 應該是複製到有連結的文字,貼過來變亂碼
QuentinHu   : 他有決定權的話才奇怪吧44F 10/14 12:00
QuentinHu   : 他跟ki也是球員同事身分
cys070      : 打工仔那捉摸不定心情,再下去遲早也翻臉46F 10/14 12:02
hiphopboy7  : 可能就是黑臉讓老闆當就好47F 10/14 12:05
※ 編輯: ckurryobe ( 臺灣), 10/14/2021 12:08:11
mikeneko    : 鬍子:我有幫你說好話了喔兄弟48F 10/14 12:14
interact    : 翻譯:我雖然是黑人,但這次扮白臉49F 10/14 12:18
iamnotme    : 鬍子也懂河蟹50F 10/14 12:29
jerrychlin  : 得體 高層背鍋 不然球隊太氣氛了51F 10/14 12:35
HSKAO       : 老闆再有錢也不會想拿錢換空氣啊XD52F 10/14 12:37
EKman       : 翻譯:你們去問我大哥53F 10/14 12:39
Magdalen    : Ky念kai,省略了後面的rie54F 10/14 12:40
jaun20120319: 趁他睡覺偷打如何?55F 10/14 12:54
asdfzx      : 鬍子:“我跟Toyz...欸不,我跟KI不熟”56F 10/14 13:03

※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 71 
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