※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-10-22 20:34:41
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [情報] Paul George不滿嘴綠得到9次罰球
時間 Fri Oct 22 20:04:15 2021
Tomer Azarly
@TomerAzarly“Draymond got 9 of them, so honestly, I don’t know what he did that I didn’t. I drove the ball to the paint more, I took more contact going to the paint.”
Paul George was asked about the officiating. He shot 0 free throws, but did get a tech for yelling ‘and-1!’ #Clippers
@TomerAzarly“Draymond got 9 of them, so honestly, I don’t know what he did that I didn’t. I drove the ball to the paint more, I took more contact going to the paint.”
Paul George was asked about the officiating. He shot 0 free throws, but did get a tech for yelling ‘and-1!’ #Clippers
“Draymond got 9 of them, so honestly, I don’t know what he did that I didn’
t. I drove the ball to the paint more, I took more contact going to the paint.
Paul George was asked about the officiating. He shot 0 free throws, but did
get a tech for yelling ‘and-1!’
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1XSgZ3nS (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1634904259.A.C5C.html
推 : 兩萬五謝謝1F 10/22 20:05
推 : 他今天完全沒罰球也是滿扯的2F 10/22 20:05
推 : 天生的背景球員3F 10/22 20:07
推 : 真的... 0罰 誇張4F 10/22 20:07
推 : 裁判都是我的人,你怎麼跟我鬥5F 10/22 20:07
推 : 對面聯盟親兒子啊6F 10/22 20:10
推 : 裁犬死全家7F 10/22 20:10
推 : 每個人都喊自己快被打死都沒哨XD8F 10/22 20:13
推 : pg這麼多次出手 然後0罰滿怪的 昨天ig也是0罰9F 10/22 20:13
推 : 蛹士就聯盟乾兒子 怎麼打10F 10/22 20:14
推 : 就主場哨,只能抗議叫叫11F 10/22 20:14
推 : 2萬5 貪財貪財12F 10/22 20:15
推 : 跑喬在雷霆一夫當關的時候場均還有七碗 的快艇後場13F 10/22 20:15
→ : 均剩四碗而已
→ : 均剩四碗而已
→ : 跳投型的已經不吃香了 要往禁區撞15F 10/22 20:15
→ : *到快艇後16F 10/22 20:16
推 : 裁判給你的震撼教育 你應該珍惜17F 10/22 20:17
推 : 兩隊罰球不是差不多嗎?18F 10/22 20:18
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推 : 勇士22罰 快艇21罰 然後某樓說勇士乾兒子20F 10/22 20:20
推 : curry:我也….21F 10/22 20:21
推 : 今天這場拉鋸的就還好 聯盟最愛垃圾時間補哨 然後賽22F 10/22 20:21
→ : 後一看box 哎呀不是差不多嗎
→ : 後一看box 哎呀不是差不多嗎
推 : 罰9中2也要哭欸 真的可憐24F 10/22 20:26
→ : 罰9中2也是他爛啊,在說什麼??25F 10/22 20:28
→ : 九次罰球有很多?26F 10/22 20:31
→ : 完全沒有也是誇張27F 10/22 20:31
推 : 9次跟0次比 多很多吧28F 10/22 20:34
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 36