※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-11-02 18:41:02
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [情報] 塞爾提克雙J賽後缺席媒體採訪
時間 Tue Nov 2 12:48:07 2021
Since people are asking:
Ime Udoka met with the media first, as is always the case.
Then Marcus Smart and then Al Horford.
We were told Jaylen Brown would be the third, and final, player. Then we were
told he's not available.
Jayson Tatum did not speak with the media either.
Keith Smith
@KeithSmithNBASince people are asking:
Ime Udoka met with the media first, as is always the case.
Then Marcus Smart and then Al Horford.
We were told Jaylen Brown would be the third, and final, player. Then we were told he's not available.
Jayson Tatum did not speak with the media either.
@KeithSmithNBASince people are asking:
Ime Udoka met with the media first, as is always the case.
Then Marcus Smart and then Al Horford.
We were told Jaylen Brown would be the third, and final, player. Then we were told he's not available.
Jayson Tatum did not speak with the media either.
據記者KeithSmith透露,今天輸球後,像往常一樣,總教練Ime Udoka是第一個出來受訪
Personal opinion: If Tatum and Brown are going to be the team leaders, one or
both need to do media after a loss like that. Can't leave it for Smart and Hor
ford to go take all the heat, which they did.
Keith Smith
Ime Udoka met with the media first, as is always the case.
Then Marcus Smart and then Al Horford.
We were told Jaylen Brown would be the third, and final, player. Then we were told he's not available.
Jayson Tatum did not speak with the media either.
@KeithSmithNBAPersonal opinion: If Tatum and Brown are going to be the team leaders, one or both need to do media after a loss like that. Can't leave it for Smart and Horford to go take all the heat, which they did.https://twitter.com/KeithSmithNBA/status/1455370376817545224 …
Since people are asking:Ime Udoka met with the media first, as is always the case.
Then Marcus Smart and then Al Horford.
We were told Jaylen Brown would be the third, and final, player. Then we were told he's not available.
Jayson Tatum did not speak with the media either.
後來Keith Smith再發推談他自己的想法
Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown decline to talk after tonight's collapse.
Mark Murphy
@Murf56Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown decline to talk after tonight's collapse.
@Murf56Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown decline to talk after tonight's collapse.
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1XWCCCwk (NBA)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1635828492.A.EAE.html
推 : 氣氛起來,血流成河1F 11/02 12:48
推 : 氣氛Leaders2F 11/02 12:48
推 : 慘啊3F 11/02 12:48
推 : 鏡頭轉到塞爾提克4F 11/02 12:49
推 : 賽隊好像每年都有氣氛,但始終沒拆5F 11/02 12:49
→ : 誰是老大?6F 11/02 12:49
推 : 就算出席也是說些:Next Question 之類的官腔場面話7F 11/02 12:49
推 : 在休息室吵架 沒空8F 11/02 12:50
推 : 來了來了9F 11/02 12:50
推 : 一下教練一下聰明,大家都很踴躍發聲10F 11/02 12:50
→ : 領袖是Smart啊11F 11/02 12:50
推 : 扶不起12F 11/02 12:50
推 : 他們倆位會血流成河嗎13F 11/02 12:50
→ : 西門、雙J,阿東區近幾年的新星都是氣氛仔?14F 11/02 12:50
→ : 學刷龜講話不就好了 責任在我 但我不會改15F 11/02 12:51
推 : KI:這次跟我無關了吧16F 11/02 12:51
推 : 在更衣室抬槓了,如果KI還在真的是火力十足17F 11/02 12:53
→ : 樹倒猢猻散了啦,打掉重練比較快18F 11/02 12:53
→ : 總仔也換成黑人了,怎麼還在氣氛19F 11/02 12:55
→ : 綠色組織都會說是某K開頭的遺毒20F 11/02 12:55
推 : 走路人:還好我走了21F 11/02 12:55
推 : 玻璃心破了嗎? 好歹也出來說一下 我負責 你下台22F 11/02 12:55
→ : 杰倫 換 西門 76er 小虧算了wwwwww23F 11/02 12:57
推 : 氣氛24F 11/02 12:58
推 : 真大牌 想當球隊老大 要出來扛啊 2個都不出來25F 11/02 13:00
推 : 每年就等氣氛26F 11/02 13:00
噓 : 噓無聊沒梗20F27F 11/02 13:00
→ : 說個Next Question 也好阿 不受訪是怎樣28F 11/02 13:01
推 : 這幾年青賽就是這樣 真的不期不待不受傷害29F 11/02 13:01
推 : 原來廢物氣氛也就是習慣了 不要怪到ki身上啦30F 11/02 13:01
推 : 不傳球,但是會傳麥克風31F 11/02 13:01
推 : 合唱32F 11/02 13:03
推 : 又有人急著出來幫氣氛王KI洗白了33F 11/02 13:05
→ : 整篇沒人談到氣氛王KI,就急著出來護主,真忠心
→ : 整篇沒人談到氣氛王KI,就急著出來護主,真忠心
→ : 追殺追起來35F 11/02 13:06
噓 : 有36F 11/02 13:07
推 : 氣氛啦37F 11/02 13:08
推 : 打不好常有的事,但如果有球隊招牌的心態,應該要38F 11/02 13:11
→ : 有心理準備出來扛媒體門面,講 next question 官腔
→ : 都比逃避好
→ : 有心理準備出來扛媒體門面,講 next question 官腔
→ : 都比逃避好
推 : 杰倫換西門 綠塞還要貼籤吧41F 11/02 13:12
推 : 拍謝,我謀蠅42F 11/02 13:13
推 : KI可是氣氛大前輩 後人要超越很難的43F 11/02 13:13
推 : 這一點龜龜就真的不錯,都會幫隊友扛氣氛44F 11/02 13:17
噓 : 20樓某c這種言論才是NBA版遺毒吧45F 11/02 13:18
推 : JT冬奧就現形了 隊友比他大咖他還是要自幹46F 11/02 13:18
推 : 雙J就很沒領袖氣質47F 11/02 13:20
推 : 你龜<->JT 湖人小虧48F 11/02 13:20
推 : 以前有做氣氛ladders 現在還會嗎49F 11/02 13:20
推 : 剛開季就出怪聲 慘50F 11/02 13:20
→ : 下次出現要不要一起挑一首 給我一首歌的時間51F 11/02 13:25
推 : 真的不行就要趕快打掉52F 11/02 13:27
→ : 氣氛啦53F 11/02 13:32
推 : 哎呀!贏球搶著受訪 輸球都躲採訪 這樣是不行滴54F 11/02 13:34
→ : 氣氛那麼快就來啦55F 11/02 13:39
→ : 兩個扶不起的阿斗...該滾了 CBS也該回來當教練了吧56F 11/02 13:41
推 : 球隊真正的老大就是要輸球時出來扛57F 11/02 13:43
推 : 我聽見有個聲音58F 11/02 13:44
→ : 湖人除外 老大時 Gasol領繩 姆斯時 褲子小糨糊領繩59F 11/02 13:44
推 : 巫毒卡應該要靠北他們怎不接受採訪 這次一次鞭兩位!60F 11/02 13:46
推 : 76人只有一個西門 青賽有兩個61F 11/02 13:49
推 : 充其量就是個A咖砍將62F 11/02 13:54
→ : 趁現在都有價 早點拆一拆 活佛都回了打這樣= =63F 11/02 14:00
推 : 這篇也斷章取義?64F 11/02 14:01
推 : 塞提重建吧65F 11/02 14:13
推 : 我們的心靈堅強度向西門邁進66F 11/02 14:13
推 : 賽隊該找老皮重出江湖當休息室老大67F 11/02 14:14
推 : 有些人的推文真的滿病態的68F 11/02 14:21
推 : 這兩咖真的扛不起啦 該賣一賣了69F 11/02 14:21
推 : 雙話事人真不行,雙J找時間去釣個魚吧70F 11/02 14:23
→ : 難怪年年有人帶槍投靠一年後離去 這種氣氛怎麼待71F 11/02 14:28
推 : 這兩個就是爛72F 11/02 14:42
→ : 最像領袖就哈佛吧73F 11/02 14:48
→ : 活佛
→ : 活佛
推 : 建議儘早去看心理醫生 看兩人同行有沒有優惠75F 11/02 14:58
推 : 賽提比賽完全不想看 有夠無聊76F 11/02 15:00
推 : KI:我就說了,不要一直cue我好嗎?77F 11/02 15:01
→ : 德軟:我都還沒說
→ : 話
→ : 德軟:我都還沒說
→ : 話
→ : 氣氛起來~~ 交易來西門、KI更熱鬧喔80F 11/02 15:04
→ : 來惹才開季這下精彩了81F 11/02 15:17
推 : 被KI帶壞的吧82F 11/02 15:33
→ : 氣氛組的83F 11/02 16:24
推 : 長約都簽了 也只好認了 除非交易84F 11/02 16:35
→ : 安吉遺毒85F 11/02 16:55
→ : 他們兩個的不成熟程度 也蠻嚴重的86F 11/02 17:15
推 : 回頭看就知道賽隊當初根本不是KI的問題87F 11/02 17:15
→ : KI就第一年帶隊打很好但受傷
→ : 第二年個人表現也很好 就打公鹿落賽
→ : 結果包全部KI扛 他也沒說什麼
→ : 換Walker來一開始當成救世主
→ : 後來也是包全部walker+教練扛
→ : KI就第一年帶隊打很好但受傷
→ : 第二年個人表現也很好 就打公鹿落賽
→ : 結果包全部KI扛 他也沒說什麼
→ : 換Walker來一開始當成救世主
→ : 後來也是包全部walker+教練扛
→ : 好了啦 樓上93F 11/02 17:23
→ : 當時Walker一來每天反觀到脖子都不舒服了呢94F 11/02 17:29
推 : look no pass 阿 look no pass95F 11/02 17:42
→ : 若你想要look no pass 就來跟我黑KI
→ : 反正KI那麼怪 黑了KI人人讚
→ : 沒人罵你look no pass 阿 look no pass
→ : 若你想要look no pass 就來跟我黑KI
→ : 反正KI那麼怪 黑了KI人人讚
→ : 沒人罵你look no pass 阿 look no pass
推 : 還想洗白KI哦哈哈 Who cares誰講的99F 11/02 17:58
推 : 想必KI現在打球打很開心吧
推 : 想必KI現在打球打很開心吧
推 : 要求雙J至少一個出來說話很合理吧,哪能算氣氛,湖101F 11/02 18:06
→ : 人輸球360就開始躲記者的話能看嗎?
→ : 人輸球360就開始躲記者的話能看嗎?
噓 : 樓上講話沒有綠血價值喔 肯定是ki帶壞雙J的啊...103F 11/02 18:17
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 52
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