※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-11-05 03:18:05
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [花邊] 馬龍:Jokic到聖誕節時就會累壞
時間 Thu Nov 4 23:22:00 2021
Michael Malone: "Every time (Nikola Jokic) comes out, everything just falls apar
t. It's every night. I went to him in the fourth quarter and I called his name.
He looked at me kind of like, 'Already?' And I feel for him...Nikola's going to
be worn down by Christmas at this rate."
每次他下場,情況就急轉直下,每晚都是這樣。 第四節我走向他,叫了他的名字。 他看著
我,那個表情就像在說 那麼快就? 我當時就感覺到再這樣下去他到聖誕節就會累壞
@HarrisonWindMichael Malone: "Every time (Nikola Jokic) comes out, everything just falls apart. It's every night. I went to him in the fourth quarter and I called his name. He looked at me kind of like, 'Already?' And I feel for him...Nikola's going to be worn down by Christmas at this rate."
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推 : 那個圖是怎麼回事?1F 11/04 23:24
→ : 蠻有畫面的2F 11/04 23:24
推 : 隊上目前一個領頂薪的雷包沒辦法,只能肥宅抗3F 11/04 23:24
推 : MPJ撞牆在莫瑞傷的時候真不走運4F 11/04 23:26
推 : 很像人的側臉5F 11/04 23:32
推 : 靠北 那個肚子真的很有阿肥在笑的既視感6F 11/04 23:33
推 : 每次都講雙J過譽,杰倫:7F 11/04 23:36
推 : Murray還沒辦法回歸嗎,MPJ目前靠不太住阿肥好累8F 11/04 23:51
推 : 這不就是Malone你現在該解決的事嗎...9F 11/04 23:54
推 : 看來這次囤積的脂肪不夠多10F 11/05 00:18
推 : MPJ 077雙頂薪互換好了11F 11/05 00:21
推 : 哈哈什麼鬼人面肥肉圖笑死12F 11/05 00:30
推 : 肥成臉了XD13F 11/05 00:31
推 : 這就是有兩張臉的人14F 11/05 00:40
推 : MPJ在繼續累阿肥真的會被操死15F 11/05 00:48
推 : 奧運桌球金牌講話份量就是不一樣(咦?16F 11/05 01:32
推 : 可以輪休了17F 11/05 01:39
推 : 幹那圖是三小18F 11/05 01:48
推 : Murray那傷至少要養一年吧19F 11/05 01:50
推 : 阿肥真勞工,其他薪水小偷該振作了20F 11/05 02:51
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 51
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