※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2021-11-28 11:52:40
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] Horry:湖人一領先就微笑,這很不專業
時間 Sun Nov 28 11:37:59 2021
"I watch the game, and as soon as they get a lead, they start smiling and having
all these antics not realizing the other team is watching you. And that's fueli
ng their fire. I know that's what this game has turned into. Everybody wants to
throw antics up when they make a 3-pointer, they're so happy they finally make a
shot, but to me, you laughing and smiling --that right there is not professiona
If you wanna be a championship team, you gotta come up with the grit and the gri
nd, no smiling and just beat someone down. They've only won one game this year b
y 10 points, at Houston, and Houston is the worst team in the NBA. And you only
beat them by 10 points.
There has to be some type of sense of urgency. You've got to want to beat someon
e. You don't wanna win a game, you wnna beat someone down. I don't want to brin
g the past, but when we were with Shaq and Kobe, we wanted to beat you down and
let you know that you were going to be in a fight and we didn't fear you. You we
re going to fear us and you were gonna go home or be ready to go to the club bec
ause you weren't gonna get a win up in here."
James Worthy And Robert Horry Call Out Lakers After Embarrassing Loss: "As Soon As They Get A Lead, They Start Smiling And Having All These Antics. ... That Right There, To Me, Is Not Being Professional." | Yardbarker
The Los Angeles Lakers keep wandering around in the 2021/22 NBA season. The purple and gold entered this campaign with massive expectations after crea ...
The Los Angeles Lakers keep wandering around in the 2021/22 NBA season. The purple and gold entered this campaign with massive expectations after crea ...
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推 : 微笑會吃T1F 11/28 11:38
推 : 微笑又怎樣 不會吃T啊2F 11/28 11:38
推 : 快樂3F 11/28 11:39
→ : 7冠大學長4F 11/28 11:39
→ : 雖然湖人廢到笑 但領先不能微笑?5F 11/28 11:39
推 : 湖人的比賽總是充滿歡聲笑語6F 11/28 11:39
推 : 他投了季後賽很多絕殺三分 有資格講7F 11/28 11:40
推 : 我還以為BS在坦才會說這種話8F 11/28 11:40
推 : 2-13 中了一顆三分總是要慶祝一下吧9F 11/28 11:40
推 : 微笑10F 11/28 11:40
→ : 2OT LBJ一直那邊笑,老大看到不知道怎麼想11F 11/28 11:40
→ : 是想說驕兵必敗?12F 11/28 11:40
推 : 這太牽強了13F 11/28 11:40
推 : 綜藝節目總是要保持歡笑才是敬業14F 11/28 11:40
→ : 還敢笑啊 湖人15F 11/28 11:40
推 : 以前kobe沒有確定贏之前都是不會在場上嘻嘻哈哈的16F 11/28 11:40
→ : 反觀....
→ : 反觀....
推 : 笑死18F 11/28 11:40
推 : 不過湖人本季也嘗到蠻多次被逆轉的苦果,還OK啦。19F 11/28 11:41
推 : NBA巨人隊?20F 11/28 11:41
→ : 領先不能開心有點嚴格了21F 11/28 11:41
推 : 難怪真的綜藝節目22F 11/28 11:41
推 : 笑得你心裡發寒23F 11/28 11:41
推 : 學長說的沒錯啊 整隊就是自以為超巨 有夠好笑24F 11/28 11:41
推 : 開心沒問題,重點玩到輸就會被拿來鞭25F 11/28 11:41
推 : 大學長開示26F 11/28 11:41
噓 : 老大笑不出來了27F 11/28 11:42
推 : 這個就胡扯了,魔術強森以前也一天到晚笑啊28F 11/28 11:42
推 : 大學長說話了29F 11/28 11:42
推 : 蘇智傑表示:30F 11/28 11:42
推 : 讓我想到林書豪在的那年,Kobe上節目看湖人贏球慶祝31F 11/28 11:43
→ : 的表情
→ : 的表情
推 : 你各位 死亡之瞪拿出來 就不會一直被逆轉33F 11/28 11:43
推 : 蘇智傑XD34F 11/28 11:43
推 : LBJ真的不是以前了,感覺只想刷分35F 11/28 11:43
→ : 破甲霸
→ : 破甲霸
→ : 領先一下然後一直被追到輸37F 11/28 11:43
推 : 說得有理!現在的湖人看了就不舒服!38F 11/28 11:43
噓 : 又在老大看到不知道會怎樣,老大最好都不要給我笑39F 11/28 11:43
推 : 開心可以啊 妳要贏球 沒贏球就是欠鞭40F 11/28 11:44
→ : 湖人爛就爛,扯一堆有的沒的41F 11/28 11:44
→ : 現代的Show time,老人懂個屁42F 11/28 11:44
推 : 各路學長開始指教43F 11/28 11:46
推 : 笑有很多種,是仙道面對挑戰的笑,還是櫻木機車的44F 11/28 11:47
→ : 笑XD
→ : 笑XD
推 : 笑沒問題 問題是輸球46F 11/28 11:47
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