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作者 標題 [專欄] 傳聞:Sabonis想要被交易
時間 Fri Dec 17 00:58:32 2021
Domantas Sabonis Rumors: Pacers Star 'Wants Out' of Indiana amid Trade Buzz | Bleacher Report | Latest News, Videos and Highlights
All-Star forward Domantas Sabonis is
reportedly seeking a "change of scenery" after four-plus seasons
as a member of the Indiana Pacers. ...
reportedly seeking a "change of scenery" after four-plus seasons
as a member of the Indiana Pacers. ...
Domantas Sabonis Rumors: Pacers Star 'Wants Out' of Indiana amid Trade Buzz
Domantas Sabonis的傳聞:Pacer的全明星在溜馬的交易潮中「想離開」了
All-Star forward Domantas Sabonis is reportedly seeking a "change of scenery" af
ter four-plus seasons as a member of the Indiana Pacers.
Matt Moore of the Action Network reported Wednesday that Sabonis "wants out" an
d could be the cornerstone of a blockbuster deal to shake up the Pacers' roster.
"That would assume these problems are isolated to this season; they've needed a
change and known it for some time," an NBA source told Moore about the idea of I
ndiana trying to weather the storm amid a 12-18 start.
While the idea of trading Sabonis has been floating around in recent weeks, the
move was mostly linked to a full-scale rebuild for Indiana—the first major deal
in a sequence that would tear down its entire roster as part of a long-term pro
據報導,全明星前鋒Sabonis在作為印第安納溜馬隊成員的四個多賽季後,正在尋求 "換個
行動網的Matt Moore週三報導說,Sabonis "想要離開",並可能成為重組溜馬隊名單的大宗
"一位NBA消息人士告訴Matt Moore,關於印第安納試圖在12-18的開局中渡過難關的想法"
Moving Sabonis is the type of move that could bring the Pacers a large haul of f
uture picks to help jump-start a rebuild.
The 25-year-old Gonzaga product is averaging 18.5 points, 11.9 rebounds, 4.1 ass
ists and 1.1 steals while shooting 59.1 percent from this field across 30 games
this season. He's tied for ninth among all NBA players in WAR, per
Now also represents a perfect time to trade him since he's still got two-plus se
asons left on his four-year, $74.9 million contract, which runs through 2023-24
. It would allow Indiana to demand a larger return than if he was an impending f
ree agent at season's end.
Keeping Sabonis and using him as one of the key foundational pieces for the futu
re is a more preferred path, of course. It sounds like he'd rather get a fresh s
tart elsewhere, though.
Ultimately, the Pacers will probably wait until closer to the Feb. 10 trade dead
line to see if they can recover from their slow start before starting any type o
f sell off, but it appears change is on the horizon.
次搶斷,投籃命中率為59.1%。 在所有NBA球員中,他的WAR,per排名第九。
持續到2023-24年。 這將允許印第安納州要求更大的回報,而不是他在賽季結束時即將成為
持續到2023-24年。 這將允許印第安納州要求更大的回報,而不是他在賽季結束時即將成為
當然,保留Sabonis並把他作為未來的關鍵基礎之一是一個更可取的途徑。 不過,聽起來他
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→ : 智將+Kuminga1F 12/17 00:59
→ : 金凱瑞還是快退休好了2F 12/17 01:00
推 : 哇嗚...3F 12/17 01:00
→ : 原來不只是高層想重建 球員也想走 一拍即合4F 12/17 01:02
推 : 要開始了5F 12/17 01:02
推 : 我勇缺的不是Sabonis 是Turner6F 12/17 01:04
推 : 可以換Paul george回來嗎7F 12/17 01:05
推 : BR 不知這網站準不準?8F 12/17 01:06
→ : 黃蜂衝一下啦9F 12/17 01:06
推 : lee+智將+moody換 我勇小虧10F 12/17 01:06
→ : 哪來第一槍 勞資雙方情投意合都想跑11F 12/17 01:07
推 : BR是TNT姐妹公司 還是有相當參考度12F 12/17 01:07
→ : 小沙想吹密似乎也不意外
→ : 連續2教練都比McMillan西瓜
→ : 小沙想吹密似乎也不意外
→ : 連續2教練都比McMillan西瓜
推 : BR是粉專型網站 都是轉貼為主15F 12/17 01:08
→ : BR很愛發幻想引戰用幹文 但正經的東西還是能看看16F 12/17 01:09
→ : 這個Matt Moore之前默默無聞 但去年開始有不少sourc17F 12/17 01:09
→ : e命中 可以參考
https://bit.ly/3E3FSE2→ : e命中 可以參考
NBA Trade Intel: League Sources on Trade Season Expectations
Matt Moore shares what he's hearing around the league as trade season heats up with more NBA players available to be traded as of December 15. ...
Kevin O’Connor of the Ringer reported that Domantas Sabonis wants out of Indian
a. That’s what I was told by multiple league sources as well, and that it wasn
’t just this season, but instead going back to last year Sabonis was looking fo
r a change of scenery.
Matt Moore的文章裡面是這樣寫的
→ : BR自己發的那種 X個possible trade for every team19F 12/17 01:10
→ : 就別看XD
→ : 就別看XD
推 : 不要幻想我勇的Kuminga ,其他隨便21F 12/17 01:10
推 : 不是才說想幫金凱瑞打球22F 12/17 01:11
推 : 好想要他來我賽QQ23F 12/17 01:12
※ 編輯: saturday5566 ( 臺灣), 12/17/2021 01:13:59→ : 所以消息來源其實是the Ringer?24F 12/17 01:15
→ : 那應該還算可以信
→ : 那應該還算可以信
推 : 可是你賣相比較差26F 12/17 01:22
推 : 我也蠻想看跑喬會溜馬QQ27F 12/17 01:22
推 : 明明溜馬陣容不差但就是戰績差28F 12/17 01:36
推 : 智將+木迪給你溜 換不換~~29F 12/17 01:37
推 : 樓上航海王欸30F 12/17 01:39
推 : 就關鍵時刻沒人可以穩住球隊 二三當家很多 但缺老大31F 12/17 01:43
推 : 勇士反正防守已經最強了 來個小沙多個擋拆攻擊組合32F 12/17 01:43
推 : 來阿拓 交易換換手氣33F 12/17 01:43
→ : 才會製造更多的優勢34F 12/17 01:44
→ : Turner 主要價值是防守 防守第一的球隊沒那麼缺吧
→ : Turner 主要價值是防守 防守第一的球隊沒那麼缺吧
推 : 是時候該屯積天賦了 不然球隊的情況 沒什麼期待感36F 12/17 01:46
推 : 足夠撼動奪冠機率的一個球員 看有沒有人要搶37F 12/17 01:49
→ : 遛馬就很奇怪 1到5紙面上看很強 打起來卻輸球
→ : 遛馬就很奇怪 1到5紙面上看很強 打起來卻輸球
推 : 就每個都是很不錯的二、三當家 但都沒辦法當老大39F 12/17 01:51
推 : 看最近那麼多負面的消息跑出來,應該有GM想搶溜馬40F 12/17 01:51
→ : 吧
→ : 吧
噓 : 可惜天份身材爆發力差爸爸太多42F 12/17 02:05
推 : 溜馬早就開砲了……不用等球員開槍43F 12/17 02:06
※ 看板: NBA 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 55
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