※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2022-06-01 01:18:14
看板 NBA
作者 標題 [外絮] 老巴在勇犢G5時已預測:塞爾提克總冠軍
時間 Wed Jun 1 00:01:17 2022
It's not a secret that Charles Barkley's relationship with the Golden State Warr
iors fans isn't the best, and he's not bothered by that. The former NBA MVP embr
aced the role of villain in the Western Conference Finals, rooting for the Dalla
s Mavericks just to piss off the Dubs Nation.
They had a lot of things to say to Chuck, but that only fueled Barkley's mouth,
They had a lot of things to say to Chuck, but that only fueled Barkley's mouth,
as he never missed a chance to diss the Warriors. Even before the Dubs closed ou
t the series against the Dallas Mavericks, Barkley took some time to predict who
would win the NBA championship, teasing Warriors fans in the process.
Ahead of Game 5 at Chase Center, the Philadelphia 76ers and Phoenix Suns legend
revealed his prediction for the Eastern Conference Finals and the NBA Finals, pi
cking the Boston Celtics to win both series:
“Without Herro, the Heat are not gonna beat the Celtics,” Barkley said, via 95
.7 The Game. “The Celtics are gonna win that series, and not only that, the Cel
tics are gonna win the world championship. Because they are the best team remain
ing in the playoffs right now, in my opinion.”
“I’m telling you right now, the Boston Celtics are gonna win the world champio
nship,” he reiterated. “…I’m just telling you, the Boston Celtics are gonna
win the championship.”
Charles Barkley On Why The Warriors Will Lose The NBA Championship: "The Celtics Are Gonna Win The World Championship. Because They Are The Best Team Remaining In The Playoffs Right Now, In My Opinion.” - Fadeaway World
It's not a secret that Charles Barkley's relationship with the Golden State Warriors fans isn't the best, and he's not bothered by that. The former NB ...
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NBA/M.1654012880.A.28D.html
推 : 老巴真勇粉吧!1F 06/01 00:01
推 : 穩2F 06/01 00:01
推 : 賽提要下去了3F 06/01 00:02
推 : 早就說了 老巴100%壓青賽 謝老巴4F 06/01 00:02
推 : 穩5F 06/01 00:02
推 : 勇士穩了6F 06/01 00:02
推 : 終於出招了7F 06/01 00:02
推 : 老巴 我的超人!8F 06/01 00:02
→ : 還一堆人說要等老巴開金口…9F 06/01 00:02
推 : 老賽剋勇士10F 06/01 00:03
→ : 出現了 勇士怎麼輸11F 06/01 00:03
推 : 老巴真的是為了保護勇士下手不知輕重12F 06/01 00:03
推 : 我只信老巴13F 06/01 00:04
推 : 老巴今年目前是金身不敗14F 06/01 00:05
推 : 可是他預測賽打贏熱火 對了15F 06/01 00:05
推 : 結果沒英雄的那場贏了~有的輸了16F 06/01 00:05
推 : 老巴今年生涯年17F 06/01 00:07
推 : 謝謝你 老巴18F 06/01 00:07
推 : 勇粉老巴提前部署19F 06/01 00:07
推 : 感謝老巴!! 我勇穩了20F 06/01 00:07
→ : 生涯年的老巴 就問誰能匹敵21F 06/01 00:07
推 : 勇士穩了22F 06/01 00:08
推 : 恭喜勇士咖哩fmvp23F 06/01 00:08
推 : 真的不給一點活路24F 06/01 00:09
推 : 雀食25F 06/01 00:09
推 : 就等你這句了26F 06/01 00:09
→ : 勇士4:0啦27F 06/01 00:10
推 : 熱火連老巴靈力都無力回天QQ28F 06/01 00:10
推 : 國外勇粉:Chuck, you suck. 國內勇粉:感恩老巴29F 06/01 00:10
推 : 說真的老巴都放話了,勇士已經沒有任何輸的可能了30F 06/01 00:10
推 : 謝謝你 老巴31F 06/01 00:11
推 : 喔耶!32F 06/01 00:11
推 : 東方說勇士,西方壓賽提 抖幾33F 06/01 00:11
推 : G5嗎? 4:1對嗎?謝謝你老巴!34F 06/01 00:11
→ : 東糗今年不行了,勇士穩了35F 06/01 00:11
→ : 老巴說賽贏熱火結果是對的36F 06/01 00:11
推 : 東邪 VS 西毒37F 06/01 00:12
推 : 勇士想不到怎麼輸38F 06/01 00:12
推 : 糗巴大對決39F 06/01 00:13
→ : 勇士不知道怎樣輸40F 06/01 00:13
推 : 感恩!41F 06/01 00:13
推 : 勇士超穩42F 06/01 00:13
推 : 溫馨提醒,老巴2019也押暴龍總冠軍喔43F 06/01 00:14
噓 : 老巴實在是很哭耶44F 06/01 00:14
推 : 到底怎麼輸45F 06/01 00:14
推 : 這麼早就發功了46F 06/01 00:16
→ : 老巴先不要47F 06/01 00:16
推 : 勇士穩到不行48F 06/01 00:16
推 : 謝謝老巴加持!!49F 06/01 00:17
→ : 就是在等老巴出手50F 06/01 00:17
推 : 穩了51F 06/01 00:18
推 : 其實老巴就只是反勇士,所以沒什麼參考價值52F 06/01 00:19
→ : 謝謝老巴,勇士穩了53F 06/01 00:20
推 : 老巴發功啦54F 06/01 00:20
推 : 欸欸 先不要55F 06/01 00:22
推 : 勇士穩56F 06/01 00:24
推 : 答案出現了57F 06/01 00:24
推 : 老巴,唯一的真理58F 06/01 00:25
推 : 歐印勇士59F 06/01 00:25
推 : 老巴真勇迷60F 06/01 00:26
推 : 勇士穩了61F 06/01 00:26
推 : 謝謝大王賜箭!62F 06/01 00:28
推 : 來啦!63F 06/01 00:28
推 : 哭了 一點活路都不給 QQ64F 06/01 00:28
推 : 謝謝老巴65F 06/01 00:29
推 : 老巴就只是反勇士66F 06/01 00:29
推 : 謝糗隆恩67F 06/01 00:30
推 : 出手了 老巴68F 06/01 00:30
推 : XDDDDDDDDDDD69F 06/01 00:31
推 : 勇士穩到不行70F 06/01 00:31
推 : 老巴冠軍都猜得蠻準的吧71F 06/01 00:32
→ : 16年也猜騎士
→ : 16年也猜騎士
噓 : 有爛趴就賭盤壓下去,不然就是個廢物老頭73F 06/01 00:33
推 : 老巴應該是壓身家賭勇士贏了74F 06/01 00:33
推 : 完了75F 06/01 00:33
→ : 勇士靦腆而不失禮貌地微笑76F 06/01 00:36
推 : 穩了77F 06/01 00:37
推 : 故意的齁78F 06/01 00:38
推 : 勇士號土魯斯79F 06/01 00:38
推 : 我梭了80F 06/01 00:38
推 : 我犢才被死命奶奶到死 你塞保重81F 06/01 00:39
推 : 青賽穩到不行82F 06/01 00:45
推 : 謝謝老巴83F 06/01 00:46
推 : 老巴一路幫勇士84F 06/01 00:47
推 : 謝糗隆恩 老巴我愛你85F 06/01 00:52
推 : 笑死 除了2016還有哪一年預測成功的 敢不敢全部抓出86F 06/01 00:52
→ : 來
→ : 準了一次就變其實蠻準的了 那你很客觀欸
→ : 來
→ : 準了一次就變其實蠻準的了 那你很客觀欸
推 : 好的89F 06/01 00:54
推 : 勇士替太陽出氣老巴的恩返90F 06/01 00:57
推 : 先謝謝老巴開示 相信這次一定發功91F 06/01 00:57
推 : 謝謝老巴92F 06/01 00:59
推 : 謝謝你 老巴93F 06/01 01:00
推 : All in 勇士奪冠94F 06/01 01:00
推 : 今年全力巴不演了95F 06/01 01:02
推 : 謝謝老巴!96F 06/01 01:02
推 : 謝謝老巴97F 06/01 01:07
推 : 太狠了從15酸到現在 老巴真勇迷98F 06/01 01:07
→ : 老巴東區沒冥到啊 你勇瑟瑟發抖99F 06/01 01:08
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